Only yesterday we were on the run.

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Too Much To Ask - Niall Horan.

The rest of the week flew by, before I knew it I was getting ready to go to Liam's party. I had avoided Harry at school, Ian made sure that Principal Johnson knew that I was helping him prepare for finals coming up. After school I'd come home and spend time with Roxy before talking to Nathan after work.

What should I wear? I huff as I rip through my closet, I knew there was a chance that Harry would be there so I wanted to look good but not so good that it looks like I'm desperate to get him back....

Cause I'm not.


Ugh I don't even know anymore. My dark purple velvet dress catches my eye and I smirk remembering that Harry had bought it for me. It was short, tight fitting and perfect, before leaving the closet I grab my thigh high suede boots with a thick heel. After pulling them on and then slipping on my dress I pull my pinned curls down and do some light make up quickly.

Soon I hear Nathan honk from outside so I grab my leather jacket and pull it on before grabbing my purse. "I'll be back later Nessa." I shout towards the kitchen as I stride to the front door, Nathan is standing there leaning against his Mustang waiting. His hair is slicked back and he's wearing some torn jeans, chucks and a flannel shirt with a beater under it. 

I was way overdressed compared to him, I had gotten so used to Harry's dressy casual fashion but I knew that I looked good. Especially with the way that Nathan is licking his lips as I walk towards him.

"Damn." He mumbles under his breath and I smirk, "You look amazing." Nathan whispers before wrapping his arms around me. "Ready to go?" He asks and I nod, Nathan climbs into his car as I walk around and slide in feeling his eyes on my ass. As Nathan shifts into gear his pinky finger brushes against my leg and I'm remembering how Harry's did the same when he drove his sportscar, Nathan looks at me questioningly and I just shrug not wanting to explain. "Don't be nervous." He says softly as he reaches over and takes my hand, "We can leave whenever you like alright?" Nathan offers.

"Thank you." I whisper and squeeze his hand as he pulls into his brother's driveway, we both climb out of the car and Nathan grabs my hand before leading me inside leaving the cold, dark winter night outside. When we walk in it's clear this isn't a high school party, it's a bit lower key with games and karaoke going on. What shocked me the most was seeing Liam, Louis and Harry around the microphone as they stumbled their way through some boyband tune.

"Wow they're drunk." I mutter and feel someone nudge my side, "Emily!" I chirp before wrapping my arms around her.

"Hey! You look incredible girl." She gushes before looking at Nathan and frowning, "I know things have been awkward with me dating Liam and the whole thing with Harry. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you as much as I should of been." She adds sadly and I hug her again.

"It's alright, I'm just happy that you're happy." I whisper before pulling away, I look back towards the microphone and my eyes meet vivid green eyes staring back at me. His lips part as he takes in my appearance, a ghost of a smile graces his face until Nathan wraps his arm around me.

"Let's go get a drink." He whispers and I nod, breaking the connection between Harry and I's eyes. Nathan leads me into the kitchen and grabs a beer, "What do you want to drink?" He asks.

"Something hard." I mumble and he chuckles.

"Cranberry and Vodka?" He suggests.

"Sounds perfect." Nathan nods and quickly makes me one which I down instantly.

"I'll make a double and we can go play a game or dance." Nathan offers and I nod in agreeance, once my drink is done and I've taken a few sips, he leads me out to the dance floor. He places our drinks up on a table before wrapping his arms around me as we danced. 

Soon the karaoke started again and a slow song came on, a voice that I never knew but at the same time know so well began to come through the sound system. 

Waiting here for someone
Only yesterday we were on the run
You smile back at me and your face lit up the sun
Now I'm waiting here for someone

And oh, love, do you feel this rough?
Why's it only you I'm thinking of

My shadow's dancing
Without you for the first time
My heart is hoping
You'll walk right in tonight
Tell me there are things that you regret
Cause if I'm being honest I ain't over you yet
That's all I'm asking
Is it too much to ask?
Is it too much to ask?

Someone's moving outside
The lights come on down the drive
I forget you're not here when I close my eyes
Do you still think of me sometimes?

And oh, love, watch the sun coming up
Don't it feel fucked up we're not in love

My shadow's dancing
Without you for the first time
My heart is hoping
You'll walk right in tonight
And tell me there are things that you regret

'Cause if I'm being honest I ain't over you yet
That's all I'm asking
Is it too much to ask?

Once my eyes make contact with his they never leave, the pain in his voice was absolutely heartbreaking but I know better. I know I can't run right back in his arm, Why?

Because the moment he was done and sat down, Lottie was in his lap peppering kissing to his neck.

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