I'm having your baby

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Kiwi - Harry "Rhinestone Cowboy" Styles


The look on Sara's face when she opened her Christmas present was worth all the trouble of licensing, vaccinating and paying out the arse to get that little puppy legal to bring back to the states. 

When Vanessa mentioned she was thinking about getting a dog it sparked a thought in me, when I ran it by her she thought it was a wonderful idea. I did my research, I wanted a dog that made Sara feel safe and that was loyal to a fault as well as cute as can be. When I stumbled across a Rottweiler breeder I knew it was perfect, yes they can get a bad rep but hey.

So can I.

"Do you like her?" I ask Sara as she stares down at the black and brown ball of fur, she had a purple collar with her name on a sparkly silver heart tag. Sara never had a dog before, she told me that she always wanted a big dog named Roxy so that's what's on her name tag.

"I love her." Sara squeals as she picks up the wiggling puppy, she hugs her and the puppy covers her face with kisses causing Sara to sigh in happiness. "You remembered." She whispers as she looks at the name tag.

"We can change it if-"

"No Harry, it's perfect. She's perfect." She says as she hugs the puppy and suddenly I'm feel very jealous over a little puppy so I walk across the room and wrap my arms around her and the puppy. "You're perfect." She whispers as she looks up at me, I grin before leaning down and kissing her softly.

Suddenly there's a whine and I feel something soft pawing at my face. "We need to get her a crate cause she is not about to be the cutest little cock block." I mutter against Sara's lips and she smirks against mine.

The rest of the morning was spent eating, laughing and just genuinely enjoying being with three... Well now four of my favorite girls. Mum asked me to run to the bakery I used to work at for some bread to go with dinner so Gemma offered to keep an eye on Roxy while I took Sara into down. 

She had changed into a dark blue sweater dress that hugged her figure perfectly, paired along with some nude tights, the riding boots and coat that mum and Gem had gotten her. Her had her long mahagony down hair down in loose curls and her normal neutral makeup with a darker lip, I don't know how but she looked more beautiful then ever. There was just different about her, she was glowing almost. 

"You dress differently out here." Sara says as I pull onto the main street from the house, I was wearing some skinny blue jeans and boots with a sweater under my brown shearling coat. My curls were pushed back with a beanie that mum had knit for me. 

"It's cold out here." I shrug and Sara smiles.

"I like it, have you ever thought of moving back?"

"Not really, I like California. It's one of the few places in the world where you can experience all the seasons and still be hours away from a warm beach." I explain and she nods, within a few minutes I pull up to the bakery I'm so familiar with.

"How long has it been since you've been here?" She asks curiously.

"A year, I usually come every Christmas. They are only open a few hours and I like to visit with them." I reply before getting out of the car and rounding it to help her out. Our fingers tangle together as I lead her into the warm bakery.

"It smells like heaven in here." Sara chirps as the older ladies turn towards us.

"Harry? Is that you boy?" My old boss Barbra squeals.

"Merry Christmas ladies." I say smiling and wrap my arm around Sara pulling her to my side. "This is my girlfriend Sara." 

"Oh look at you two!" "Such a beautiful couple." "She suits you far more then Charlotte!" The women all chirped excitedly before bombarding us with hugs.

"It's not Christmas without you pinching my arse now is it Barbra." I tease as I pull her hand away from my behind. 

"We were just waiting for you, your mom had put in a large order of bread so we figured you'd be coming." Another lady named Eileen says as she flips the sign from open to closed. "Sit down and have some tea! Paula made some of her bread pudding." She says motioning to Paula who brings out a large platter with plates for everyone.

We sat around a table, drank tea and snacked on bread pudding as they grilled us about how we met and told embarrassing stories about me. They told Sara how I'd spend half of my paycheck on train rides to go see a girl I was sweet on.

A few hours later mum texted me to see where what was taking so long so Sara and I bid farewell, the ladies each hugged her and told her that she was good for me. I couldn't agree more.

Mum had dinner ready by the time we got home, my aunt and uncle had arrived with my cousin and her children so we were just waiting for my grandfather. I see the was Sara looks at me when I'm around kids and I know what she told my mum last night but I can't help feeling like maybe something could change. 

Maybe she'll want a family with me. 

My grandfather soon arrived and the festivities began, I was soon left with Roxy in my lap as my grandfather charmed Sara into telling him about her before sweeping her away to dance. Lucky you're an old man gramps.

Overall the evening was amazing, Sara fit into my family like she was born for it and I couldn't be anymore happy. My mum could sense it and that's why she stole me away before Sara and I went to bed.

"I think it's time you had this Harry." Mum says handing me a soft velvet bag, my eyes widen as I open it and see my nana's emerald ring.

"Are you sure mum?" I ask in disbelief and she chuckles.

"It's not an engagement right sweetie, your nana wanted you to give this to the woman that held your heart. It's up to you who it is although if you claim it isn't Sara I may slap you." She retorts with a smirk. "I like her Harry, she's good for you and I think you just might be able to change her mind about children if you haven't already. Besides, with the way she's glowing I wouldn't be surprised if she had one in the oven already." She adds with a wink

Wait, she thinks Sara is pregnant?


The longer into our trip we got, the more I agreed with my mum's suspicions. Sara was happy, happier then I had ever seen her but there were a few mornings she wasn't really feeling well. When I brought up the thought of getting a pregnancy test she shut me down though so I just dropped it, for now.

The rest of our trip went by so fast, Gemma and Sara had basically become best friends while Roxy and I bonded. She's Sara's dog but mine also and I adore her. I decided not to give Sara the ring, not yet at least. Maybe Valentine's day or on her graduation day.

Sara was exhausted when we landed back in California so I insisted that she stay the night and go home tomorrow since she had left her SUV at my place. I moved her bags into her car as she got Roxy out of mine before leading her inside. 

"Harry wait" Sara whispers as we walk into my room, a throat is cleared causing us to turn around. 

"Harry I'm pregnant."

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