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The counselors had just settled into bed before frantic screams and knocks on the door were heard. (Y/N) was the first to open her door, and the kids were crying out words at the same time. Nobody could understand what they were saying.

"One at a time guys!" (Y/N) spoke loud but soft.

"T-There's pictures of us strung in out tent!" Someone cried.

"Some from the showers too!" Another yelled.

"We have a stalker!" Someone yelled, causing everyone to speak at once again.

"Where's Max?" She asked David.

David yawned and shrugged. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and walked to his tent, not seeing him anywhere. She turned to see a bright flash of a camera, and Max smiling like an idiot.


"I didn't take any naked pictures, relax." He rolled his eyes, the smile still there.

"Is this what you were doing all day?"

He nodded his head.

"I really should be mad at you but... I guess you actually payed attention in photography club..." she sighed. "Davids going to be pissed, you know that..."

He shrugged. "Whatever..."

"MAX!" David yelled. "Why would you do such a thing?!"

"They took fucking pictures of me first! Now they know what it's like to be vulnerable and somebody taking a picture!" He hissed.

"Tomorrow the only thing you're going to do is hear my camp songs." David huffed.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Max yelled.


After the kids all went back to bed, the pictures being erased from existence, and the world becoming a calm place again, (Y/N) stole Davids guitar, and stared out onto the lake. He moonlight reflecting beautifully, and she couldn't help but smile.

She began to sing Hallelujah, but didn't notice the ghostly figure standing behind her. She finished and jumped, nearly falling into the water as she looked at the kid.

"You sing amazing!" He smiled.

"T-Thanks." She said, panting. "Who are you?"

"I'm Jasper!"

"I'm (Y/N)..." she replied confused. "Which camp are you from?"

"Camp Campbell. I've been here for a while!"

"J-Jasper?" David sputtered.

"Davey?" Jasper asked.

"I thought you-" David stopped tears coming to his eyes. "But you're..."

"Why are you so old now? Surly I couldn't have been gone that long!"

"What is happening here?" She asked now incredibly confused.

"Jasper went to camp with me... " David said weakly.

"But how is that possible? He's like eleven right-" She stopped, her eyes widening. "Oh you poor kid..."

Jasper's eyebrow raised. "What do you mean?"

"Jasper it's... its twenty-seventeen..." she said softly.

His eyes widened. "But... how? How is that even possible?"

"I-I'm not sure..." David muttered. "You died... I-I... how?"

Jasper pulled something out of his pocket, and handed it to (Y/N). "You dropped this a few days ago."

Her eyes widened, her heart dropping. David took it from her, and gasped. "This is you when you see a kid!"

She looked down at the ground. "That was the last time I was ever happy..."

"You're wearing a Camp Campbell shirt..." David muttered.

She nodded her head slowly. "A year after this picture was taken, this camp became my refuge. I must have gone after Jasper died and you left..."

David looked up at her with sadness. "(Y/N) I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay." She said, meeting his gaze. "Really... it's alright."

He nodded sadly, and looked at the space where Jasper once was. "So he's a ghost..."

"Yeah..." she muttered. "You should go to bed, David."

"I have insomnia. No way." He smiled. "Come on, I want to show you something."

He lead her through the woods, until they reached a hill that over looked the lake. He smiled as he saw her jaw drop. You could see both camps perfectly from here, the faint lights within the fog of the Wood Scouts could also be seen...

"This is beautiful David." She smiled.

"This is where I go when I can't sleep, which is very often." David smiled back. "You see, it doesn't matter what you've done in the past, or who your family is, it's what those things make you become. And right now? I see the best possible outcome right in front of me! You protect the kids, and even Max likes you!"

She smiled as tears began falling. Davids eyes widened, and he was about to apologize, before he was hugged by (Y/N). The two stood in silence, until the flash of a camera happened.

The two looked towards where it was, and saw Max with an evil grin.

"MAX!" She growled, (playfully, like she's not going full sprint) chasing him through the woods.

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