Davids POV
After she hung up the phone, I sighed. She didn't call me, Preston did. My mind began to whirl with different scenarios of what would have happened if Preston didn't go with her... maybe she should turn around. I could go with Preston later-
"David?" Gwen asked, walking into the cabin. "You've been in here all day, you should take the kids for a walk or something..."
"She had an anxiety attack, Gwen." I shook my head. "If it happens again, I have to be here. I have to be here to protect her..."
"David, she's strong, okay? Besides, you can always carry your phone with you... it's not like she's going to drive five hours backwards just because she was having an anxiety attack."
I looked up. "Y-Yeah... Yeah I guess you're right."
"The kids are watching Harrison's magic show, so when that's over you should go on a walk." Gwen smiled.
"Thanks Gwen." I smiled back, rising to my feet.
Maybe all I did need was a walk.
"Hey, is (Y/N) here?" A man about my age asked.
"Uh, no, she's out of camp right now, should I call her?" Gwen replied.
"Uh, actually, I'm here to retrieve something... can you point me towards where she's staying?" He asked innocently.
"What is it you need? I could just get it for you-"
"No!" He said quickly. "I mean, I could just get it myself..."
"Sir, I don't mean to be rude, but what do you need so badly? I could simply get it for you if you need it this bad..."
"She owes us cash." A more menacing man said from behind him. "A lot. Of. Cash. So, unless you would like every one of those kids dead on the floor, I say you give it to us."
Gwen met my worried gaze, as we turned back to the men with a sigh. "Am I allowed to call her?"
"Thirty seconds." The man rolled his eyes.
"(Y/N), two men are standing out here, asking for money. Do you perchance know where that is?" I asked.
"Hand them the fucking phone." She growled.
Two minutes went by, and the older one paled, handing me the phone back. He apologized and grabbed the young one, dragging him to who knows where. We stood frozen as I placed the phone back against my ear. (Y/N)'s voice went back to normal, and I could hear her smile.
"Sorry." She chuckled. "Everything's settled now."
"Who were those guys?" I asked.
"Spanish Mafia." She yawned. "God, all this paper work is so boring..."
"You're part of the Spanish mafia?!" I yelled in surprise.
"I wouldn't say part of... I'd say more like a very powerful and dangerous ally." She sighed. "Did I forget to mention that? I hacked into their system for money and stuff and got caught at the last minute... They decided they wanted me on their team and I denied, but would get money every month... I may have stolen some money before I came to Camp Campbell..."
"H-Have you killed anyone?" I gasped.
"No, no!" She laughed. "At least not directly... anyway, I've got to go. Prestons being a bit violent for an elderly play..."
*in the background, Preston can be heard screaming at the elderly for missing lines and what not*
"I'll talk to you later, okay?" She said.
"O-Okay..." I gulped as I hung up.
Gwen looked at me confused. "Spanish Mafia?"
"She's their biggest Ally..." I shook my head. "I don't even know what to think about that..."
"Well it makes sense." Gwen shrugged. "She managed to take down Max's father with little effort..."
I sighed. "I think I need a walk-"
"I'll go get the kids-"
"No, Gwen, by myself." I shook my head.
"You know, I think I like this side of you better,.." Gwen blurted out. "I mean, with (Y/N) around, you aren't afraid to show your true self anymore. You're not pretending to be happy go lucky, and you're not afraid to admit when things go wrong..."
"Oh?" I asked. "I hadn't even realized I was doing that..."
"That's probably why Max hated you, because deep down everyone's sad. Everyone's feeling some amount of pain. And everyone's worried about something. Max doesn't get enough credit for his intelligence..."
"No, no he doesn't." I sighed. "I'll be back in a few hours, call my cell if you need me."
And now here I was, sitting on the edge of the cliff, with my phone by my side. I shut my eyes and sighed, reopening them to see a glimpse of a sad ghostly figure off into the distance. I swears I could hear somebody say "I'm sorry..."
"I'm sorry for leaving you behind, Jasper..." I sighed. "I'm sorry you felt like taking (Y/N) was the only way to see me again... so many years past and... you've been on that scary island all that time? I can only imagine what that's done to you..."
"Who are you talking to?" Max asked with a chuckle. "You talking to yourself like an insane person?"
I turned to see Max, Neil, and Nikki standing side by side, Max having the only smirk on his face. I shook my head, "It doesn't matter."
"Max, he's our new dad..." Nikki sighed. "Shouldn't you be a little nicer to him now? Like I've always wanted a brother, and I hope they won't kick you out for attacking David like this on a daily basis..."
"Yeah Max, why don't you chill out?" Neil rolled his eyes.
"He will never. Be. My. Dad." Max snapped, causing My heart to tear into a million pieces.
"Max!" Nikki gasped. "You can't say that!"
"Yeah, I fucking can, and you know what, Nikki?! You'll never be my sister either. When I'm eighteen and have a choice, I'm moving out the minute I can. There is no way in hell that I'd stay with either of you two!"
Nikki looked broken as she watched Neil chance after Max, demanding an apology. "D-David?" She asked, chocking back tears. "D-Do you think... do you think I'd even be a good sister?"
"Nikki of course!" I gasped. "Why wouldn't you be?"
"Max just... Max just keeps saying things like that and... and I'm wondering... is it because of me? Am I just that bad of a person?"
"Of course not kiddo!" I said, moving towards her, kneeling in front of her. "Max just went through such a horrible life Nikki, you have to remember that. He's taking everything out on everyone around him because he doesn't know how to deal with people showing him love... none of this is your fault darling... I promise."
She wrapped her small arms around me, hurrying her face in the crook of my neck. She began sobbing into me, as I did nothing but comfort her.
Behind a nearby tree stood (Y/N), who was looking at the two with a large smile on her face. She had gotten home earlier than expected, and wanted to surprise David, but decided against it.
"Let them have their moment." She whispered, her arms crossed over her chest as she watched the two.
Stalker (Y/N) like Jesus....

Camp Camp x Reader
Fanfiction(She pronouns, if male or whatever ignore the pronouns I guess) (This also turns into a David x Reader.) A beautiful and crazy camp, with laughs, good times- Let's cut to the chase. A new councilor is adored by everybody but Max. Max will do every...