Chapter 19 (part one)

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Also this isnt going down like the episode (wink wink)

"IIITS PARENT DAY!" David yelled, rushing into my cabin.

I groaned and switched sleeping sides, only to fall off the bed. David gasped and rushed over to me, placing my tired body onto his lap. He began a quick check to make sure I was alright, he chuckled and held my closer into his chest, and I began to fall back asleep.

"No, darling you need to wake up! The parents are going to be here soon!" David said quietly.

"Screw em." I murmured. "Let's just cuddle and sleep again..."

"No no, we have to make this perfect!" He said, kissing my forehead.

"Fuck off..." I groaned, leaning on his chest.

"Gosh you're so cute." He said softly. "But we need to work! The kids parents are-"

"DAVID." Gwen yelled. "THEYRE HERE."

"Gosh darn it."

"Fuuucccckkk." I groaned.

I moved off of David and stood up with a yawn, placing a hoodie over my Pajama shirt. I was about to walk to the door, when it opened with a very angry gang of parents. I sighed as I stepped out, David following behind.

I apologize for the lateness, I seem to have slept passed my alarm-"

In a split second I was knocked backwards, and my door slammed shut. I was fortunate enough to have David catch me before I fell, as I looked up angrily at Gwen.

"These people are literally insane!" She cried.

"What do you mean?" I asked, managing to stand on my own two feet.

"They're all yelling about what they did or didn't sign their kid up for! They're so pissed off its a fucking disaster!"

"I'll handle this." I spoke, my eyes narrowing.

A gentle hand was placed against my shoulder. "Don't be too mean to them." David said quietly.

"No promises." I shook my head, opening the door. "EVERYONE SHUT UP!" I yelled, causing everyone to silence.

"I know this isn't what you expected for your kids, but I assure you everything is the way it should be. This is just one giant camp, with mini camps inside. Your child's well being is my top priority, and if you have any concerns, bring it to me please." I said. "Any questions?"

"You're (Y/N), correct?" A government agent asked.

"Indeed..." I nodded.

"You've caused quite the buzz around our base..." the other said.

"You've scared Agent Ray out of his pants..."

"Am I in trouble?" I asked, now getting worried.

"On the contrary." One of them smiled. "Its a pleasure to meet the girl who managed to take down a traitor to our country, and scare the most hated person in our line of work to another country."

"Oh... uh thanks." I smiled.

"I'm Agent Miller, and this is Agent Miller-"

"My cool gay dads." Erid nodded with a smirk.

"Alright, well, I hope to meet with all of you, but right now is our Family lunch!" I smiled. "So If everyone can make their way into the mess hall, that would be appreciated!"

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