Chapter 2

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"Xandra, I'm fucking serious!" Daniel huffed after I laughed for a whole three minutes. Tears were streaming down my cheeks because of all my laughing. He wanted me to go undercover as a boy in a frat house?  He must have started smoking weed again because that was the craziest thing he's ever said. This wasn't some remake of She's the Man!

"That is a horrible idea," I told him honestly once I found my voice again. He rolled his eyes at me, crossing his arms over his chest.

"How is it horrible? I think it's actually a great idea, thank you very much," He smirked, "You'll be on the inside. The pledges have to spend a few hours a day with that douchebag, which gives you the perfect opportunity to ask him questions. Pledges go to parties with'd see what he's like when we go out."

"This is the worst idea I've ever heard of. You know how much trouble I'll get in when, when not if, but when, I get caught! No college will want to accept me because they'll think I'm some weird, fucked up teenage girl who wanted to live with a bunch of hot guys, so I pretended to be a guy just to do it!" I told him, angered at this proposal, "I'll be looked at as a sicko!" He frowned.

"At least you'd know if the prick was really cheating on you. Besides, you won't get caught, Xandra."

"You're insane."

"C'mon, Xandra! Give it a chance! If he ends up being clean and not cheating on you, I won't ever bug you on any of your other relationships!" He pleaded with me.

"You liar, you'd still harass me on future relationships," I said. I sighed and bit my lip. I mean, it wouldn't hurt. I could prove to Daniel that John is faithful and not cheating on me...I shook my head disappointed at how insane I was going to be for actually contemplating following through with this shit.

"So?" He asked with hopeful eyes. I poured my Ramen into a bowl and took one bite, chewing over the idea.

"Fine, but we're doing this my way."

"Yes! We can finally get rid of this prick once and for all!" He rejoiced throwing his fist in the air. I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment. "I'm going to go call Michelle and Angel!" He ran out of the room and left me with a half a bowl of Ramen and a sad heart for even questioning John's devotion to me and our relationship.

Twenty minutes later and my best friends, Michelle and Angel, were sitting across from Daniel and I at our dining room glass table. Michelle was staring at Daniel and licking her lips when he wasn't looking. She always had a crush on my brother and let's just say...wasn't very subtle about showing it either. Basically, she stalked him without his knowing.

"Why the hell am I here, Xandra?" Angel asked annoyed, breaking the silence. I mentally rolled my eyes at her impatience. They had both just arrived to my house and Daniel was going to tell them the plan. Angel's blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her brown eyes looked bored. I looked over at my best friend, Michelle. People thought we were lesbians because of how close we were. Michelle had beautiful, sea blue colored eyes I had always been jealous of. She was soft-spoken, but known for her sarcastic, dirty, and quick wit remarks on occasion. Her brown hair was straightened down to the below her huge ass D cups that I'd always give her trouble about because it was hard to find shirts that would fit them whenever we went shopping.

"Well, thank you so much for coming," Daniel started with a small smile, "Now the reason we've come together isn't for an intervention for Alexandra like we thought we would have one day; no, it's a lot more important than that. It's called 'Operation: Frat'" he said, making a rainbow like shape with his hands, just like Spongebob said when he would say 'imagination', "I want to prove something to Alexandra, so we're making her into a frat rushee." That last sentence surely got Angel's attention and made her drop her annoyed look. Daniel never really cared for Angel. He thought she was an annoying, selfish whore who needed to remain 50 feet away from him before he'd catch an STD, as he had told me so many times whenever she came over. She was sometimes bitchy and bipolar, and her obsession with boys seemed to be a turn off to many people. But, she was a childhood friend and she was super chill with people she liked. I think she was just upset because she normally talked to this boy she liked online all day on Saturdays.

"What?!" Michelle shrieked. She had a massive smile spread across her face, to the point I thought her face might break into two pieces. Angel's mouth stayed open in shock.

"It's kinda like an experiment...I need to go undercover as a frat boy," I lied. I didn't really want to share the main reason why I was doing this in front of Angel. She'd probably laugh and might call me pathetic which I didn't want to hear at the moment. I guess, in a way, I was acting pathetic. But...I was sort of a reasonable pathetic, right?

"What's the plan?" Michelle asked.

"Since you're fucking amazing with doing hair and whatnot, I wanted you to help me prepare for this," I answered. Michelle clapped her hands together in excitement. Her hands were blessed when it came to hair and make up. At seventeen she was making a killing by doing bride's day of wedding hair and make up. She was that good.

"Ohmygod, yes, yes, yes!" She smiled bigger and bigger with each 'yes.' Angel squinted her eyes at me.

"What about me?" She asked, somewhat insulted that I hadn't told her what her job was yet.

"I need you to "She's the Man" me. Teach me how guys talk since you have a lot of male friends," I answered. She nodded her head, focused on her own part. Shortly after she decided she had to go home because Nick, her online boyfriend, was waiting for her response. She would just end up texting me what she thought was acceptable for me to do and what not to do.

"C'mon!" Michelle giggled as she ran around the table and pulled me by the arm up to my room. "Ew, what died in here?" She asked once we entered my room, scrunching her nose.

"Too many things to count," I answered. She rolled her eyes and brought me to my vanity after almost tripping over numerous objects. I sat down and she started running her fingers through my long hair.

"Okay! Now, what were you thinking?" She asked me as she looked at me through the mirror. I squinted my eyes, not really sure what to do.

"I don't know," I answered, "I think I should probably wear a wig because if my hair gets wet, it'll just be weighed down and start dropping down to my waist...which wouldn't do me any good. Plus, I don't want to cut my hair at all," She nodded her head in agreement as she started running her hands through my waved hair.

"You're so lucky that my mom's new boyfriend's mom owns that wig shop. When are you leaving for Ohio?"

"Tomorrow night," Daniel answered from my doorway. He was staring at Michelle. I smirked at him when I realized he had purposely made Michelle blush by staring at her.

"Alright...that's possible, but I'll have to leave to go pick out a wig after I finish putting this up," She told me. I nodded my head.

"Here, while she does whatever, I'll explain to you how to be a dude, alright?" Daniel asked as Michelle started separating my hair. I nodded in agreement somewhat excited about this.

"Alright, teach me how to be a boy."

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