I gave you all my energy and I took away your pain

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Save Myself - Ed Sheeran

"We need to talk to Niall baby."

"Why Harry?" I ask as he pulls away and walks to the door.

"He's a lawyer, he'll help us." He informs me and I nod before he leaves the room, if Harry trusts him than so do I. When they came back Niall looked at me with concern. "Sara." Harry says before kneeling in front of me. "I need you to tell Niall everything, ok baby?"

I nod softly as Niall pulls up Harry's desk chair and Harry climbs onto the bed. Harry wraps his arm around me comforting me as I tell Niall the story of Michael and I, time to time he'd comment You're kidding right? or That sick bastard. He was especially surprised to hear that my very own sister had married him and was attempting to conceive a child with him.

Harry's hold on me never relented, even when I told Niall things I hadn't told him. Harry didn't know the extent of Michael's abuse, he didn't know what happened the last time I told Michael no. I had told Vanessa that I walked into a wall which she naively believed.

But walls don't usually fracture a nose in two places, walls usually don't cause enough damage to have to get a nose job at 17.

Needless to say, Harry was livid but still supportive. I showed Niall the contents of the box including my baby's ashes, he assured me that I had a strong enough case to pursue charges against him.

Harry, Niall and I made plans to go to the police station first thing in the morning. After washing my face Harry offers me a tshirt to sleep in as he slides on some boxers.

"I thought you slept naked." I tease him as my hands go to his bare chest.

"I figured that would be a little inappropriate tonight love." He says smiling softly as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"You're amazing Harry, I don't know what I'd do without you." I whisper as I look up into his green eyes.

"Ditto baby." He says before kissing me softly, Harry scoops me up bridal styles with our lips still connected and carries me over to his bed. He lies me down and climbs over top of me before covering us with his silk navy sheets.

"Thank you Harry, for everything." I whisper as he wraps his arms around me from behind.

"Anything you need love, just let me know." He says softly and kisses my shoulder. "Goodnight Sara."

"Night Harry."


"You almost ready baby?" Harry asks as he comes up behind me with a towel slung low on his hips as I finish curling my hair.

"A little bit." I say nervously.

"Niall said that you shouldn't wear makeup as they will ask you a lot of questions, also to dress conservatively." Harry says softly.

"Will you be able to stay with me?" I ask him looking in the mirror at him.

"I told Niall I'm not leaving you no matter what." He assures me before kissing me on the cheek. "I'm going to go get ready, I'll pull some clothes out for you." He says and I nod before he walks out of the bathroom.

I looks at myself in my silk royal blue robe Emily had made me buy, I look scared but at the same time I look strong and determined. I look like a woman who is loved, not a girl who is abused.

"I couldn't find any conservative tops for you really but I have a sweater you can wear." Harry says as he holds up a lilac sweater, he pulled out some skinny jeans and flats as well. His sweater was big on me but it worked with a white sports bra underneath as it was kind of slouchy. "You look cute babe." He chirps as he buttons his white shirt all the way up, he left the sleeves long as to cover his tattoos. He's wearing some dark denim jeans with boots and a belt, he also has his hair is pulled back in a scarf which I love.

"You look good Harry, I like seeing your tattoos though." I whisper as I grip his collar and look up at him.

"Niall said it would be better if I came off as the smart, well educated guy I am rather the tattooed biker guy you know?" He says shrugging.

"Well I love both sides of you Harry." I say smiling, Harry's eyes light up as I realize what I just confessed.

"You do-"

"Harry? Sara? You two ready?" Niall asks from the other side of the door.

"Yea, come in Nialler." Harry calls out, Niall comes in wearing a dark grey suit with a white shirt and dark green tie. "You two look perfect." He assures us. "Ready to go? We should take my car, something more civilian then an R8 or Range Rover." He adds teasingly.

"You're the boss." Harry says shrugging as he tangles our fingers together and leads us into the kitchen. "You need to eat something baby." He says as he unwraps a banana.

"I don't think I could eat if I wanted to Harry." I whisper and he gives me a tight lipped smile.

"It's going to be ok Sara, you are so brave." He whispers as he cups my face. "I'm so fucking proud of you." He says before kissing me softly.

I pull away and let him eat his banana as I pour myself some coffee, add the creamer and drink it quickly.

"Ok guys, time to go." Niall chirps as he grabs his briefcase and my box of memories I had given him. Harry and I nod and follow him out the front door, Harry offers to sit in the back of Niall's Honda Civic but I told his tall ass to get in the front seat.

The entire ride there Harry's leg was bouncing, I was nervous but he was even more so. Maybe he knew what to expect whereas I didn't, would I have to deal with Michael? Do I need to testify against him?

I began to panic as my mind began to race but then I feel a hand rest on my thigh.

"It's going to be ok baby, I promise."

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