"David what's wrong?" I asked as he came rushing inside the mess hall.
"The kids... Daniels back..." he said, gasping for air.
"H-He's a cult leader. I-I can't find Max..." he cried. "What if he h-has Max? What if Max.. What if he dies?!"
I pulled out my pocket knife, and began walking towards the camp sight. A man stood smirking sadistically in white, a purple liquid running down his chin.
"Ah, you must be (Y/N)." He said. "The kids have told me all about you..."
"Really?" I said, smirking just as sadistically. "Because I've heard just as much as I needed to hear about you-"
"(Y/N)!" Max yelled. "(Y/N) d-Don't trust him!"
"Kids get behind me." I snapped.
They only smiled and their heads snapped to their shoulders. "We love Daniel."
"Kids?" Daniel spoke. "Get her."
My eyes widened as all the kids surrounded me, tackling me to the ground. I can't hurt them... I-I can't do that. Even if they are possessed, I just can't...
"Max run!" I yelled desperately. "Get David and Gwen and get out of here!"
"Give in (Y/N)... you can b pure!" David spoke, stepping into the circle of children.
Nikki took my knife away, and several children were standing on my hands and feet. Daniel slapped my face, and took the knife from Nikki. He stepped over me, and his evil gaze met mine. My knife was ran down from my temple to my bottom lip, where he roughly placed it against me.
My lip began bleeding, and he smirked. "You'd be perfect for my sacrifice-"
Out of nowhere, a guitar hit him in the head. He fell off of me, and My eyes widened. Max stood still, angrily glaring at him. Daniel shook his head and stood up, roughly grabbing Max by the collar.
David tackled him to the ground, making him drop Max. Max took the knife, and stabbed Daniel in the leg. Repeatedly.
"Jesus Christ..." I muttered.
"DONT TOUCH MY FAMILY!" Max yelled, as David started punching the crap out of him.
"I AM BETTER THAN YOU!" David yelled.
The kids snapped out of whatever trance they were in, and apologized to me instantly, Nikki even began crying. They began attacking Daniel as Nikki cried into my shoulder.
I held Nikki in my arms as I stood up, glancing at Max who went back to being normal.
"DONT READ INTO IT." He hissed, walking away.
I shook my head and chuckled, pulling a crying David away from Daniel. "Kids, to your tents. David, take Nikki to the mess hall and comfort her please, I've got this asshole..."
He nodded his head and took Nikki from me. Daniel looked up at me in hope and desperation. I licked my now bloodied lip, and lifted him up by his collar.
"Let me tell you something-" I said dropping him. "Never ever come near this camp again-" I stomped on his balls. "Don't ever touch my campers-" I stepped on his multiple stab wounds. "And don't. Ever. Hurt. Max of David."
I lifted him back up into the air, and walked to the entrance of the camp. He was a sobbing mess as I chucked him as far as I could, the ambulance accidentally ran him over.
The kids stood next to me, crying and apologizing. Some even got down on their knees begging for forgiveness.
"Guys guys, calm down. I'm not mad at you." I explained, waving my hands in the air.
"We hurt you!" Nerris cried.
"It's okay, I'm not hurt believe me." I smiled, wincing as my lip split a tiny bit more. "This is nothing, I promise."
All at once, they pulled me into a group hug, well really just wrapped their arms around my waist. Max stood apart from everyone else, and I gave him a small smile. He rolled his eyes, but I didn't miss the small smile as he turned away.
We're really breaking through with this kid...

Camp Camp x Reader
Fanfiction(She pronouns, if male or whatever ignore the pronouns I guess) (This also turns into a David x Reader.) A beautiful and crazy camp, with laughs, good times- Let's cut to the chase. A new councilor is adored by everybody but Max. Max will do every...