I was stumbling, looking in the dark with an empty heart

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Home - One Direction

(A month later)

"Harry we're going to crash!"

"Baby calm down, that's just turbulence." I whisper soothingly and she huffs, I knew she had never been out of state but it never crossed my mind that she'd never been on a plane before.

"Why did I say yes to flying around the world to meet people that will most likely hate me?" Sara mutters and I sigh.

"They will love you just as much as I do Sara." I whisper before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Yea but you get to see my tits." She points out and I chuckle. "Can we stop at the store? I should bring a cake or cookies."

"We can stop at the bakery I used to work at but you don't NEED to impress them baby, they're already impressed with how happy you make me." I assure her and she sighs. "I could take your mind off of it." I suggest biting my lip as my fingertips dance up her thigh.

"Are you suggesting we join the mile high club Mr. Styles?" She teases and I smile.

"You said it, I didn't."


After our mid air rendezvous Sara relaxed, I love that I have that effect on her. I love that my touch can calm her down. She fell to sleep soon after we returned to our seats, I couldn't sleep though. I was too excited. Gemma was helping me with Sara's Christmas present even though she tried to get me to promise not to get her anything since I bought her SUV.

Ha, funny.

"Everything is all set for your lady baby bro, see you soon." Gemma assures me via text, I shoot back a thank you before leaning back and resting my head on top of Sara's. I can't sleep but I can rest at least.

At some point I guess I dozed off, I awoke to the pilot telling us we would be landing soon. "Sara baby, wake up." I coo before kissing her head. "We're almost there."

"I slept through it all?" She asks as she stretches her sleepy bones.

"Well I certainly hope not, I mean we did join the mile high club." I tease and her face reddens. 

"I can't believe we did that." She mumbles as she buries her head in my chest.

"Oh you did, and it was fucking amazing." I whisper and she giggles.

"Who is picking us up?" She asks and I sigh, I should of told her about this bit.

"Actually love, Mum's house is about 4 hours from the airport so I have a rental set up for us." I tell her and she sighs. 

"That's the closest airport to it?"

"No but it's the largest and safest." I say shrugging and she nods. "Plus the drive is easy, it's one of my favorites this early in the morning." I add nodding towards the sunrise.


After the plane lands Sara and I grab our bags and get our rental car, we're staying in England for nine days so I figured renting a car would be best since I want to bring Sara to all the places important to me here. "It's Christmas Eve isn't it?" Sara asks after buckling herself in, we had left the morning of the 23rd and with the time change we landed at 7am UK time. 

"It is, our first real holiday together." I reply as I reach over, take her hand and raise it to my lips before placing a soft kiss. "The first of many hopefully." I whisper and she smiles softly. 

"I can't believe we've been together almost five months Harry." She says and I grin at her. 

"Best five months of my life." I retort and she rolls her eyes.

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