Chapter 5

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"Uh-uh, hi," I stuttered. Shit. Daniel said Nate wasn't coming home until later on and yet here he was staring at me questionably right now. I stood up and just thought back to my talk with Daniel; he had said to be honest with Nate.

"Hi," He nodded as he shut the door behind him. He crossed his arms and looked me up and down, checking me out. I blushed a pink color, not liking this kind of attention, especially in this kind of situation.

"I'm Daniel Dumale's younger sister, Alexandra," I said, introducing myself.

"I'm Nate Banks. Now, where's Daniel?" 

"'s actually a really funny story," I told him before awkwardly laughing, "I, uh, am your roommate." He raised a brown eyebrow and frowned.

"Excuse me, you're my roommate?" He asked. I slowly nodded, "This isn't a coed roomed dorm, though. I'm supposed to be rooming with a dude, not a girl, no offense." 

"It's kinda a long story," I told him. He walked to the desk on his side of the room. He pulled out his desk chair and sat on it, with the chair back to his front.

"I got time," He smiled leaning forward. I bit my lip trying to figure out how to word it without it making me sound crazy or obsessive.

"It all started when Daniel came home yesterday..." I started. I dove into the story about what I was doing and why I was doing it. I was surprised that Nate didn't look weirded out or anything along those lines. He'd nod his head every now and then to show me he was listening, but other than that didn't give anything away with his facial features.

"So basically you're going to be living  here and I might come home with you being yourself or dressed up as a guy?" He asked. I nodded my head for an answer, "Alright. My younger sister, Cassie, made me watch She's the Man about fifty times so I kind of know how this is going to go."

"Please, don't tell anyone though," I begged, "I need to keep this a secret and I could get in a lot of trouble if I get caught."

"Hey, it's not my secret to tell."

"Thank you!" I smiled. He nodded his head and stood up. He pushed the desk chair back into it's place and laid on his bed with his arms behind his head. 

"So how's this all going to work?" He asked.

"I'm sure we should make some ground rules," I said, he nodded, sitting back up, and grabbed a black notebook from under his bed and a pencil from the top of his bedside table. He threw it to me, which I proudly caught, thanks to all my years in softball.

"It's proven: girls have better handwriting. You're writing." We both started talking and I finalized our list of rules.

Nate & Alexandra's Roommate Rules

      1. Ask permission before coming home with someone.

      2. A sock on the door means Nate is...entertaining a guest.

      3. No going through the other's stuff unless the other said it's okay.

     4. No leaving dirty clothes on the ground; try to keep the ground visual for others.

      5. We share the mini fridge and freezer. 

      6. Study times are between 5-7 PM unless otherwise chosen.

      7. Don't interrupt Nate during his naptime.

      8. Overnight guests are okay, as long as you tell the other.

      9. Don't let anyone in unless Alexandra is dressed as a dude.

 "Damn, I think it's time to go to bed, I'm exhausted," he said yawning after we completed our roommate agreement. I nodded my head completely feeling the day of traveling catching up to me.

"Alright, I think Daniel might be coming over, just to make sure I'm all set up," I told him. He gave me a thumbs up, before he rolled onto his other side.

"Tell him I say hi and I'll see him later tomorrow," He said, his voice muffled by the pillow. 

"Okay," I murmured. A few minutes later, I got up and went to the desk that was by my twin size bed. I started organizing my stuff. I put my laptop on the desk and started putting the notebooks I'd use for my online classes on one of the shelves. Darth Vader started playing and I frantically searched around for it, finding it under my pillow. Thankfully, Nate hadn't stirred in his sleep.

Hey cuz, I can't come over tonight, sorry. I promised Jasper I'd go to this party with him. You'll be okay?  Daniel texted. I quickly texted him back saying I'd be okay and was just finishing up some organizing. A few minutes later and my phone started ringing again. I looked at Nate and quickly turned my phone on vibrate. I scrolled through my messages and saw John had texted me.

Hey babe, sorry I had to leave without seeing you again. I'm just going to hang out with the president, Jasper, tonight. Probably going to study. His text read. I bit my lip. Daniel had just said he was going to a party with Jasper. Maybe the Jasper he was going with wasn't the frat president and there were two of them? I couldn't help but try to keep hopeful.

I texted back saying how much I missed him, smiling to myself knowing I'd be seeing him far earlier than he'd be seeing me.

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