Deep Thinking

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          I yawned and leaned back in my seat, effectively cracking my pained back. I was exhausted. It had been a week since we found out the consequences of our disrespect the night of the Pledge Games awards. This past week had been definitely a long one. This past week I had been volunteering at child care center on campus an hour a day. Wade actually volunteered with me there. We had a chapter meeting on Monday and that went alright. I had been studying for midterms at the house, but today I wanted some alone time and decided to spend it studying on my own in the dorms. 

          I easily met the study hour requirement this past week, but it wasn't enough for me to feel like I was completely ready for my midterms. I sighed. Even though I only had one class here, my online classes were hard. And unfortunately luck wasn't on my side, seeing as how my college midterms and high school ones were the same week. I rolled my eyes just thinking of the psychology midterm. I had spent a few hours this past week in tutoring, but it was more so midterm prep than actual tutoring.

          I had been so busy and stressed out I had totally forgot about Jasper talking about meeting me in Minnesota last weekend. I guess he forgot as well because he never texted me. On that topic, we hadn't spoken in a while. I don't know why, but it felt like something was pulling at my heart. I was somewhat sad about it. I liked texting Jasper. He always knew how to make me feel better, and what better time than finals?

To Jasper:

Hey! Haven't talked in a while. What's up, stranger? 

          After pressing 'send' I couldn't help but notice the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. It had been strange not talking to him, but I could understand why. I'm sure it had been stressful dealing with what he had to deal with last Saturday. I sighed just thinking about it. My phone vibrated, and my heart seemed to start pumping quicker.

From Jasper:

hey, it has been a while. not much. you?

           I smiled as my fingers danced across the text letters.

To Jasper:

Just been busy with school and stuff. Bored out of my mind a lot. "/

          I continued smiling as I attempted reading the same passage again. I bit my lip and tapped my pencil on my desk. I think I'd do alright on my psychology midterm, but I was still nervous about it. I understood a lot of what was going on in class and I was fairly certain I could do alright with not studying anymore tonight. But...I wasn't sure what it was...just something in the back of my mind making me nervous for the test. I had thought about talking to Jasper about it, about studying together, but I chickened out. I still felt bad for what we did last week, and you could tell everyone (myself included) were walking on eggshells around him. 

 From Jasper: 

Haha I know how that is. I've been busy with school and frat stuff. Almost done with the semester? 

         I quickly responded and turned back to my books, hoping I'd get closer to being done. I was tried. I was tired of all this school work, and of doing all of these extra things. I barely had any time to myself anymore. I bit my lip and started to text Jasper again.

To Jasper: 

Hey, I know this is really late notice, but do you want to hang out tomorrow night? I'm really stressed with school and stuff and would love to hang out with someone. :3

         Almost instantly I got a response.

From Jasper:

Yes, I'd love to! 

          I had a dumb grin on my face and now I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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