Come away where they can't tempt us, with their lies

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Come Away With Me - Norah Jones


Harry bought me a car. No, Harry bought me a fucking Range Rover.

"I know how much you like mine so I figured you should have one of your own plus I wanted you to take your test in your own vehicle." Harry explains as he holds my hands and caresses the backs of them with his thumbs. "Do you wanna get the food to go so you can take it for a drive?" He asks and I nod my head enthusiastically. 

Harry calls over the waiter while I gaze out at the shiny new SUV awaiting us, it's a beautiful dark blue and I can totally imagine Harry's parked next to us. It's so effortlessly us, his green like his eyes and my own blue like mine. There are slight differences, where Harry's interior is tan leather mine looks to be black.

"Ready to go baby?" Harry asks snapping my attention to him, he's holding a bag with our food in it. I jump up and practically run out of the casual restaurant leaving Harry chuckling behind me. 

The SUV makes a delightful chirp as I unlock it, it's a few years newer then Harry's and way more upgraded. "Harry this is too much." I whisper as he sets the food on the floorboards in the back seat. Harry chuckles as I throw myself into his arms and kiss him gently. "This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me Harry." I whisper after our kiss falls apart naturally. 

"You deserve things like this Sara." He assures me as he cups my chin and looks into my eyes. "I love you Sara." He whispers before kissing me softly. "Let's take her for a drive hm?" He suggests and I nod, we part and I hop in before going to start it up.

"Uh there's no actual key." I say in disbelief and Harry chuckles.

"This is your key love, it has a push button start." He informs me holding my keyfob and I blush in embarrassment. 

"I knew that." I mutter before pressing the start button, the engine roars to life as a smile washes across my face. 

"You like it?" He asks and I nod. 

"I love it Harry, I love-" Just fucking say it. "I love-" 

I can't.

"I know baby." Harry says smiling before resting his hand on my thigh. He knows I love him, I know I love him so why can't I fucking say I LOVE YOU?

His thumb caresses my leg as if he's assuring me that I don't have to say it, that he feels it. I let out a breath and pull out of the parking lot. Driving isn't as bad as I was making it out to be but maybe that's because Harry is my teacher. I actually like to drive, it allows me to clear my mind which will help since I won't be living with Harry.

I find myself driving to a spot that was special to me, Harry furrows his brows as I pull into the parking spot and hop out before grabbing the food and bringing it over to a picnic table. "Do you remember the last time we were here Harry?" I ask.

"Hey, what did I say about calling me Mr. Styles." He reminds me. "I'd also really appreciate it if you made eye contact with me once in a while." He adds softly. I raise my head and look into his deep green eyes timidly, he was honestly so intimidating and yet comforting. "How old are you?" He asks again.

"18, I'll be 19 in December." I reply cringing the followup question.

If you're almost 19, why are you still in high school?

But he doesn't ask, he just nods his head silently before getting up and sitting on my side of the table but with his back to the table so he can look out at the lake. I take advantage of his proximity to examine him a bit more as he leans back against the table resting his elbows on it.

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