Chapter 13

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I groaned as I listened to Mr. Russeo as he dragged on about his life problems. We were learning about the psychological meaning of life and he took it as a lecture to explain in great detail how he screwed up his life. Some of the information he was giving us was fascinating, but I think I was just overall ready to go back to the room.

"He's like a bedtime story, boring everyone to sleep," Jasper whispered next to me. He jerked his head towards someone down the row from us who was sleeping with their head tilted back. I swore, I could see drool dripping down their chin. I laughed quietly, silently agreeing with him. We had another meeting later tonight as pledges. I was so excited I could barely keep it contained! I would meet the other pledges, and start to find out what life would be like in the pledge. This weekend had been a nice break from my double life and I enjoyed my time at Phi Kappa Tau without a wig on. They were all so accepting, even when I went as myself, no one judged me or said anything bad about least, not that I knew about. I felt bad for lying to them. They would all hate me when this was all over. Them eventually finding out the truth about who I really am was inevitable.

"A boring story no one wants to listen to," I mumbled. My phone vibrated and I unlocked it, revealing a text from John. I hadn't changed his contact back to Johanna!

"You text John too?" Jasper asked as he looked up from the text.

"No, Xandra forgot her phone and I'm just using it until I get my new phone," I lied, "She plans to come back this weekend to pick it up." I felt a numbness in my heart; lying was becoming easier and easier since I was doing it often which only made me feel worse. Jasper nodded his head. I ignored John's text and instead went to Verizon Wireless' website. I decided I would go to the Verizon Wireless on campus to get a new phone for my Xaden persona. Juggling two phones may prove to be difficult, but I think it would help me in the long run for situations such as these. It would also be helpful because then I didn't need to keep scrambling with changing names.

"She sure is something special," Jasper murmured moreso to himself than to me.

"She's...different," I added, not really sure what to say.

"She's so..humble. Kind of a spitfire," He said, smiling. I blushed, his words making me feel some type of way. My mind wandered back to last night...what had he wanted to tell me before Daniel ruined the moment by coming in with the groceries?


"Alright, now, I wouldn't usually be the one who's here, but the pledge educator is away for personal reasons. He's called the 'Pledgucator' as he dubbed the name. He will basically be the go to person with questions about being pledges, he'll be teaching you more about what it's like to be one of us, and will also keep you bums in line with your grades. We do have a grade point average you have to keep per the Greek system," Jasper explained, moving his hands as his talked. He was standing on the deck outside and my pledge brothers and I were sitting on the rough, dry grass. "Now, can anyone explain what a big brother is?"

"Someone older than you in the frat?" Joey, one of the pledge brothers, asked. Jasper shook his head somewhat.

"Someone you're paired up with and acts as a big brother. You hang out with him and he helps you learn the Greek way of life," I corrected politely. Jasper nodded and smiled at me. Man, I'm so happy I watched Greek last month. The little details sure were coming in handy.

"Your cousin tell you that?" Joey muttered, half ass trying to keep it quiet enough under his breath where Jasper wouldn't hear him. I turned and glared at the dick. I heard him telling some of the others at events that I was a suck-up because I had a cousin in the fraternity.

"Actually no, asshole, I got it from watching Greek," I told him with a smirk on his face. I waited for his retort, knowing what it would entail.

"Pathetic," He quickly replied. I quirked an eyebrow, thankful he chose to respond that way knowing I had a good response.

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