I'll be your harvester of light

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Winter Song - Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson

"You're too much Harry." Sara gushes as I clasp the necklace on her, she had taken off her hoodie and is wearing a deep V cut shirt allowing the dreamcatcher to settle right at the top of her breasts.

"It's perfect." I whisper before pecking her lips and sitting on the bench next to her, I split up the sandwich and hand her half before biting into my half.

"I hope it wasn't too expensive." She mumbles and I chuckle.

"It wouldn't of mattered if it was but don't worry, it wasn't." I wink at her, she leans her head against my shoulder before picking up her half and biting into it. 

"How much longer will the ride be?" She asks after a few bites.

"2 hours or so, mostly uphill. We're just at the beginning of the climb." I reply before grabbing an apple and ripping it in half, Sara looks at me with her eyes wide and mouth open.

"How the fuck did you just split that apple in half?" She asks in disbelief and I shrug.

"You can't?" 

"Not many people can Harry, that was impressive." She adds biting her lip.

"I'm good with my hands." I purr as I let my fingertips dance across her back causing her to hum in appreciation.

"What was this morning about Harry?" She asks softly, I knew it was bothering her still.

"It's nothing Sara, just my own stupidity but Emily called me on it." I assure her with a genuine smile, she nods before leaning her head against my shoulder again. "Don't go falling to sleep on me love, I don't want to half to tie you up." I tease, she looks up at me and bites her lips.

"Don't lie, you;d enjoy it." She coos and my pants grow a bit tighter.

"You're a kinky lil thing aren't you." I whisper before tilting her head up and kissing her, our kiss falls apart as we hear a giggle. Sara leans into my chest and I wrap my arm around her before pulling her legs over mine as we watch a family pour out of a car. The mom and dad looked to be in their late 20s to early 30s, the mom was holding a five year old's hand while the dad picked up a two year old from his set before grabbing a baby carrier. 

The five year old was giggling at the bear carvings in the front of the store, the parents set up their kids around the bears and take a photo of them before heading inside. It's then that I realize how much I want that, with Sara.

I want to see her pregnant with a miniature us, I want to have that romantic wedding. I want her to feel my love for her everyday for the rest of my life. But can I say that? No. I can't tell her, it will just scare her off. I don't want her to be with me because of how I feel, it needs to be because of how SHE feels.

"What time is your appointment?" Sara asks as I finish my food.

"5pm, we'll go to dinner after because I get a bit woozy after I get tattooed." I explain, she nods before cleaning up our garbage.

"We should get going then huh?" She suggest and I nod, after throwing away our garbage we walk over to my motorcycle and Sara pulls on her hoodie. "Harry?" She says as I go to put on my helmet, she takes it from my large hands and places it on the motorcycle before placing her hands on my chest. "Thank you for my necklace." She whispers before chewing her lip. "I just want to tell you that I-" She cuts herself off and takes a deep breath. "I care for you Harry, so much." She whispers as she looks up at me, her big eyes dark with emotion and fear.

She should NEVER have to fear telling someone how she feels, especially me.

My entire face lights up as I beam down at her, I can quite literally feel my dimple try to take over my face. My heart swells with love, she's trying Harry. Without another thought I sweep her off her feet, spin her around then dip her before kissing her passionately. 

"I care about you too Sara."


"Harry what is that?" Sara's voice rings through my helmet via blue tooth as we reach Echo Summit, the ground was slick from fresh rainfall but that's not what she was pointing at. 

"No fucking way." I mutter as I pull off the road and help her off the bike. "That's snow Sara." I inform her as I motion to the white perfect sheet laying in a meadow. "There must of been a snow storm last night." I say as I pull off my helmet. A light snowfall begins as Sara pulls off her helmet, her eyes light up like that most precious sapphires and my knees felt weak. This girl, no this woman.... She held my heart, she has me so whipped I'm pretty sure if she told me to strip down and dive dick first into that pile of snow I would without second thought. 

Sara was holding her hands out, the tiny snowflakes melt when they hit her warm skin but the intricate little ice crystals cling to her hair as if that was their rightful place. "How is it snowing here if it's warm at home?" Sara asks. 

"Well the elevation, at home we're at sea level but here we're at like 7200 feet. It's a lot colder up here." I explain and she nods, it's mind blowing to me that she's never in her almost 19 years seen snow.

"Can we?" She asks with a grin as she looks at the perfect white stretch of snow, it's over a meadow and looks pretty safe so I nod. Good thing we were both wearing boots, if she was wearing her chucks this wouldn't work. 

"Race you." I suggest, she grins. "Ready? GO!" I say as I take off at full speed towards the snow field. 

"You're like a foot taller then me so your legs are longer." She says catching her breath when she finally joined me. "That wasn't fair." I roll my eyes at her.

"What are you going to do- Sara!!!" I shout after a snowball hits me in the chest. "Oh, you're going to get it." I say as I reach down and gather some snow into a ball. 

"Give it to me then." She challenges biting her lip, can I fuck her in the snow? Will that work? Another snowball hits me in the junk and my eyebrows raise. "Shit Harry I'm sorry-"

"Run." I say lowly, Sara's eyes widen and she squeals as she tries to run away from me. I'm on her heels quickly and wrap my arms around her waist before pulling her down into the snow with me. We land with her body under mine as I lean between her legs and hover over her. "Got you." I purr before kissing her passionately, Sara uses her weight to flip us so my back is in the snow and she's straddling me. 

After a few minutes the snow starts to soak through my clothing, when I shiver Sara climbs off of me and helps me up. The snow starts coming down a little harder but I can't help but notice how beautiful she is in this moment, I cup her face and kiss her plump pink lips tenderly. 

"Will you be able to drive in this?" she asks as we tangle our fingers together and walk back towards the bike.

"Yea, this is the highest point of the pass, in the next five miles or so we'll drop down four thousand feet." I explain and she nods. "Your first snow." I say softly after reaching the bike, I brush a snowflake from her hair before running my fingertips down her cheek. "Was it everything you ever dreamt of?"

"It was so much more Harry."

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