Chapter 18

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I quickly ran into the building and through the lobby onto the elevator, easily making it. I silently rejoiced at the fact that I made it, despite probably looking like a mad woman running through the lobby. John looked up from his phone.

"Hey, John," I murmured glancing at him. He nodded at me.

"What's up."

"Nothin', just planning on getting some rest. You?" I asked, trying to continue the conversation. I looked at the button panel to see which floor he was going to. The third floor button was lit up. Mine was one floor above the one he was going to.

"Visiting a friend," He answered shortly, evident he wasn't interesting in continuing a conversation with me. I nodded my head awkwardly. The elevator dinged and opened on third floor. "See ya later," He said as he got out. I nodded my head. He started walking down the hall. I snuck out of the elevator and leaned against the wall, trying to hide my body behind it. I poked my head around the corner. I saw John knocked on a door that was halfway down the hall.

"Johnny!" A squeaky voice squealed. I felt vomit rise in my throat. I couldn't tell if that reaction was from how annoyingly high-pitched her voice was or the fact I was actually nervous to find out John had been cheating. Who was this girl? I could see John smile at her before disappearing into the room. I looked down the hallway and walked towards the door. I put my head close to the door to try to listen to what was going on. I know I sounded like an obsessive girlfriend, but I wasn't. I was merely worried that I was being cheated on. That didn't really help, but I just wanted to know the truth once and for all. "Okay, let's get started with this homework."

"What'd you get for question one?" John asked. I smiled. He wasn't cheating on me! He was just doing homework with her! I walked back up to my room, feeling better. He wasn't cheating on me! I dialed Daniel's number.

"Suck my dick, Daniel!" I said once he answered the phone.

"What?" He asked.

"I followed John and he isn't cheating on me! I bet you feel stupid now!" I told him.

"Ugh, Xandra, you called because of that? Well, sorry then. I still don't believe it, but if you think you've found enough evidence then whatever."

"But is it bad that I want to finish the semester here?" I asked. "It's just...I don't know...I like these guys. They're nice. And I really am enjoying psych. I might as well finish the semester for the school credit, ya know?"

"I don't care, Xandra. It's up to you," Daniel grumbled into the phone. He sounded like he was ready to hang up with me.

"Alright, well, I gotta do some psych homework. I'll talk to you later, alright?" I said, wrapping up the call. We hung up and I started doing my homework. I couldn't help but occasionally smile knowing that Daniel had been wrong. I got through most of my homework and I eventually grew tired and decided to hit the hay.


Three Weeks Later

I frowned reviewing my notes for my psychology test scheduled for tomorrow. I was prepared, but wanted to ensure I had memorized all the seemingly complicated definitions. I tapped my pencil on the notebook. I couldn't help but stare out the window. The sun was setting, and it was truly beautiful.

"So do you have any other questions about anything?" Jasper asked. The sun was setting and it was hitting his eyes perfectly, making them even more vibrant.

"No," I answered. Despite it being our first of many Big-Little bonding times, I felt as though I got everything I had a question on answered. He nodded and adjusted how he was sitting on the bench.

"Okay. If you think about anything let me know, okay?" he said before standing up. I gave him a curt nod and he walked away. I sighed and looked over at some of the brothers play football in the yard.

It had only been a couple of days since I found out the truth about John and I still felt like a million bucks.

I frowned, physically shaking my head trying to forget about Jasper. It was as if my subconscious didn't want me to forget about Jasper as I had another flashback.

I was bored. Class had been a total drag and Jasper didn't come. I hadn't seen him since our first Big-Little bonding earlier this week. I was now thankful to be laying in bed. Nate left to go hang out with friends, and I couldn't find anything to do that could keep my attention for more than two minutes. My phone buzzed on the table. I reached over it and unlocked the screen, surprised to see who it was from.

Xandra, what are you doing tonight?

I stared at the message for a couple of minutes trying to think of how to respond. Shit, at this moment I didn't even know if I wanted to respond.

Homework. I replied. Instantly my phone vibrated indicating a new text message. I stared at the ceiling for a couple more minutes before opening the message.

Can we ever talk about what happened?

I groaned. I felt unjustified for my feelings. I couldn't understand why I cared SO much about what had happened. I also felt really childish for holding a grudge for so long over something so dumb.

Maybe sometime. But not today. I texted back. I did want our friendship to heal. The awkwardness between Jasper and myself only made things awkward between Jasper and Xaden. But I wasn't ready to forgive him just yet.

I brought myself back to reality, looking down at my notebook. It had been two weeks since Jasper and I last texted a Xandra. He had sent me a couple of text messages as Xaden, but other than that, our interactions had been awkward and forced. I wish I hadn't picked a fight with him in the first place. It just wasn't worth it.

Here I was, thinking about him AGAIN, when I should be focused on this stupid test. The test was going to be a nice way to finish the week. I'd only have a day free to myself before the Best Pledge Competition started on Sunday.

We had had a bunch of conversations as a pledge group and during our Big-Little bond time to discuss it. There were seven activities: opening ceremony on Sunday, a football game on Monday, a baseball game on Tuesday, a jeopardy game on Wednesday, relay race games on Thursday, and then floor hockey on Friday. We were hosting a big party Saturday and having a mixer with one of the sororities on campus to celebrate the conclusion. John and Jasper had both said that for the last three years our frat had lost. It really didn't seem like they expected to win.

When I first heard about the party on Saturday I couldn't help but laugh. It seemed like they were celebrating the damn thing being done and over with. Overall, I was actually nervous for the events. All the brothers wanted us to win to get over this losing streak.

Besides all the dumb drama with Jasper, I was happy the last couple of weeks included hanging out with Vlad and Silver. They came over to the dorm so I didn't have to worry about being out in public as myself. They both were so easy to get along with.

I groaned, getting up from the desk. I had read so much information my brain was starting to hurt. I crawled into bed, and I could feel my body start to relax. It wasn't soon before I drifted off into some much needed sleep.

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