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PSA: Erid has gay dads.

Carry on.

Third Person POV:

David sighed, looking at the door were Nurf stood, holding a knife. He desperately wanted to run inside and hug her, to promise her everything would be okay. Max was standing speechless next to him, unable to comprehend the impact of what he had said.

Max regretted it, and wanted nothing more than for her to know that. Everybody else in the camp stood behind them, waiting for either of them to speak.

"She's stubborn, Max..." David sighed.

"What's going on?" Gwen asked, rushing to the scene.

Max stayed silent, frozen still. Nobody could explain what happened, and nobody knew why. All Nurf knew he had to do was guard the door, but he didn't know why he was still doing so.

"She locked herself in..." David said sadly.

"Shit, what did you guys do to her?" Gwen asked.

"I-I yelled." Max spoke quietly. "David. David how do I fix this? How do I make her like me again?!"

"She needs time." Gwen sighed. "Whatever you said hurt her Max, she just needs time to think."

"Everybody here cares about her Max, everybody here just wants her approval." David said, looking down at Max. "You're not the only kid at this camp Max. She feels like it's her duty to take care of EVERYONE. Not just you, Preston, or Neil, everyone."

"She doesn't spend time with me..." Max muttered.

"She spends ALL of her time with you! Can't you see that Max? The moments she's not busy with paperwork or making sure the others are alive, she's with you! She already feels like she's not enough for everyone, and she doesn't need you're selfishness to get in the way of that."

"It sounds like you're jealous too, David..." Gwen pointed out.

"She's my girlfriend! Of course I would be!" He yelled. "I just want her to trust me enough to let me inside her flip flopping cabin right now but no! She's locked herself inside so I can't get to her! I miss her Gwen!"

"How do you think we feel?" Neil snapped. "All she ever does is hang out with you guys, but nobody ever gets to see her anymore!"

"Yeah!" All the kids agreed.

The door opened, and Nurf stepped aside. In the doorway stood (Y/N) with two bags of luggage in her arms. Everyone gasped, and David covered his mouth.

"(Y-Y/N)?" Max asked. "I-Where are you going?"

"Home, Max." She sighed. "It's obvious I'm just causing problems here, so why stay if I can't make everyone happy?"

"Y-You're leaving me?" Max gasped. "But you said-"

"The summers not over. You're going to stay here while I go get stuff ready at home. As for you David, you can move in along with Max."

"You can't leave!" Max yelled as she walked passed him. "Please! Don't leave me too! You're the only fucking person I care about! You are my mother, not that psychopathic bitch that gave birth to me! Please, you're all that I have..." Max cried, falling to his knees. "I'm sorry I'm such an asshole but please... please don't leave me here alone... I-I need you... please..."

"I know." She smiled, dropping her luggage.

"What...?" Max asked, barley above a whisper.

"You think I was actually going to leave you here? Jesus Christ Max." She chuckled. "There's nothing in these bags, David I have a job to fucking do so you need to respect how much time I need with every camper. Max, you need to realize this camp isn't just about you, all of you kids need to help somebody who is crying and not just watch, and Gwen... you're chill FOR NOW."

She paused kneeling in front of Max. "And you need to stop hiding your feelings. If you want to spend time with me, just say so. If you're angry, sad, or anxious, I'm here for you Max. ."

"I-I'm sorry..." he shook his head, wiping his tears away. "I didn't... I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"I know. I just needed everyone to realize that I am human too, I have feelings, and I can't be everywhere at once." She stated softly. "You need to realize words hurt."

Is small arms wrapped themselves around her neck as switched from threats to apologies, and she looked up at David. David has tears running down his face as he smiled, nodding his head.

She mouthed 'I'm sorry to scare you' to him, to which he replied 'it's okay.' They both knew it wasn't, but there wasn't any time for that.

Parent day was tomorrow.

And nobody was prepared for that train wreck.

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