Chapter 17

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I woke up super tired come Monday. I didn't want to say that partying last night with Vlad and Silver was a mistake because I did have a bunch of fun, but damn, was I feeling the affects today. I groaned as I started getting ready for Intro to Psych. Hanging out with the guys was a nice break from everything going on. Plus, I learned more about them. Vlad was 22 and Sliver was 20. Vlad ordered drinks once we got inside and we ended up having a great time. Over the course of the night, I had received texts from Jasper and Daniel, but I ignored them. I wasn't going to let anything ruin my night. When I was finally ready, I left the dorm and I made my way towards class. I left my IPhone at home, not really wanting to talk to Jasper as myself. When I finally made it inside the lecture hall, I sighed as I saw Jasper sitting in his chair already. We still had another fifteen minutes until class started so I prepared for the inevitable awkwardness. I didn't say anything as I sat down next to him.

"Hey," He said. I nodded my head in acknowledgment, bending over in my seat. I started digging into my backpack looking for a pencil. I was surprised he didn't say anything else. Well, that was until I sat up. "Bro, you alright?"

"Yup," I murmured, still avoiding to look at him. I opened a new page and wrote the date as I prepared for the lecture.

"Are you sure? Y'know, as your big brother you can talk to me about anything," He said. I nodded my head as I started tapping the pencil on the notebook.

"I know," I told him, "I just don't really want to talk about it. Just personal stuff." 

"It's alright. I know what you mean. I'm upset about something too. I don't know if she told you, but I hung out with Xandra yesterday. She must have met someone because she disappeared on me," He said.

I clenched my jaw, angry that he said that. I didn't leave because I 'had found somebody'! I left because he had his tongue down another girl's throat! I nodded my head like I understood. I pulled out some note cards I made for the psychology so I could start reviewing for a test we had coming up in a week. I started going through them, memorizing each word and experiment we had learned about in the first couple of chapters. I think Jasper finally understood I was in no mood to speak with him. Thankfully, Mr. Russo came in the room and after getting his desk set up, he started discussing the Standford prison experiment. I continued taking notes throughout the class, every once in a while I'd look in the corner of my eye at Jasper. He was glaring at his phone as he quickly texted someone. When Professor Russo announced the reading for today, I prepared to leave as quickly as I could. As soon as he finished speaking, I jumped to my feet, throwing my backpack on.

"Hey, T. Bell, there's another meeting today at four, so you know," Jasper said. I nodded my head and left, walking back to my dorm. I happily jumped on my bed, tired and angry with everything lately. I decided to finally check on my phone. I grabbed it from  the bedside table and looked at my messages. Needless to say, I was somewhat surprised to see 17 unread messages. 14 from Jasper, 1 from Daniel, and 2 from John. I sighed and clicked on Jasper's contact number and started looking through all the messages that ranged from last night to this morning.

Where are you? at 10:27 PM.

Hey, where'd you go? Can't find you. at 10:34 PM.

Are you alright? at 10:47 PM.

One of my brothers said you're at Crossroads. Happy you're safe. at 11:17 PM.

Can you call me when you get home? at 11:24 PM.

Please? at 11:31 PM.

Xandra? at 11:40 PM.

Are you mad at me? at 11:53 PM.

Please respond, Xandra. at 12:02 AM.

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