Chapter 7

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I glared down at the chemistry problem I was trying to equalize. I woke up around 10 AM and was happy I had gotten so much rest...I had a feeling that tonight was going to be interesting. It was the first night of Rush Week and I'd be visiting all the fraternities. Then afterwards, there were night events at each frat house. It was only noon and I had another three hours until I had to report to Wellington Center; it was the center for clubs, groups, and the Greek system. My hair was still up so that I'd be ready to head out when I needed to. I quickly finished the problem I was on and yawned. It only the second day of school and my online courses were coming on strong with the homework. The door rustled and Nate walked in. He nodded his head in acknowledgement at me and shut the door. 

"Aye, what's up," Nate said as he took off his earbuds.

"Nothin', just doing some chem. How was class?" I asked. He threw his backpack on his desk and jumped on his bed.

"The usual, boring as shit. Listening to old, balding men who don't even know what they're talking about," He said, his voice muffled from the pillow. I laughed being able to relate to him with Mr. Russo, my psychology professor. He groaned and rolled onto his back.

"Do you only have classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday?" He asked. I nodded my head and threw my pencil onto my desk.


"Fucking lucky," He muttered. I smiled. "Don't you have your thing tonight?" 

"Yeah, it's the first night of it."

"Don't be nervous about it. Just act like it's a job interview."

"Joy. I've never had a job before, so I'll still be nervous. Thanks Nate!" I laughed.

"My bad, well, i wish you luck. I'm going to take a nap before my 3:30 class."

"Night," I murmured before turning back to my chemistry. I just couldn't stop thinking about what tonight would entail.


"Here we are, the second to last frat house, Theta Delta Beta," Timothy, the Greek member, said as we arrived to a big white house. Thus far we had already gone through 4 houses and spent an hour at each. There was the Gamma Omega Delta, the Delta Lambda Phi, the Epsilon Sigma Rho, and the Chi Delta Chi. Each house was similar, but at the same time different. A lot of the guys in them were huge guys who definitely could have been football players. I hoped that Phi Kappa Tau would be as diverse as the frats I had seen thus far. I followed the others up the grand steps and walked into the intimidating house. A bunch of dressed up men were standing around the entrance. I looked up and around the room and was surprised that there was a great, big chandelier.

"Welcome, rushees, my name is Dustin Piers. I am the Theta Delta Beta President and a senior here at this great Ohio State University. Tonight is only the first night of many more; I hope you enjoy meeting some of my brothers and gain a deeper understanding what we do here at TDB," A voice, I swore I had heard before, said. I looked up at the top of the stairs and was surprised to see the guy from the library there. The other rushees went to the dining room and started eating. I was full from eating at the last couple of houses, so I wandered to where I saw a familiar photo. It was blown up, but remained clear as day. I had remember having come across it when I was googling different photographers a few years ago. "Funny seeing you here," Dustin said. I turned and looked at him, blushing.


"What's your name again?"

"Xaden, Xaden Dumale," I said as we shook hands. He nodded his head like he's heard of me before.

"You must be Daniel Dumale's younger cousin then. I heard you were rushing," He said. I gave a surprised look, how could he have known that? "Word spreads fast when it comes to Phi Kappa Tau." I nodded my head, turning my attention back to the photo.

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