IDK if you know this, but I made a Hamilton High School AU and it's up on my page already so... Hamilton fans if you wanted that xD
*No doors were licked in the making of this chapter
Your POV
"Hey David, Rays coming over soon to talk about the adoption papers-" I paused, looking around the camp at the campers with eggs in their hands. "What the hell..."
"The platypus laid eggs!" Nikki smiled, clutching her egg tightly to her chest. "Why do I feel the need to protect this with my life?"
"Because that's motherly instinct." I smiled.
"Nikki, it's a fucking egg." Max grunted. "Everybody's flipping the fuck out over an egg. I guarantee you that it's going to break before it hatches because guess what? WERE FUCKING KIDS."
"Language..." David sighed. "And how did your date go with Ray?"
"Horrible. It was so freaking boring... but I told him I was talking with somebody else so... he gets it I think."
David sighed in relief. "Great! We're one step closer than being Max's parents!"
"You will NEVER be my fucking dad David!" Max hissed.
"Maybe not mentally, but legally I will!" David said excitedly. "We're going to be parents!"
I smiled as he did a small happy dance, he was so adorable...
Preston walked over with a pair of sunglasses on, a sweatshirt covering his arms. It was ninety degrees, it was normal for Max, but Preston? Nurf came up behind him, the egg strapped to his chest.
"David where did they even get all of this stuff?" I asked.
He shrugged. "Does it matter? They're happy!"
Preston landed on the floor, Nurf had his arm outstretched with his fist clenched. I sighed and walked over, scolding Nurf and taking the Egg away. I helped Preston up, who hugged me in return as tears ran down his cheeks.
"How about after this you put on a version of Heathers?"
He gasped. "You know that musical?"
"Does J.D. Freeze his brain?" I replied with a smile.
"YOU ARE SO FREAKING COOL." He screamed, rushing to the play set.
I nodded my head, just as a skateboard hit me in the head, making me stumble and drop the egg. I sighed and turned around, facing both Dolf and Erids guilty expressions. Their egg was smashed not to far from where they were standing.
I shook my head and looked back to Max, who was teasing Neil about his over protective ness, only for him to squish the egg against himself. I closed my eyes and inhaled, whistling for everyone to stop yelling and blaming each other for the demise of their eggs.
Preston came bouncing over with several costumes in hand, while everyone else angrily walks over. Max is kneeing in front of Nikki with wide eyes as their egg hatches in the distance, his eyes filling with innocence and wonder, something I thought I would never see in him...
The platypus walks over, and Nikki reluctantly gives it its baby back. Max looks over at me, shaking his head and returning back to his usual self. I sighed and looked at David, who was staring at the car that had just pulled into the camp.
The children form a protective line in front of me, which I smile for. Cute.
"Ray, it's nice to see you-" David begins, only for Ray to completely ignore him.
"(Y/N), Max, I need to see you in private, would that be possible?" He asked, an obvious tone of annoyance in his voice.
"And David, Davids going to be the other Guardian." I stated.
Ray rolled his eyes but nodded, walking into the mess hall. I looked at David with a shrug, and followed behind Ray. All three of us entered the mess hall, Max with his arms crossed.
"So, Max, im going to need your consent for BOTH people to sign the adoption papers." Ray stated.
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Max rolled his eyes.
Davids eyes lit up, stars appearing in his eyes once again as he tried desperately to contain his squeal of happiness.
"Even David?" Ray asked hopefully.
"Fuck it, yes." Max said. "Can I go enjoy my Saturday now?"
"Yes." I nodded.
"You're going to let a retard like him-"
In one second Ray was smashed against the table, his arm behind his back. "Call David an asshole again, and you won't make it back to your car with your dick attached in the correct spot." I growled.
A soft hand was placed against my shoulder, and I looked angrily behind me, looking into Davids soft eyes. He gave me a shake of the head, and I sighed, letting Ray go. I huffed and looked away, my arms crossed just below my chest.
"Ray, the papers?" David asked calmly.
"O-Oh yeah." Ray said shakily. "J-Just m-mail them t-to this l-location."
He handed David a slip of paper, and quickly fled. David stood in front of me, both hands on my shoulders.
"(Y/N), I've been called worse-"
"But not in front of me, David." I sighed, looking into his eyes. "You seriously expect me to just let somebody insult you?"
"What would you do if somebody insulted me?" I asked.
"Teach them about manors! Violence isn't always the answer (Y/N)..." he sighed, looking at his feet. "You can't just beat up everyone who crosses you..."
"Like hell I can't." I grunted.
He smiled and looked back into my eyes. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Like... more beautiful than this camp-"
"Why is Preston all beat up-" Gwen began, stopping as she entered the room. "Shit, sorry."
"It's fine, Gwen." David smiled, yet his tone of voice said something different.
What else was he going to say?
"I've got to make sure that they don't burn everything-"
A large explosion came from theater camp, and all you hear is Preston scream "SAY HI TO GOD MOTHER FUCKER!"
"What...?" Gwen muttered.
"Heathers. Just don't question it..." I replied.

Camp Camp x Reader
Fanfiction(She pronouns, if male or whatever ignore the pronouns I guess) (This also turns into a David x Reader.) A beautiful and crazy camp, with laughs, good times- Let's cut to the chase. A new councilor is adored by everybody but Max. Max will do every...