Feels like this could be forever right now.

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A.M - One Direction

Michael's lips mold against mine but it was different.

I didn't feel anything, not anymore. 

"No." I say indifferently as I pull away, Michael's eyes fade from lustful to furious.

"Excuse me?" He spits as he grips my arm.

"I have food poisoning Michael, I don't think you want me shitting or puking on your dick." I retort hoping it would turn him off, by the disgusted look on his face it works but I don't get off that easily. 

Not without some pain first.

Tears form in my eyes as Michael pulls back and socks me in the jaw before storming out. I rush after him and lock the door as I hear my phone ringing. "Hello." I answer trying not to cry.

"Are you ok? I heard shouting." Harry's British drawl rings through.

"I'm fine, my brother in law got a little heated but I'm fine." I assure him as I get a towel wet with cold water and press it against my jaw.

"Promise?" Harry asks as I see that it's almost 10pm.

"Yes Harry, I promise. I'll see you tomorrow." I say before hanging up and tossing my phone onto the bed. My body falls next to it as I flop down and wait for Nathan to call me. At ten after my phone finally rings. "Hello." I answer softly.

"Damn, your voice sounds like heaven." Nathan responds. "How was your day?" He asks.

"It was ok, how about you?" I ask.

"It was cool, got to do my first tattoo today. My brother's been training me since I was 16 but I couldn't tattoo until I turned 18." He explains.

"When did you turn 18?" I ask.


"Well happy birthday!" I chirp.

"Know what would make my birthday the best ever?" He asks.

"What's that?" I question.

"If you come to my party with me." He says nervously making me smile. 

"I'd love to."

Nathan and I went on to talk all night pretty much, I learned so much about him. He moved here with his mom and dad from Southern California to be closer to his brother. Nathan was easy to talk to, he told me all about his idyllic childhood and his dating history. He would ask me questions here and there but wasn't pushing me at all, he could either tell that I had walls up or he didn't really care.

I hope it's the first option.

I jolted awake just before my alarm went off to realize that I had fallen to sleep on my phone, after turning off my alarm I saw that I had three texts.

"You fell to sleep and I didn't want your phone to die so I ended the call. Goodnight beautiful, I'll see you in English." From Nathan, his sweet words cause me to blush.

"Do you need a ride this morning babe?"  From Emily.

"I'll pick you up at 7:15 and take you to breakfast."  From Harry, I quickly text Emily that I have a ride and then text Harry that I'll see him in 30 minutes before jumping in the shower. 

After quickly washing my body I slide on my bra and a pink lace thong that Emily had insisted I buy when we went school shopping. Looking in the mirror I see all of my flaws, everything that makes me hate myself but underneath that I see something changing.

Something changing inside of me. 

After sliding on my leggings, uniform, sweater and boots I decide to use the extra time I had to curl my hair loosely leaving it down when I would usually put it up. I sweep on some mascara after putting on foundation and concealer to try to hide the bruise forming on my jaw then finish the look with some berry colored lipgloss before I hear a car horn sound.

"Where do you think you're going looking like that?" Michael spits as I exit my room.

"You look beautiful." Vanessa reassures me before glaring at Michael.

Thank fuck she was still home.

"I'm going to breakfast with a friend, I'll be home to cook dinner." I say smiling at her and ignoring Michael's murderous gaze, she nods in response and I head to the door. My eyes widen seeing a gorgeous sports car waiting for me with an even more gorgeous man behind the wheel.

I run to the passenger side before Harry could get out, I don't want Michael seeing him. Harry shoots me a shy smile as I slide in. "Good morning." He says in a sleepy voice that makes me squeeze my thighs together. 

"Morning." I reply taking in his appearance, he wore a black fitted shirt along with his black skin tight jeans and brown boots I've noticed were a staple in his wardrobe. But what surprised me was that he had pulled his hair up and was wearing a pageboy hat which made him look younger then 22.

"You look beautiful this morning Sara." He says with a soft smile before pulling away. "Smoothies ok for breakfast?" He asks and I nod.

"Who's car is this?" I ask not being able to keep my curiosity to myself anymore.

"It's mine, was a graduation present from my mom but I like my Range Rover better." Harry says shrugging.

"Why? I mean not that it's not nice but this car is beautiful." I question.

"Because I worked my ass off to pay for it myself." Harry explains.

"Totally get it." I reply smiling.

"Why don't you drive?" Harry asks softly.

"I know how but every time I've gotten behind the wheel I've had a panic attack." I inform him as I look down at my hands. Harry reaches over, takes my hand and squeezes it. 

"We can work on that later." He says smiling. "One thing at a time right?" He offers and I nod expecting him to pull his hand away but he doesn't, his thumb continues stroking the back of my hand as he pulls into a parking spot. Harry grabs a small bag before opening my door and leading me inside. "I usually get the kale smoothie but I know I'm weird so get whatever you like." He says with a smile. 

After ordering a peach-mango smoothie with a protein kicker that Harry insisted I add I pay for my own but not without a fight of course. "You can't keep paying for my food Harry." I insist as we sit down at a table.

"As long as you eat love." He says shrugging as he puts the bag on the table. 

"What's in the bag?" I ask curiously.

"I want you to go into the bathroom, put this on and take off your leggings." He says sliding it over, I look at him with my brow cocked. "Please." He begs and I huff before stomping off to the bathroom. 

Once inside I see a school polo but on a smaller size, I roll my eyes as I slide off my over sized sweater and polo before sliding the smaller one on. 

It doesn't look horrible, I think to myself. My scar is on the inside of my arm so you don't really see it unless I raise it or move it around a lot. Harry was right though, wearing a smaller size does make me look thinner even though it's kind of tight against my chest. I huff as I go to pull down my leggings but soon realize that would be a HUGE mistake because of the choice of underwear I made. 

After tucking my sweater and polo into the bag I make my way back out to join Harry. "Much better but you forgot the leggings." He praises as I sit down.

"I won't wear them tomorrow." I mumble and he purses his lips.


"Look, I'm not wearing the right kind of underwear for this skirt with no leggings, I said I'll do it tomorrow ok?" I snap and Harry's eyes grow wide as he bites his lip.

"Oh." He says with a smug look.

I have a feeling today is going to be a long hard day.

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