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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!" Everybody yelled, turning the lights on.

In the middle sat a banner with a missed spelled 'Happy Birthday' and her name with several letters either out of place or upside down. She smiled and thanked them anyway, as David began playing the camps version of happy birthday.

Everybody joined in, and she blushed. "Thank you guys, really..."

"Max wanted to give you a birthday party since yours was ruined!" Nikki smiled.

Max smacked her head from behind, and before Nikki could bite Max, David lifted her up. Max rolled his eyes, a small bright pink blush on his cheeks. All of the kids handed her handmade cards, and other things, but nothing surprised her as much as Max's card.


I'm sorry if I hurt you... I just wanted to know why you were so nice to me. I still don't know, but I don't really care anymore. Thank you for sharing with me, you're secret is safe with me...


She looked at Max, who was obviously anxiously waiting, but was trying to keep his cool. Tears pricked at her eyes as she read the card over and over again. Max's expression dropped to nothing but concern as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

Truthfully, it had been so many years since she had a birthday party, let alone any gifts. These cards and useless nicknacks were so thoughtful and caring, something she'd thought nobody would feel towards her again...

The party went silent, until David asked if she was okay. She smiled and nodded, wiping the tears away. She explained how much these things meant to her, and in the far back of the mess hall, was Max who was sincerely smiling.

Nobody could see that, not even (Y/N). But he was, he was so happy to see the happiness he caused. He would never admit it to anybody, but he actually liked (Y/N). Not just tolerated, but liked and trusted her, something he never felt for David.

Max put back up the angry and sarcastic facade, and started making sarcastic jokes with Nikki and Neil. They had made a master plan to prank all of the kids, and by nightfall, the plan was in effect.

Nobody had noticed the trio leaving, nor the multiple missing paint cans carelessly left around. In every bed but their own, as far as Nikki and Neil know, laid a huge puddle of blue paint. Max smiled sadistically as the campers, including Neil and Nikki, ran out of their tents screaming about an unknown liquid.

After multiple lectures by David, Max was let off with a stern warning, well to Max a threat. If Max ever did something to this magnitude again, he would have to sit through Davids camp songs for a whole day. Max did not like that idea.

As everybody was finally settled into new sleeping bags, and their cabins,  (Y/N) sat awake, reading Max's card over again. She looked at her old childhood photo, and sighed. She picked it up, and left her cabin, walking over to the dock.

She looked out to the lake, and at the creepy island, and through the photo as far as she could, watching it sink. What she didn't see was a ghostly figure pick up the photo, and return to their island.

She closed her eyes, and turned back, walking to her cabin. A flash of lightning, and the entire camp was drenched in rain. She hadn't even made it two feet away from the dock, and she was drenched.

She decided it best to check on the campers, and make sure they were still asleep. One by one she check the tents, and the only camper awake, was Max. He was sitting up, staring at his hands as she unzipped the tent, walking inside of it.

"You alright?" She asked, making him jump in surprise.

"Fuck dude!" He whisper snapped.

"Sorry." She chuckled.

"I'm fine." He rolled his eyes, but she knew otherwise.

She sat next to him, and gave him a sympathetic smile. "You can talk to me Max, I owe you anyway, remember?"

"I don't want to..." he shook his head.

"Alright, I can't-"

"Fine!" He huffed. "I've been having nightmares..."

"What happen in these nightmares?"

"Me or you ends up dead..." he muttered.

Awe, he worries about me... she thought to herself.

"Oh?" She asked, worried now. "And how do we die?"

"One of the campers or David stabbing us..." he gulped.

"David could never hurt anyone." She smiled. "And the campers care too much about you Max. Just relax, okay kiddo? I'm not going to let anyone or anything harm you."

A rumble of thunder caused him to whimper and hold her tightly. She smiled to herself, the only light coming from a lamp Max had on. She looked at the sleeping Neil, who was miraculously out like a light.

Max calmed down after she held onto him, and he began slowly drifting off into sleep. He whispered "don't leave me too..." and fell asleep on her lap. Her eyes filled with confusion, but she smiled as she looked at him.

He looked so peaceful in that moment, something nobody, not even his parents have seen. She wondered who had left him, and why. Who would leave such a fragile child in a world full of darkness?

She knew that answer all too well... maybe Max went through the same thing as her. She shook her head at the thought, that was too much to think about at this time of night. All she had to think about, was wether or not to sleep right where she sat...

Just kidding. She fell asleep while thinking about where to sleep, and leaned against the back of the tent.

I try to post every day, if not ever other day. Sometimes it'll take a week, or two... but I'll tell you when the books over, so don't worry.

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