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I'm like, crying. I missed writing Max so much

"The summers really over..." I sighed, watching the kids say goodbye to each other.

"Considering you have to deal with Goodie Two Shoes over there, and five shit heads? I don't think you're summers going to ever be over." Gwen replied, crossing her arms.

"If you need a place to stay, Gwen, just call me." I smiled, turning to her. "I know it's hard trying to find a job and all..."

"The fuck you are!" Max hissed, standing in front of us. "I already have to deal with you and David, I am not dealing with Gwen too!"

"That's the last of em." David sighed. "It's so sad to watch them leave!"

"I know..." I sighed. "But-"

"But we must..." David sniffled. "We must stay strong for the children..."


"We probably won't see any of them until next-"

"David they aren't fucking dead, shut the fuck up." Max rolled his eyes.

"MAAAX!" Nikki yelled, Stopping in front of him. "We're going drive in a limo!"

"Cool." He rolled his eyes.

"IT HAS CANDY MAX." She yelled excitedly. "I kinda ate most of the candy... But there's still some left!"

"Shit, Im late for a meeting..." Gwen sighed. "I'll see you guys later!"

"By Gwen!" David, the kids, and I all called at once.

"We should probably get going too..." I smiled at David.

"It gets harder every year." David cried.

"David stop being a pussy and get in the fucking limo." Max snapped, walking with Nikki to the others.

I wrapped David in a hug, allowing him to bury his face in the crook of my neck as he cried. "It's alright, David. Next year we'll be back, and the kids will be too, okay?" I smiled. "Besides, now we have a huge ass house, five kids to take care of, and the government."

"Yeah..." He nodded, pulling apart from me. "Yeah! You're right!"

"GET IN THE FUCKING LIMO." Max hissed from the sky light of the limo.

"Okay, okay." I chuckled. "Come on, David, let's not keep em waiting."


The ride to our new home was relatively quiet. The kids passed out from a sugar high, except Max of course, and stayed asleep for the long ass trip it was. Max stayed staring out the window, and David fell asleep on my shoulders.

"Why don't you get some sleep?" I asked Max.

"And let them take pictures of me fucking sleeping again? No thanks."

"Max, I'll be awake the whole trip. I promise nobody's going to do shit to you." I smiled sympathetically.

"Why don't you sleep?"

"Sleep is for the weak." I shrugged jokingly. "I wasn't allowed to sleep during car rides, andI guess I never was able to after that."

"Oh." He nodded. "But you're an adult now... shouldn't that change something?"

"It did, now I have five, technically six, kids to take care of."

Max smirked. "Did you just roast your own boyfriend?"

"That stays between me and you." I chuckled.

"Ma'am, were here." One of the government peeps said.

"WHYD WE STOP. ARE WE DEAD?!" Nikki screamed as she woke up.



"ALL OF MY TALLENT, WASTED!" Preston cried.

"Pussys." Max said getting out of the Limo.

"Guys, relax. We're home."

"Ooohhh." They all nodded.

"Yeah, that makes more sense." Nikki smiled.

"Is there Juice in the home?" Dolf asked. "Because I am allergic to Juice, we should exterminate it's existence if so."

I blinked. "Uh, no?"

"Okay!" He smiled, bouncing out of the Limo with all of the other kids.

"David, honey, we're home."

David yawned. "Okay."

"(Y/N)?!" Nikki yelled. "Max is gone!"

"What." I deadpanned, walking towards the kids.

"He was here, and now he's-"

"Ma'am, you might want to see this." A government Agent said, handing me an Ipad.

"Local camper flips off every camera within a secret place we can not disclose because the government will sack our asses." A woman smiled.

"The camper has been identified as ten year old Max-"

"Where is he." I sighed.

"A block down the street, that way." The agent replied. "Giant keep our sign, you can't miss it."

"David stay here, I'm getting Max!" I yelled. "As for you four, don't destroy the house."

"No promises!" Nikki squealed, rushing into the large house.

"Lead the way, Agent." I sighed.

"Yes ma'am." He nodded.


So a minute turned into two days I guess.


I post a new chapter every Friday in case you forgot!!


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