Babe, I'm hurting and now you'll feel the same

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Revenge - Pink ft Eminem

"Wow, quite a hole you've found yourself in hm?" 

"You have no idea." I mumble as Ian pulls out of the parking lot.

"Do you want me to talk to Johnson?" He asks in genuine concern.

"No, he has a kid on the way so he'll need the job knowing the mother." I say rolling my eyes, Harry's too proud to lean on his inheritance to live. 

"Sounds messy." He mumbles and I nod in agreement, messy is an understatement. "We're almost at the gym, it's just down this street." He says trying to lift the mood, after a few more minutes he pulls into the parking lot. Once he parks I slip out quickly and grab my bag, Ian rounds the truck and leads me into the gym with his hand guiding me as it rests gently on the small of my back.

"Hey Sara, where's Harry?" Joel, the gym owner asks. He looks even more confused seeing Ian with me.

"Probably with his fiance." I shrug trying to hide my pain and anger, Ian's hand wraps more around my waist as he leads me into the back to the classroom

"You two came here together?" He asks and I nod as we walk into the large room, he sets his things down and I put my bag down to join his. "Help me with the mat?" He asks.

"Sure." I reply softly before helping him drag it over to the front of the classroom, his eyes linger in the mirror as I straighten myself up from being bent over. 

Caught ya.

I raise my brow at him and he flushes before looking away and scratching the back of his neck. "Ok so today will be pretty easy to follow, next week will be harder because it will be a lot of partner work." He explains trying to deflect the fact that he was totally checking me out.

Suddenly voices and footsteps are hear as a dozen woman come pouring through the door. The each purr a greeting to Ian as they look down his body hungrily causing him to shift awkwardly, it was actually kind of adorable seeing him being bashful and shy in front of all these women.

"Ok ladies, I recognize some faces from our last session." He says loudly after clearing his throat and putting on his teacher persona. "Today we will be working independently and then next week will be partner work, I'll need a volunteer for today though." Ian says looking straight at me. 

The ladies around me erupt into a "Me me me!" while I just hang back quietly, he looks at me pleadingly and I shake my head smiling. Ian sighs and picks one of the overly enthusiastic ladies in the front, she squeals and bounds over to him.

He keeps as much difference between them as possible as he shows us the basic stances we need to take. After an hour of awkwardly avoiding her thrusting her ass out and her roaming hands Ian tells us that class is over. I stumble over to our things and collapse as Ian runs over to me.

"You alright Sara?" He asks, his voice full of concern. 

"Yea, it's just been a few weeks since I've worked out." I answer weakly as he pulls out a Gatorade and hands it to me. 

"So joining me on my mile run is out of the question?"

"Yea, definitely. I'm starving anyways." I sigh and he chuckles.

"Can I take you out for dinner then?" He asks and I nod, Ian holds his hand out to help me up before grabbing our bags and locking up the classroom. "What sounds good?"

"Wings and a fuck ton of french fries." I reply and he shakes his head chuckling, the cool January air chills my skin but feels heavenly. Ian opens up my door and helps me in before rounding to his side, climbing in and heading towards the mall. 

"Wings and french fries it is." He winks and I smile I him. "A fuck ton of fries as you say." He adds and I giggle, his smile drops as he gazes at me. "You have a beautiful smile Sara." He says softly, I bite my lip and look at my hands. 

"Thank you." I reply as we pull into the parking lot, he climbs out and opens my door as always but frowns when I grab my purse. 

"I'm paying." He says, daring me to defy him.

"Yes Sir." I retort, he licks his lips then shakes his head before taking my hand and leading me into the restaurant. I had come here with Harry a few times and it was quickly become one of my favorite places.

It was funny though, seems we aren't the only ones who had this idea. Ian looks at me in concern as the hostess seats us in a booth next to Harry and Lottie, I shrug as Harry looks at me in anger and pain. Lottie's back was to us so she was completely clueless as we sat down, Ian's back was to them so Harry and I were directly in the line of sight for each other.

"Harry, I told you I wanted sushi." Lottie's voice whines and I roll my eyes.

"You're pregnant Lottie, sushi isn't good for you place they have fried pickles here. Isn't that like the holy grail for pregnant women?" Harry rants in frustration and Ian laughs.

"I almost feel bad for the guy." He confesses and I cock my brow at him. "I mean I said almost.. I am very happy to be here right now and enjoy your company." He adds causing me to blush, his bright eyes gaze at me and I smile sweetly at him.

"What can I get you two?" The waitress asks cheerfully.

"I'd like a Stella and I think we'll share some honey bbq wings and a fuck ton of fries." He says smirking causing the waitress and I to laugh. "Does that sound ok Sara?"

"Yea, can I get a veggie tray and a Stella as well?" I ask, Niall had introduced me to the beer and it quickly became my drink of choice when with him and Harry. Ian narrows his eyes at me and I smile.

"Can I see an ID sweetheart?" She asks and I hand over the ID Harry had given me, hey at least he was good for a few things right? Pain shoots through my body as that thought crosses my mind, he was more then good for everything and I am desperately in love with him.

But I can't have him.

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