Trigger warning: character has a axiety attack.
If this is a trigger to you, please don't read this chapter.
"Where are we going?" Preston asked as we drove into the city.
"To go check in with your grandmother." I replied with a shrug. "I just feel bad leaving the poor old lady alone... and since she's your Grandmother I figured you would want a say in where she goes..."
He smiled. "Are we going to give Gram Gram a castle?!"
"I don't think we have enough money for that..." I said, causing his face to fall. "But we'll get as close to it as we can..."
He squealed. "Oh Gram Gram is going to have so many friends! She'll have a butler and-and she's going to be like a little old... um..."
He pondered for a moment, before screaming "SHES GOING TO BE ELIZA! SHES GOING TO TELL ALL OF THE OLD PEOPLE OUR STORIES!"
I chuckled and shook my head. "Course you would say that..."
"You would be Lafayette." He said with a smile.
"Whys that?"
"Because you'd fight for anyone, and are really nice to anyone and everyone as long as they don't hurt the ones you love! Plus you're really badass..."
"Heh, thanks Preston." I smiled. "Look, it's going to be a while until we get to your grandmothers place, so you might as well take a nap."
"Okay." He said with a smile, leaning his head on the window.
Needless to say, he fell asleep nearly instantly. I sighed and let my face fall, facing the sleeping boy. His poor grandmother can't even take care of him, let alone herself. I can't imagine what that kid is going through, it's one thing to be kicked out, but when somebody you care about is too... too old to take care of you?
At least he has a passion...
"So what do you want to be when you grow up?" The police man asked.
"I-I don't know." I shook my head.
"Well, what do you like to do in your free time?"
"Sit in the corner and cry." I shrugged. "Count how many times I was called useless?"
He froze, and looked at the other police men. "This kid needs a foster home, not her parents."
"She's only fifteen!" One gasped. "She needs her parents!"
"They've mentally abused her Reynolds!" He snapped.
I shook my head at the memory. Maybe some music will distract me?
Yet, the moment my hand touched the radio, my heart sunk. I pulled over, and began to hyperventilate. What was wrong? Nothing.
So why the hell was I having a anxiety attack?!
I got out of the car, leaving the door open so I didn't disturb Preston, and sat next to he car with my hand in my hair. I couldn't breath, all of the memories were coming back in full force.
PSA: italicized words are going to represent anxiety, just sayin
Davids going to leave you just like everyone else.
"(Y/N)? Preston asked. "Are you okay-"
He gasped and rushed over to me, kneeling in front of me. "Oh gosh... o-oh god um... um..."
I wanted to tell him I was okay, but I couldn't even look up at him. He took ny phone out from my pocket, and began dialing somebody's number.
"D-David?" He asked into the phone.
David hates you, why would he help you?!
"(Y/N) I-Is having a panic attack a-and I don't know what to do!" He cried into the phone.
"Baby?" David asked into the phone.
"D-David..." I croaked out, holding the phone to my ear.
He's going to leave you here to die.
"Baby I need you to listen, okay? Can you do that for me?"
"D-David I can't.... I can't breath..." I cried.
"Everything's going to be alright, okay? What color is the car?"
"T-Tan? I t-think?"
"Good, what about the shirt you're wearing?"
"What color is the road?"
"Can you inhale deeply for me real quick?" He asked softly.
I did as he asked. I answered more of his questions. I closed my eyes and inhaled normally once again. I looked at Preston who was smiling.
"Thank you Preston, and David." I smiled, hanging up the phone. "I don't know what happened, honestly... I'm sorry you had to-"
He wrapped his arms around me tightly, burying his face into my stomach. "I was so worried!"
"I know-"
"Gram Gram said that my father used to have those before he passed. When I was going on stage for my first time acting, a really nice girl helped me through an attack like that." He smiled, looking up at me. "Whatever happened, in sorry you had to have that happen, mom."
I smiled and nodded. "Come on, how about we stop for some ice cream before we help your grandmother?"
"Yes. Yes we can Preston." I chuckled.
I'm sorry about how angsty that was... kinda just suffered through my own anxiety attack so...
Felt like I needed to write something down *wink wink*

Camp Camp x Reader
Fanfiction(She pronouns, if male or whatever ignore the pronouns I guess) (This also turns into a David x Reader.) A beautiful and crazy camp, with laughs, good times- Let's cut to the chase. A new councilor is adored by everybody but Max. Max will do every...