Chapter 9

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I looked up from my book and wasn't surprised to see Daniel glaring at me, sitting criss crossed. I was sitting against a tree on campus enjoying my book; of course this nincompoop would come along and ruin it somehow. I put my black bookmark on the page I was reading and set it on top of my backpack.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence on this beautiful, sunny day?" I asked him. He shook his head and frowned.

"Did you seriously come on yourself?"

"Yes," I nodded my answer, "I needed a book and my wig was starting to itch. I wanted to take it off and when I finally did I realized I still needed to pick up a book for a paper I need to start researching on. Why do you ask?" He threw his hands up in the air dramatically, like that movement itself was the answer to my question.

"You dumbass! What if someone had seen you come out of your dorm room or seen you go back in and come out a guy?! What if Jasper somehow recognizes you?!" I blew off these questions at first, they were stupid. I huffed in annoyance when he hit my leg, expecting an answer. I let out a deep breath, quickly thinking of an answer.

"One, no one saw me, you spaz. Two, Jasper won't recognize me. Yesterday he said that you and Xandra could be twins. He didn't say anything about that when I'm dressed like that, now did he?" I asked rhetorically, "It's fine. Just go along with the story I brewed yesterday and neither he, nor John, will know otherwise. The only way we can get caught right now is if your big mouth tells everyone!" I picked up my book, wanting to get back to Darcy's attraction to Elizabeth. Daniel took my book and slid it back into my backpack.

"No, no more reading. It's almost four o'clock and tonight it starts at seven. What's your plan?" He asked.

"I dunno. Do what I have been doing," I answered.

"Not good enough! You need to make yourself known to all of the house so everyone will vote for you! You being awkward and being in one class with our president won't ensure anything. Even my position in the frat can't reserve you a spot. It lands on your shoulders. You need to do something about it," He reprimanded. 

"Are you feeling sick? That had to be the most intelligent thing you've ever said that I've heard. This is another side, Daniel, I'm happy to see you're growing up!" I grinned at him, my words laced with sarcasm.

"Shut it," He groaned, "I'm serious. Every guy who's a part of PKT did something memorable that helped him get in. Something that won over the brothers, so to say." 

"What did you do?" I asked. He smiled a scary ass smile; I regretted asking him. I felt scared when he dove into his story.

"When I was a freshman I did exactly what you're doing. I was just a little, I guess. What I did really wasn't that cool. At one of the closed, night events, they had an above pool in the backyard. I was talking to a bunch of the guys who were already members about how fucking awesome they were and how much I wanted to become a brother. They said if I really wanted to be a brother I'd have to do what they did; I had to jump two stories down into the pool. Now I was somewhat drunk...alright, I was drunk. I didn't really remember walking up the steps, but I eventually took off all my clothes. Long story short, I belly-flopped into the pool, naked, from the second story of the house. That's why they call me 'Bare.' Not like the animal, but being naked. All because of that one night when I had one too many and I took their dare serious."

"Remind me never to drink with you. You do messed up things that could kill you," I said. He rolled his eyes. Well, how the hell would I make myself known?


"Having fun?" Daniel asked me. I drank a small sip of my beer.

"Yeah. Would have had more fun if I could've been a girl tonight," I hissed. He let out a laugh. He was in blue swim trunks. The lucky bastard was able to go swimming while I had to sit around the backyard.

"Yeah, sucks to be you," He snickered. I rolled my eyes and he ran, jumping into the pool. Phi Kappa Tau had gone all out. There was a big, blow-up pool in the backyard. The backyard had a deck that stretched out widely, with a hot tub on it. There were tiki torches lit around the yard by the deck. There was a tiki bar with one of the brothers, whose name was 'Vald,' behind it making and mixing drinks. I wandered over to the tiki bar wanting to order a Zombie Cocktail. John was nowhere in sight which kind of led me to start drinking. I had become paranoid thinking about everything he could be doing right at that same moment. I finally reached the empty tiki bar where Vald was wiping the counter. He looked up at me and nodded.

"What can I get you, little buddy?" Vald asked. 

"A Zombie Cocktail, please," I answered. His eyes widened, surely surprised with my answer. He didn't ask any questions as he started mixing drinks. He was a very intimidating man. I mean, with a name like 'Vald,' I could understand. His real nickname was 'Voldemort.' One look at him and you could understand why. He had shaggy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He had pale skin and was 6'3", making him even scarier to talk with. If you looked at his face, you'd understand. He was missing part of his nose. It kind of caved in, and was somewhat nerve-wracking to look at. I watched him pour a bunch of different rums into the glass that would be mine. "Vlad, were you scared when you pledged Phi Kappa Tau?" I wanted to know. 

"Kind of," He answered, looking up from the drink, "I grew up with five older brothers, but I had always wanted to join this fraternity." He turned his attention back to the drinks, counting how much he poured of each different ingredient, "I was nervous because I was a lot smaller back then when I started here. I didn't really have any friends because I decided to live in an apartment, alone. But I guess the guys saw something in me when I was rushingand gave me a bid."

"Thanks," I murmured as he slid my drink across the counter. I took a swig of my Zombie Cocktail, and boy, was it one of the best Zombie Cocktails I had ever had. 

"Little man, go make some friends. I've seen you standing in the same spot, by yourself, for an hour," Vald smirked. I blushed and started walking away. I took sips of the drink as I walked over to where a group of guys were. They smiled when I joined the group and continued their discussion on what was better: PS4 or XBox One.

"Whatever! I could wipe my ass with the PS4! Xbox One is just cooler, alright?" Alex, a fellow rushee, said.

"Lies!" Silver laughed, "You're a dumbass! The Xbox is lame as shit!" Okay, these guys weren't justifying what they were talking about.

"Silver's right," I agreed. Each and every head turned and faced me as I started to talk, "XBox sucks because you have to pay to play online. How bullshit is that! Plus, whatever you can do on the XBox One you can do on PS4." Silver, Antonio, and Rodger all agreed and raised their drinks after my short speech. I held back a laugh. The alcohol was starting to kick in.

"Psh! The graphics on the XBox are better!" Alex tried arguing again.

"You're shitting me? The graphics depend on what game you buy, dumbass!" I laughed.

"Whatever," Martin muttered.

"And the PS4 controller is a shit load easier to use than the XBox one!" I argued again. The other three PS4 users cheered for me and the XBox users groaned and just left. I drank another gulp of my drink and looked around. Boyo, my vision was starting to turn to shit. "Guys, I feel like we should do something insane."

"And what's that, little buddy?" Sliver asked. Okay, were they all calling me 'little buddy' tonight or something? I'd cry if that were my nickname!

"I dunno, like burn down the Theta Delta Beta house!" I said. Silver quirked an eyebrow at me, while Antonio and Rodger started laughing. 

"That's too big of a plan for you, kiddo," Antonio smirked at me. I hated being called 'kiddo'!

"Hey, Tony, now the little boy wants to do something insane, don't make fun of him!" Rodger laughed. I drank a little more of the cocktail and started feeling a bubbling sensation in the pit of my stomach.

"Let's take this little man to Rico!" Silver suggested. I took another drink of my drink. Rodger and Antonio started cheering, and I guess I did too because the next thing I know I'm being pulled into Antonio's black BMW and being driven somewhere before blacking out.

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