Everything I need is standing in front of me

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Tell Me You Love Me - Demi Lovato

"Dance with me Sara." Harry grins cheekily, the alcohol in his system making him extra touchy and grabby. He drags me over to the fire before griping my hips and moving us to the music, I missed dancing with him.

Hell I missed doing everything with him.

I miss how our bodies move together, I miss how he makes me feel inside and out. I miss how he can leave me writhing underneath him with a single look.

Fuck, who's idea was it to take it slow again?

I turn in Harry's grasp and roll my body back against him earning a moan as his lips ghost across my neck, my hand reaches up and tangles in his long hair pushing his lips against me more as I throw my head back.

When I lift my head up my lips part and I freeze, "Harry, Johnson is here."

"I know love, he's in my pants." Harry purrs against my neck and I nudge him with my elbow.

"Not YOUR johnson, PRINCIPAL Johnson." I whisper shout as I nod to the back who has his back to us as he talks to a group of people.


"We need to go find Ronnie." I say before grabbing Harry's hand and running around the outside of the clearing so we're hidden by the trees, we find Ronnie making out with some hipster guy on a bench near the cars finally. "Ronnie we need to go." I interrupt their kiss, Ronnie looks at me with a glazed look in his eyes. "My Principal is here, he can't see Harry and I together."

"Who's your principal?" He says looking around drunkenly, I point him out and he laughs. "Oh Eric, he's cool but yea you two better get out of here. I think I'll stay and crash with someone so you can take my car." He adds as he tosses me his keys, "You're sober right?" He asks me and I nod. "Good, don't hurt my baby." He mumbles before locking lips with his kissing partner again.

Harry and I quickly sneak away to Ronnie's car, I unlock it and go to turn it on but it won't work. "What the fuck is wrong with this thing?" I say hitting the wheel, Harry shakes his head and laughs at me.

"It's a stick love, you need to press the clutch before you turn it over." Harry explains and my eyes go wide.

"Harry I don't know how to drive a stick! Five months ago I had no clue how to drink at all!"

"Fuck I shouldn't of drunk that much." Harry says pushing his hair back and then pinching the bridge of his nose trying to think. "Ok, it's fairly simple. I'll shift for you and tell you when to press the clutch." He reasons and I look at him with wide eyes.

"What's a clutch?" I ask, Harry hangs his head and shakes it.

"Ok, you're learning how to drive a stick tonight baby. Then maybe I'll let you ride mine." He winks as he grabs at his crotch and I growl in frustration.

"Now is not the time to be cheeky Harry Edward Styles!" I snap, Harry sighs and takes my hand.

"Do you trust me?" He asks.

"Depends on how much you've drank-"

"Sara, you can do this ok? I'll shift for you and help you." He assures me, I bite my lip nervously and nod. "Ok the clutch is the pedal on the left, you use your left foot for it then your right for gas and brake. Understand?"

"Yes." I whisper, he leans over and kisses me on the cheek before continuing.

"Ok now press it and turn the car on." He says and I do as told, Harry takes my hand and sets it on the stickshift. "Now press the brake and clutch while I move us into reverse."

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