All of my life, I've been frozen.

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Sweetest Devotion-Adele

"Home?" Harry asks looking at me concerned and I nod.

"Home is wherever you are." I whisper before kissing him gently. 

"You got it baby." Harry winks at me before opening my car door. The ride was quiet but not uncomfortable, so much was on my mind that before I knew it we were pulling into Harry's garage. He grabs my bags and I grab the small box before heading into the house. "Liam!" Harry bellows and the brown eyed man comes jogging in.

"What's happening?" He asks looking at the bags.

"Sara needs a place to stay-"

"No problem, anything for you love." He says nodding at me.

Well that was easy.

"I can cook for you guys and help with rent." I offer and he shakes his head. 

"You're more then welcome to cook for us IF you want to but I will not take a dime from you ok?" He explains and I nod setting down the box before walking over to him.

"Thank you so much Liam." I say softly as I hug him, there's something about Liam that is just so comforting. Like a big brother or even fatherly type, before I knew it I was sobbing on his shoulder as he rubs my back.

"What wrong?" He whispers.

"Everything and nothing at the same time, I've just had a really long 24 hours." I sigh as I pull away from him. Harry comes back into the room empty handed, I guess he put my stuff in his room.

"You ok love?" Harry asks as wraps an arm around my waist and kisses my temple.

"I will be." I say softly as I smile and look up at him. He nods and goes to grab the box but I stop him. "No, let me get it please." I say as I pick up the box. He gives me a concerned look. "I'm going to go get settled in." I inform them before walking towards Harry's room. I could hear him thank Liam and then jog towards me. 

"I cleared out a few drawers really quickly and there's some hangers and space in the closet." He says softly.

"Thank you so much Harry, I'd be lost without you." I whisper as I set my box on the bed, the bed where I was shown real pure love for the very first time. Harry looks down on me as I turn towards him and look up into his dark green eyes. 

"I love you." He whispers and I smile at him before rising to my toes and kissing him softly. "Come on, I'll help you unpack." He says before kissing my forehead. Harry jokes with me lightly as he helps me put my stuff away, he talks me into getting rid of my large clothing and things that would hide me. "I can't believe it all fit." He says as he flops down on the bed, I jump to grab my box before its shifts and he looks at me curiously. "What's in the box?"(Cue Brad Pitt "WHATS IN THE BOX.... Fuck I'm a nerd)

Harry sits up and moves to the head of the bed so he can rest against the headboard, I climb onto the bed and sit between his legs faces him. "This is the last piece of Michael and I." I whisper as I set the box on my lap and open it up. First I pull out an envelope of photos, one by one I show them to Harry.

Photos of Michael and I that we had taken privately, none pornographic or anything. Just us together. I found one where I was looking at him and I remember feeling so in love in that moment. 

"You look scared." Harry says as he takes the photo from me and studies it.

"I thought I was so in love with him, especially at this point in time."

"You don't look at me like this Sara, when you look at me I see genuine love in your eyes even if you cannot say it. I know you feel it baby." He whispers as he cups my face, I turn my face into his hand and kiss his palm softly as he smiles at me. 

I tuck the photos away and pull out my sonograms. "You know, I don't even know if I want kids." 

"That's understandable, I've always been on the fence myself. I love children but I quite like peace and quiet you know?" He says smiling and I nod. The last thing in the box was a small pink urn and a paper with her tiny hand and foot prints. 

Harry takes the small urn into his large hands and places a kiss to it. "I didn't even get to see her, they told me how small she was but I never got to hold her. I never got to say goodbye." I whisper as tears begin to fall.

Harry sets the urn back down in the box and places it to the side before pulling me against him and wrapping his arms around me. "I'm so sorry for everything you've been through Sara, as much as I wish I could make it all better I wouldn't. If all of this didn't happen we would of never met, I would still be getting sucked dry by Lottie and not in love with the most beautiful girl in the world." Harry says as he cups my face before kissing me gently.

I reach over and place the box on the floor before reattaching our lips and deepening the kiss. "I need you Harry, I need you to love me." I whisper and he smiles knowingly. 

While I cannot tell Harry I love him, I can show him. 

Harry is so gentle but strong and sexy as he showers my body with love and affection, showing me pleasures only he could. It's not just our bodies working together but our emotions, our souls loving each other as well. 

A euphoric state washes over us as Harry pulls me against him  and kisses my forehead. "I love you Sara." He whispers knowing that I cannot return the words.

"Harry, will you help me tomorrow?" I ask.

"Of course love, with what?" He asks curiously.

"I want to press charges against Michael.

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