Chapter 12

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"WAKE UP IN THE MORNING FEELING LIKE P-DIDDY, GOT MY GLASSES, I'M OUT THE DOOR, READY TO HIT THIS CITY!" Nate belted out. I groaned, the loud noise waking me from my sleep.

"No! Go away!" I whined. I rolled over to my other side, not wanting to get out of bed. Nate started shaking me.

"If you don't wake up, you're gonna regret it," Nate threatened. I groaned and proceeded to ignore him. I shut my eyes tightly and hoped my dream would restart where it had ended. I had a once in a lifetime photo shot in the African desert. I cuddled up next to my pillow and could feel myself drifting back into a peaceful sleep. Next thing I knew, I landed on the ground with a thud.

"Ugh, what the hell!" I groaned. I kept my eyes shut and did everything in my power not to open them. If I opened up my eyes, it was over. I would be up for the day.

"No! I didn't push you off the bed so you could fall asleep again! Wakey, wakey!" Nate sang. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up feeling annoyed. Nate was sitting on my bed and smirking at me.

"Why'd you wake me up?"

"Your brother texted me and asked to wake you up because he wanted to talk to you," Nate answered. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and clicked on the screen. For the love of mashed potatoes, it wasn't even 10 AM yet!

"He better be in the hospital for waking me up before 10 AM or else he's going to end up there after I'm through with him."

"He said you can just go as you are. Wig isn't necessary. I think he's coming around to you not having to wear it all day every day."

"He at PKT?" I asked. He nodded. He got up and left the room to make another phone call. I stood up and stretched, my body cracking as I moved. I changed into a pink tank beach cover-up, which was basically a shirt dress. I rolled on some leggings. I ran my fingers through my hair and decided that was good enough, thankful that I didn't have any knots. I ran to the restroom to pee and brush my teeth. Before leaving my room, I grabbed my phone and put it in my bra. Whatever, I didn't want to have to carry an over the shoulder purse. I started to walk over to the PKT house. It was a beautiful day outside; the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and I couldn't stop smiling. I turned on the block that the PKT house was on. I practically skipped to the house. I was about to just walk in because I was now a pledge...but then I remembered I'm Xandra. I knocked and the door and waited patiently as I heard a bunch of noises. The door was opened and I came face-to-face with Vald.

"It's always easier when the pretty ladies come to me," He winked. I blushed.

"Um, sorry, I'm looking for Daniel," I explained.

"Why do you wanna talk to my brother?" He asked with a smirk on his face as he leaned against the door. It was weird seeing this side of Vald; I had only seen the manly side.

"Well, he's actually my brother."

"Ah, so you're the famous Dumale sister," He winked.

"Um, yeah, is my brother here?"

"Yeah, come inside," He gestured to the inside of the house. I walked in and ignored the looks from the guys in the living room.

"What? Never see a girl before?" I asked annoyed with all the attention. A bunch of the guys adverted their attention back to whatever they were doing before on the TV.

"Daniel!" Vlad called.

"He just ran to pick up some food. He should be back soon," One of the guys replied from the living room. Only Daniel would do this. He tells me to come here to talk to him yet he isn't here, just like when parents tell you to call them back and they don't answer. I sighed. I didn't want to walk back to the dorm and come back when I wouldn't know when he'd be back. I was feeling especially lazy today.

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