Chapter 16

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"W-what're you guys doing here?" I asked as I quickly wiped my tears. Nate was gone. He was the only way they could have gotten into the room which upset me more. Had he turned me in? Vlad motioned for me to sit down on Nate's bed. They were sitting next to each other on my bed. I slowly and awkwardly walked to the bed. I sat down on it looking between the two.

"We just want to know why you're pretending to be a guy in our fraternity," Silver started as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah, if you just wanted to see us naked you could have just asked," Vlad winked. I laughed a humorless laugh. Vlad and Silver looked at one another then back at me, as if I had lost my mind. I probably had. It was a manic laugh and all my feelings of the night were hitting me like a truck.

"I told Daniel people would think that," I stated.

"Wait, Daniel knows?" Vlad asked with a look of surprise etched on his face before turning annoyed. 

"Daniel let you?" Silver asked, not out of surprise but pure anger. 

"Yes. It was Daniel's idea. It's not what you think though," I answered. Silver stood up, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"I'm calling Jasper," He said as he started typing in his phone.

"Please, don't call Jasper," I murmured. Silver looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Why?! You're crazy!"

"Sit down or I'll cut your balls off. Let the lady talk," Vlad threatened. Silver sat down, glaring at the floor.

"When Daniel came home three weeks ago, when the frat was being cleaned, he accused John of cheating on me. He said John was acting sketchy whenever there was a party and he thought there was a girl on the side," I started, "My parents aren't ever home. They travel the world working. Daniel is the most protective big brother I know. He was pissed about John, especially since he never liked him. Last year, when John and I started dating, Daniel would try to break us up because he didn't want us dating. I'm not sure why, but he's always hated John." Vlad rose his hand. I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"So that's why you're here?" He asked. 

"Yes. Daniel said if I didn't want to believe him, he could prove it to me. I thought he would say something stupid like I'd hide out in the frat house and check it out myself. That was until he said I could go undercover as a frat brother. He started persuading me, talking about how I could have inside access because John was the Pledge Educator," I explained. I rubbed my arms. "He somehow managed to talk me into doing it. We called my best friends Michelle and Angel so they could help me. I only did this to found out if John was actually cheating on me." 

"Is he?" Vlad asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I have no idea," I muttered, "At the parties I have been to, he always disappears. I wanted to start talking with him, one-on-one to figure it out. I really am sorry for lying to you guys. I just...I need to know if he is cheating on me." Vlad nodded his head in understanding.

"It'll stay between the three of us," Vlad promised. I looked at Silver who hadn't said anything since I started to explain why I was doing it.

"Silver?" I asked. He looked up from the ground and met my eyes.

"I want to tell Jasp," He admitted. I looked down at my hands, upset that everyone would know how pathetic I was. "We'll just say that the tattoo was getting even. I'm not going to tell anyone." I stood up and smiled.

 "You're the best!" I told them. They both stood up.

"You look like shit," Silver told me. I rolled my eyes.

"I was crying, asshole!" I reminded him.

"What happened?" Vlad asked, sounding protective.

"Nothing," I muttered, not wanting to tell them that I was crying because I like their fraternity president. 

"Clean that shit off your face, we're going out," Silver said. He jumped back on my bed and laid down. Vlad laughed and sat at the chair at my desk. I looked at the mirror behind the door and got a tissue and some baby oil. The mascara came off easily and my face was finally clean.

"So? Where are we going?" I asked, turning to look at the guys. Silver smiled.

"Out," He said. I smiled like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. I felt my heart beat quicken with excitement.

"Well, what the hell! Let's get going!" I said. All three of us left my dorm. "Where are we going?" I asked when we got outside.

"Should we go to Crossroads/?" Silver asked looking at Vald.

"I'm down," Vald nodded. 

"I'm down to clown with whatever!" I told them. 

"Okay, you're underage, right?" Silver asked me. I nodded. "Do you have a fake ID or anything?" I mentally groaned.

"Ugh, I have one for my Xaden persona, but not for me," I answered. Hopefully we could still go out and do something.

"Hm, I think we can make it work. I know someone there who would definitely let you in," Silver said after thinking for a minute. I clapped my hands together.

"What are we waiting for! Let's go!" I said now excited. Long gone were the upset feelings that made me want to curl up in my bed and cry. Going out with Vald and Silver would definitely take my mind off things and I was hoping we could become friends now that they knew the truth.  Vald pulled out his phone and pulled up his Lyft app.

"Okay, sweet. It looks like we can get a ride in about five minutes," Vald told us. 

"Sounds good to me."

"Me too," I said.

"Alright, Lyft has been ordered," Vald told us, "ETA six minutes." 

"Sooooo," Silver said, drawing out the word, "Are you ever going to tell us what happened tonight? You were really upset." I frowned.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to," Vald chimed in when he saw me frown.

"It's just stupid," I started, I looked down at my intertwined fingers, "so today I hung out with Jasper. At first it was really awkward because we almost ran into John, but then I thought things got better. He brought me to one of the frat parties that's going on right now and that's when things went downhill. We were having a good time and he disappeared to go to the bathroom. Well, I saw this girl who I knew from when I first came here so we went to go get a drink. On our way to the kitchen I saw Jasper....he was making out with Cherry. It just felt like a slap in the face because we were trying to have a good time and I just felt like he ditched me for that slut." I didn't even care how stupid it sounded, I was thankful for the vent.

"I get why you'd think that's a slap in the face, but I don't know. You're with John, so I feel like it's unjustified for you to get upset if he's making out with someone else. I'm not trying to sound like a dick or anything, but it kind of seems like you're jealous," Silver said. My head shook back, shocked at how blunt he was. I was honestly flabbergasted. I didn't expect to hear that. I wasn't jealous. I couldn't be jealous.

"No, you're wrong. It's nothing like that. We're just friends," I told him. He gave me a pointed look.

"Okay," He said, not wanting to continue with this friendly disagreement. 

"Hey, looks like our ride is here," Vald said, nodding his head towards a minivan that was stopping near us. I followed the guys into the van and we headed towards Crossroads. The Lyft was talker which only made me tune him out. Was Silver right? Was I actually jealous of the whole Jasper/Cherry thing? Even at this moment of time I couldn't articulate why it had bothered me so much.

You're here for John, Xandra, I reminded myself. It was uneasy having to remind myself at that fact, but now that Silver had me thinking about things I realized that Jasper would most definitely tamper with my mission.

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