Your kiss unmissable.

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Irresistible - One Direction

Harry's POV-

For fucks sake, what the hell have I signed up for?

I almost kissed her, I wanted to so fucking bad. She was looking up at me with those large dark blue eyes and I was mesmerized. Maybe I'm not cut out for this, just because it's my dream doesn't mean I'm any good at it.

But what if I am? What if I can help her?

What if I can save her?

After the drive to the school I find my way into my new office, once I tuck Sara and I's sandwiches in the fridge I sit at my desk huffing. Her folder taunts me as I try to clear my head. I want so badly for her to tell me what is in here, but on her own time. 

She's such a puzzle to me, I'm trying to find the corners so that I can build the frame and fill in the pieces but then she scatters them. What was so bad that she physically gets sick every time she thinks about it? Why does she have such a skewed sense of her own image that she thinks she is fat? Who is abusing her? Who is using her?

My hands form into fists at the thought of someone hurting her. She's painfully naive but not the soft little bunny she comes off as. My phone begins to ring causing me to jump. "Hello?" I answer without looking at the screen.

"Hi baby." Charlotte coos. 

"Hey Lottie, sorry I didn't call you back last night." I reply sighing.

"It's fine, Louis said you were in a mood." She assures me sweetly.

More like I was horny as fuck with my girlfriend hundreds of miles away.

"Yea, when are you coming back?" I ask shortly.

"I'll be back Saturday or Sunday, Cadie and I have an apartment to look at. You know I hate living in the dorms." She huffs. "How your new job?"

"It's good."

"That's it? That's all I get?" She asks.

"I can't really tell you much love, I'm bound by contract." I explain.

"But I'm your girlfriend Harry, someday I'll be your wife and you can't keep secrets from me." Charlotte replies and I feel a pang of guilt.

"It doesn't work that way Lottie." I say firmly and can literally hear her eyes tearing up. She and I have been together for almost two years, she's my best friend and roommate's little sister.

I know, cliche as fuck right?

Louis is a few years older then me but we graduated together, when we both got into UC Berkeley we decided to stick together. Charlotte followed us out after she graduated a few years later then we started dating.

She's beautiful and kind, everything you want in a girlfriend but I don't know. Don't get me wrong, she's an amazing girl. I've just never felt a spark, with her or anyone for that matter. I found that it was easier to have a girlfriend honestly, it wards off the majority of female attention and I always have someone to bury myself inside.

"Harry?" Charlotte says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yea, sorry babe." 

"I miss you." She whispers seductively. "What are you doing right now?"

"Just going through some files, I have a session in an hour." I say as I flip open Sara's folder without even thinking. A news clipping is in the forefront depicting a fatal car accident.

"Do you think we could-"

"Charlotte I work at a high school for fucks sake, I'm NOT having phone sex with you." I snap as I pick up the clipping. 

"You can be a real asshole sometimes Harry, I was just trying to help." She retorts.

"Well this asshole needs to go." I say hanging up the phone completely distracted by the article. 

Laura and Joseph Andrews were killed in a car accident on September 13th, 2015 on the outskirts of Lake Berryessa in Napa county, Joseph and his wife were accompanied by their 16 year old daughter Sara when Joseph lost control of the car. The wreckage could be seen 50 feet down from the road, when emergency services arrived they found Sara badly injured while both Joseph and Laura appeared to be kill upon impact.

Holy shit, this was the accident? 

My phone buzzes on my desk as a text flashes across my screen. "Yo, we're having a party Friday mate."  A text from my other roommate reads. and I huff before texting a snarky retort about no fucking on my bed. After graduation Louis and I started renting rooms from this guy and his buddy Niall. Over the summer we became fast friends especially with all the killer parties he would throw.

My attention falls back to the folder, now that I know a little bit I need to know it all. After going through stacks of medical papers I understand so much more and yet have so many questions still.

Did Miss Green know all of this?

She had left her number so I decided to call her up, a friendly female voice answers on the second ring. "Hello, my name is Harry Styles and I'm Sara Andrews' psychologist. I was hoping you could answer a few questions." I ask.

"Of course, how is she doing?" Miss Green replies.

"She could be better, did you ever go through her medical files?" I question as I pinch my bottom lip.

"No, I only knew what she told me." She answers, I go one to ask her a few things which she sounded shocked at hearing. "Please help her Mr. Styles, she's such a sweet and smart girl. I hate how Michael has ruined her."

"Michael? As in Coach Watson?" I question as the bell rings letting me know that Sara would be here at any moment.

"Yes, it was almost like he had some type of control over her then after the accident he left her. While I don't condone their relationship it had to of been hard to have someone leave you right after your parents die." She explains.

"I see, thank you Miss Green." I pause realizing that Sara is now late. "Do you happen to have her cell number? I'm having an issue reaching her." I lie. Miss Green gives it to me happily before bidding me goodbye.

I shoot a quick text off to Sara and lean back as I gather my thoughts, I regretted reading her file. I wanted her to be open enough to me so I wouldn't have to but I never realized how deep this all goes. Now I know though.

I know everything.

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