You keep saying that you're alright but I can see it through the fake smile.

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Fire Away - Niall Fucking Horan

"Thank you for dinner." 

"Anytime Sara." Ian says before knocking back his second beer while I'm on my third, seeing Harry with Lottie was driving me to drink I swear. He looks so miserable, so in pain.

"Will you be ok driving?" I ask in my slightly inebriated state.

"Yea but I should drive you home hm? I can give you a ride in the morning if you like...."

"I'll take her home." Harry's harsh tone and sharp accent cause me to jump.

"What about your pregnant fiance hm?" Ian challenges and Harry rolls his eyes.

"She's not-...... She drove herself, come on Sara." Harry insists as his large hand wraps around my arm.

"Fuck you Harry, you're not my boyfriend. You're nothing to me." I snap and Harry's eyes turn threatening. If I'm being completely honest, it's kind of arousing. I think I'm into it.

"You shouldn't be drinking, you're underage." He growls.

"I didn't hear you saying that when we were in Tahoe did I?" I taunt, cocking my brow and smirking.


"Just go Harry, I trust Ian a hell of a lot more then I trust you right now." I cut him off as I pull away from his grasp. "Let's go." I say to Ian who pulls out three twenties and leaves them on the table. Harry doesn't budge causing Ian to bump his shoulder as he came to my side to lead me out to the car. "I'm sorry about him." I mumble as Ian guides me to his truck.

"It's fine, I've dealt with my fair share of jealous ex-boyfriends." He says and I furrow my brows at him.

"You're..... gay?"

"What? No, I mean ex's of the girl I've dated." He says chuckling and I nod. "Climb in, it's getting cold." 

Once inside he puts the heater on which really doesn't help my slight inebriation, a few blocks down I notice he keeps checking his rearveiw mirror. "So uh, is this ex of yours.... dangerous?" He asks nervously and I laugh.

"Harry couldn't hurt a fly, why?" I question.

"Well, he's following us." He says with his eyes on the mirror, I roll my eyes and sigh.

"He's probably just making sure you don't come in with me and take advantage of me." I offer and he nods.

"Well that's kind of nice..... I guess." He replies as he pulls onto my street. "I'll see you tomorrow." He says offering me a soft smile, I lean over and kiss his cheek before smiling at him.

"See you tomorrow Ian." I reply before stumbling out of his truck with my bag. "I'm ok!" I say louder then I wanted to as I catch myself from falling. I give a little wave and he nods before pulling away, I toss a look of annoyance towards Harry's car down the street and head inside.

After letting Roxy out and changing into some pajamas she and I curl up on the small couch in my room to watch some TV, after a while my phone buzzes. 

"Hey, you awake?" Nathan texts, I see that it's after 10 but I'm not tired at all.

"Yea, I'm up. Not really tired so I'm just watching TV, was about to put on a movie." I write back, Roxy looks up at me with her big brown eyes. "I miss him too Rox." I whisper as I pet her head softly.

"What movie?" Nathan asks.

"SuckerPunch." I reply, it's my favorite movie for when I'm angry. Nothing like a bunch of gorgeous women fighting back and kicking ass.

"Never seen it, want some company?" He replies and I sigh, I mean I guess it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Nathan is very sweet aside from the bullshit that went on with Harry and Lottie, maybe it would be good. 

Maybe it will help me move on.

I replied that I'd like some company and told him my address, I asked him to come around to my window as I don't want Vanessa asking any questions. Ten minutes later there was soft tapping on the window, I open it and Nathan hands me a large bowl of popcorn along with a drink and some candy before climbing in. 

"Did you rob the movie theater Nathan." I tease and he chuckles. 

"Nah, my friend works there and they were closing so I got hooked up." He says as he slips his jacket off. "Who's this?" He asks as he kneels down to Roxy, she doesn't growl but I can tell she's not thrilled by him petting her. 

"That's Roxy, she was my Christmas present." I explain.

"From Harry?" He asks and I sigh. "No wonder why she doesn't like me, dogs usually love me." He says as he sits down. "How are you doing?" He asks softly, I sigh and sit besides him.

"I'll be ok, I'm just trying to move on as quick as possible but it's hard." I mumble, Nathan reaches over and puts his hand on my thigh sympathetically causing me to jump. 

My scars were under his hand. 

Nathan furrows his brows as he pulls his hand away and looks at my thigh. "Sara-"

"I'm better now, don't worry." I assure him, he gives me a tight lipped smile and nod before running his fingers over it softly.

"Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo to cover them?" He questions.

"That's not a horrible idea actually." I reply, thinking about what I would get.

"If you want I can hook you up." He offers and I nod.

"Thanks Nathan, I'll think about it." 

I turn off my lights and click on the movie before settling into the couch, well it's more like a love seat meaning that Nathan and I are sitting fairly close. He rests his feet on the table in front of us and holds the popcorn in his lap. He asks a few questions here and there as we snack away, once the popcorn was done he puts the bowl on the table and leans back. I shiver cursing at myself for not putting on warmer clothing. 

"You cold?" He asks.

"Just a little bit." I confess, he smiles and opens up his arm.

"Come here." He says as I stare at him blankly. "I promise I won't bite." He smirks, I roll my eyes and move closer to him. He wraps his arm around me and I'm instantly warmer.

It was nice having someone here, someone that wasn't asking anything of me, someone that wasn't expecting anything. Just someone to talk to and be with.

Maybe Nathan isn't so bad after all.

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