If you like the way you look that much baby you should go and love yourself.

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Love Yourself - Justin Bieber


"What the fuck Charlotte?" Harry growls as he covers us up.

"You can't just dump me Harry. I won't let you." The blonde snickers.

"For fucks sake, give us a bloody minute at least." Harry snaps as he scoops me up and carries me in the bathroom. "I'm so fucking sorry love." He says as he sets me down. 

"It's fine Harry." I assure him before cleaning myself up. Harry cups himself as he runs into the closet and returns with a pair of boxers and a t shirt for me along with some athletic shorts for him. 

Harry watches me nervously as I slide the fabric over my body and clean the makeup from last night off. Once I was done he closes the distance between us and cups my face. "Don't believe everything she says, I broke up with her for a reason." He whispers before giving me a quick reassuring kiss. 

Charlotte was seated at Harry's computer typing away as we re-enter the room. "Haven't you invaded my privacy enough Lottie?" Harry snaps. 

"Please, you love me daddy." She says as she turns and bites her lip.

"Maybe I should go-"

"No Sara." Harry stops me and looks down at me. "I have nothing to hide from you." he assures me before turning his focus back on the blonde skinny elephant in the room and crossing his arms. "I told you to stay in Ibiza Lottie, we're over. We've been over since you left but I was too stupid to end it officially." Harry states coldly. 

"Come on baby, you know I can please you in ways she can't." She says motioning to me as she walks towards Harry seductively. 

"Well actually we spent all night AND morning disproving that so.... You might want to leave before you get your feelings hurt." He sneers. 

"But daddy-"

"Jesus fucking Christ, will you stop calling me that. It's gross and desperate." Harry spits as I look her over and make a realization.

"I bet Nathan likes it." I speak up crossing my arms as Harry and Charlotte look at me in shock. 

"What are you talking about baby?" Harry whispers.

"That blonde I saw walk off with Nathan last night? It was her." I motion to her and her eyes go wide, Harry just shakes his head and laughs.

"I can explain-"

"Just another reason why I broke up with you, I couldn't look at you the same after you fucked him before. Now I hear you fucked him again?" Harry sighs.

Wait, again?

"You've changed Lottie, you used to be so kind and loving. Then you dropped some weight and got obsessed with your looks, the lip fillers, the expensive makeup. You seriously didn't think I noticed the money you'd spend? How many times you'd ask me to take you shopping? I was just a meal ticket for you and you know it, I put up with it for your brother but I'm done." Harry rants and everything makes so much sense.

"But I love you Harry." She whispers as she gives him her best big blue puppy eyes. She is gorgeous and my stomach sinks at the thought of Harry buying into it.

"Sucks for you because I don't love you." Harry says indifferently. "You've stolen over 15 grand from me and that isn't even including what you've talked me into buying you, all the times you couldn't pay your rent not to mention that white BMW you love so much."

"And what's so different about her huh? She'll end up wanting to lose weight and you'll be right back here." She says bitterly.

"Sara is perfect as she is, she knows that now without all the lip fillers and fake eyelashes. She doesn't care about my money or place in society back in England. Hell she LOVES my motorcycle for fucks sake, she's exactly what you aren't. She's exactly what I need." Harry says passionately before running his heads through his hair. "It's funny, you say you love me but how can you if you don't even love yourself Lottie.

"So you're just throwing two years away for her?" She says motioning at me. 

"You threw the two years away when you fucked Nathan." Harry snaps. "You threw two years away when you thought you could fucking steal from me." He adds roaring.

Damn he's hot when he's mad.

"You and I both know you don't actually give a shit about the money Harry." She retorts.

"You are absolutely right, but I do give a shit that the girl that was expecting me to propose to her was using me the majority of our relationship." He snaps and I can sense how upset he's getting so I reach over and rub his back softly, Harry wraps his arm around me and pulls me against his body. 

An alert goes off on Charlotte's phone. "I've gotta jet, this isn't over Harry." She warns before heading out.

"Oh but it is Lottie, leave me alone or I'll press charges." He shouts after her. 

"Well she seemed lovely." I snort and Harry grins. 

"She's not who she used to be, sure same eyes blue and same lips red but she's not her anymore. I was honest when I told her I never loved her, I've never loved anyone other then my mum and sister." Harry explains.

"I don't believe in love." I mutter, looking away from his intent gaze. 

"Really? Even after last night and this morning?" Harry asks nervously.

"I mean I believe in what we have but love hasn't always been kind to me you know?" I explain, trying to assure him that I do feel something strong for him but I'm a skeptic when it comes to love. "You still believe in it after the shit she just pulled?" I ask laughing as Harry looks at me seriously. 

"I believe in love, I guess I'll just have to convince you."

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