Chapter 19

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I was absolutely and undeniably exhausted as soon as I woke up. I could only sleep for a couple of hours. I was too nervous and excited to sleep.  The opening ceremony for the Best Pledge Games was tonight and I couldn't help but feel a little psyched out. The Greek Council hosted the games and it sounded pretty legit. Tonight's event was being hosted at the football stadium because of how many people attended it. I rolled over in my bed and grabbed my phone from the bedside table, removing the charger. I looked at my phone and it was 11:23 AM. I had to be there at 6 PM. I sighed, seeing I had four texts alone from Jasper. I slid my phone open and clicked his contact card.

Hey, need someone to talk to. @ 1:23 AM.

Are you up? @ 2:27 AM.

Xandra? @ 9:17 AM.

:(  @ 11:17 AM.

I decided I should just text him. I missed having him in my life and texting him, so I had to put my big girl panties on and suck it up. I finally realized how petty I was being towards him over something so small.

Are you okay?  I texted him.

Xandra He responded almost instantly.

Yes, Jasper, it's me, I texted back. Had he deleted my number or something?

I miss u  He texted back.

Goodness, I thought you were in trouble or something!

We need to talk. He responded.

About what?

Our friendship He responded, short and simple.

Okay, well, you have your Pledge thing this week. We'll figure something out later, okay?  I texted him back.

Alright. I was thinking about maybe swinging up to Minnesota some time for a visit if that isn't too much. I've never been.

As in you coming up and visiting me for a weekend?  I asked him confused. He was going to come up to Minnesota and visit me...for a full weekend? Oh lawdy I would not survive this.

If that's okay with you. I was thinking about leaving after the ending ceremony on Friday.

You really want to talk, eh?  I asked him.

I really wasn't feeling like getting up right now. I know I seemed lazy, and I probably was. I glanced over at Nate's bed and smiled a little. Nate was still sleeping and his face was turned towards me. Jeez, he was too cute. Over the last couple of weeks we had grown closer and I looked at him as another older brother. He was nearly as protective when it came to me as Daniel was.

After holding in a groan, I decided to crawl out of bed and prepare to go shower and change for tonight's events.


I sat with my pledge class and waited for the ceremony to start. The stadium was nearly filled to the brim with people.  I really didn't know what to expect. My fellow pledges spoke among themselves, but I stayed to myself. I got the feeling often many of them weren't fond of me. Daniel was busy doing whatever he does and Jasper had yet to make an appearance. I finally caught a glimpse of Jasper. He walked onto the field and towards where the stage was set up. From my understanding, since he was the president he was supposed to sit on the stage with the fellow Greek presidents. But boy, did he look hot. He was wearing a plaid shirt and some khakis. I was too fixated on my thoughts to even realized the ceremony had begun.

"Pledges! Brothers! Women of campus, professors, and alums! Welcome to the Ceremony for the Best Pledge Class 2019. I'm Arthur Jones, President of the Greek Council for Ohio State University. Today is the start of one of the most exciting frat events we host. Last year, Theta Delta Beta took the 1st place trophy home. As our tradition has always been, we want to get the president up here to give bestow some wisdom on these pledges. Help me welcome to the stage, Dustin Piers, President of Theta Delta Beta!" A big white guy announced in the middle of the stage. I saw Dustin Piers run onto the stage. Even from far away I could see he was smiling widely as he walked up to the podium.

"Hey everyone! Like Arthur just said, I'm Dustin Piers, President of Theta Delta Beta, and the proud holder of the 1st place trophy for the last three years in a row. I'm excited for this year's competition to see what you guys can bring. There are a lot of good pledges in all the houses and it should be a good week!" He announced. Everyone broke into a big applause, excited for the week's events to finally begin. Dustin walked back down to his seat among his pledge class. Being the winners of last year's games, the TDB pledge class was allowed to sit on stage with Dustin.

"Thanks, Dustin," Arthur said before continuing, "Now, you all know what this week entails. Tomorrow night there will be a flag football game, Tuesday there's a baseball game, Wednesday is the jeopardy game, some relay games on Thursday, and then the floor hockey game on Friday which will lead to the closing ceremony. Now, I hope everyone's individual fraternity has spoken to their pledges about the rules and I hope the pledges truly understand the rules for these Pledge Games. The rules are as follows: you must  be a pledge to participate. Obviously. You would be surprised how many people in the past have tried to break that one. Each pledge has to participate. Each game will obviously have their own rules and that will be told at the event during the opening announcements. All pledges have to be in attendance. And no bullshitting saying you're sick if you don't want to come. Sorry, Dean Woodson for the language. Our next and last guest we'll be having to come up tonight is one of our main sponsor's and our dean himself, Dean Anthony Woodson!" An older black man who I assumed to be the dean walked up to the podium. There was another round of applause.

"Hello students, in case you don't know, I'm Dean Woodson. I've been the dean at this fine institution for 18 years and I have enjoyed watching the Pledge Games for the last 26 as a professor. I wish you all luck and cannot wait to see how these games turn out!" Dean Woodson said, his voice rough. Everyone roared with applause, stoked for this week as the dean walked back to his seat. Dustin smiled walking back towards the podium and gestured for everyone to quiet down.

"Alright, well, I just want to finish by wishing you all the best of luck! Let's get the 2019 Best Pledge Games started!"

Instantly everyone started yelling and jumping up from their seats. I stood up along with my pledge class. I heard people behind us making bets on who they thought would win. I was overwhelmed with how excited everyone was around it. It felt like it was the Superbowl. People started chanting their fraternities over one another. I was astonished with how big of an event this would be. This wasn't the Olympics but it was definitely being treated like it was.

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