If you're the art, I'll be the brush.

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Bad Liar - Selena Gomez

"I brought your phone too, charged it last night but I turned it off cause it was blowing up."

"Thank you Harry." I whisper as I loop my arms around his shoulders and kiss his neck tenderly, he groans in appreciation.

Ohhhhh he likes that?

I smirk against his skin before peppering soft kisses along his neck and jawline up to his ear then lightly nibbling his lobe.

"Fuck." He grunts. "Can't you skip first period and just stay here?" He mumbles.

"They'll call my house and I'll get in trouble." I reply with my lips still on his skin.

"I'll say you just needed some extra therapy." He says before turning towards me and kissing me passionately. 

"Mmm Harry I need to tell you something." I say pulling away breathlessly.

"Ok?" He looks at me in concern.

"Emily knows..... She saw you kiss me but didn't recognize you, I referred to you as Harry but I couldn't lie to her. She's been my best friend most of my life and she'll all I have." I say looking down. 

"All you had baby." He whispers before kissing my forehead. "It's fine, if you trust Emily I trust her too."

"She knew you had a thing for me anyways." I tease.

"Oh I have a thing for you alright." He says in a low purr causing me to bit my lip and whimper. Harry leans towards me and reconnects our lips before laying me back on the couch and hovering over me. He deepens the kiss, my legs wrap around his waist as our tongue work together.

How does everything feel so different with him? Was Michael just selfish or that shitty as a lover? Could it be like this with anyone else?

I gasp as Harry grinds his arousal against my core when suddenly the bell rings. "Fuck." He mutters before pulling himself off of me regretfully. "What are you doing to me Sara?" He asks, his green eyes dark with lust meet my dark blues.

"I don't know but I'm kinda into it." I tease.

"I think I'm losing it." He mumbles.

"Losing what babe?" I ask as I caress his jaw.

"My self control."

"If you trust me it wouldn't be a terrible thing to lose would it?" I ask smiling and he smirks.

"Nah, not terrible at all love but you need to get to class while I go home and deal with an issue you've caused." Harry says sheepishly.

"Wish I could help you with that." I say winking, he closes his eyes and breathes out so his plump pink lips form an O.

"All in good time." He whispers before kissing me again sweetly.

"I'll see you at lunch?" I ask.

"If you want to." He replies smiling. 

"Can you bring me a smoothie?"

"Course baby." He coos before opening the door for me.


Harry's POV-

"Hey little brother."

"Hey Gem, how's Ibiza treating you?" I ask, turning on my bluetooth as I pull out(heh) of the parking lot. My sister and Lottie are in the same group of friends even though Gem is 5 years older then her so they all went to Ibiza together for the summer.

"It's good aside from getting sunburnt on the bottom of my feet! Who the fuck would of thought? That what I get for falling to sleep in the sun though I guess, anyways you must really love Lottie." She rants.

"Wait what?"

"Giving her your black Amex lil bro? That's a sign of true love." She chirps.

"What the fuck? I didn't, Gemma I broke up with her last night. We haven't been good for a while." I explain.

"That explains it." She ponders.

"Explains what?"

"She's out on a crazy shopping spree right now Harry, you should check her instagram." She informs me and I roll my eyes.

"You know I don't care about the money, it's the fact that she took my card without me knowing. That she thought she could use me like this." I explode.

"I warned you Harry, she's changed."

"I know I know, I'll talk to you later Gem." I sigh before ending the call. Once arriving home I call up American Express, have them cancel my card and send me another before checking my transactions.

Holy shit, she's blown 15 grand this summer.

Well she's cut off now which is hilarious cause she won't be able to fly home unless some other sucker pays for her. I'm not upset about the money, money is money. It comes and goes especially with my stock portfolio and family inheritance. I am upset that she thought I was stupid enough not to catch on, I'm upset because I feel like the last two years have been a fucking waste.

"Hi baby." Lottie coos innocently as she answers the phone.

"I see you've been having a blast at my expense Charlotte, just know that next time you swipe that card you'll be arrested." I snap.

"You wouldn't do that to me daddy." She purrs.

"Try me. And stop that daddy shit for fucks sake." I roar.

"You love it." She quips causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yea I love it so much that when we were fucking, you'd call me daddy that I'd go soft and you would have to suck me off." I retort harshly leaving her quiet. "Goodbye Charlotte." I say simply before hanging up.

What a boner killer.

By the time I got off the phone with my mom after explaining to her what happened it was time to head out and meet Sara for lunch. I stop at the smoothie shop and get what she had ordered last time along with a kale smoothie for myself before ordering their sandwiches and grabbing myself a banana.


Sara's POV-

"Told you he looks your age in that hat." Emily says as we slide into the booth after walking to the deli. 

"What?" Harry asks confused.

"I was telling her last night that it's almost like you're two people, the person in front of us could easily pass for 19 or 20 with your hair up, freshly shaved and t shirt showing off your arm tats. Then Mr. Styles has this long sexy hair and wears those button up shirts. You look like your own much older brother with your hair down." Emily explains. "Plus the accent, I'd imagine you, as Harry, wouldn't have an accent." She adds.

"Do you not like the way I talk?" Harry asks in a perfect american accent causing Emily and I to look at each other. "What? I'm just a California dude." He adds as I smile.

"You're crazy."

"And you're gorgeous." He says smirking as he peels his banana and eats it without breaking eye contact with me causing me to press my thighs together. 

"Never make eye contact whilst eating a banana."

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