I am yours and you are mine

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I Would Die For You - Miley Cyrus

"What are we going to do about her?" I ask and Harry sighs.

"I'll see if this is grounds for a restraining order, if not then we just need to be on the same page. She spews bullshit right and left, we need to not believe anything she says." Harry says bitterly before cupping my face, "Understand?" He asks and I nod softly before he presses a kiss to my hair, "Come on, let's go find our furbaby."

Harry grabs the keys from my hand before taking it in his own and leading me out to the front of the house, his eyes furrow as we approach my SUV. Harry drops my hand and reaches under the back bumper, his hand comes out holding a red blinking device which he slams to the ground and stomps on. "Someone was tracking you." He spits and my heart drops.

"Harry, if Michael figures out you live here he could hurt you." I whisper, Harry looks at me and bites his lip.

"He can try but the next time I see him he'll be sorry he ever stepped foot out of his cell." Harry says sternly, I reach up and run my fingertips across the jawline I've missed so much.

"I don't want anything to happen to you." I reply, Harry takes my hand and presses a soft kiss to it.

"Nothing will happen love, I promise." Harry assures me before opening the my door, "After you." He says chivalrously and I climb into my warm SUV, "Where are you staying? With Emily?" He asks after climbing into the car.

"No, Liam's friend was looking for a roommate and lives in a safe gated neighborhood 30 minutes from here so I'm renting a room from him." I explain, Harry side glances me and I shake my head. "He's nice, you'd like him. I figured if Liam trusts him that's good enough for me." I add with a shrug and he nods.

"You're right." He says softly as he reaches over and takes my hand, "I'm just glad your safe Sara." Harry whispers as his thumb caresses the back of my hand before pulling away from his house and heading down the street.

This is what I missed most about Harry, just being with him, just holding his hand and talking. I feel ashamed that I allowed Lottie's lies to turn me away from the only person I ever loved. I smile as I look down at the ring on my finger, his mom gave it to him for ME. 

Not Lottie.

"Where do you think she is?" I ask and Harry bites his lip thoughtfully.

"Maybe that park we had taken her to, there's a heavily wooded area where she would of been able to stay warm and dry in the rain." He says and I nod, I never thought about that. It's not too far from my old house and it is the last place she had seen Harry who she was very attached to.

Once we pull up to the park it was starting to get dark and I begin to get worried, Harry hops out and opens my door before pulling out a large flashlight and some of Roxy's favorite dog treats. "Put your hood up babe." He whispers as a car drives by slowly, I nod before doing as told while Harry pulls his own up. He reaches out and takes my hand before turning on the flashlight and leading me down the trail.

As soon as we got far enough away from the main street he takes his hood down and begins to shout for Roxy, we walk for a good hour until we're on the other side of the lake. Just when I feel like it's hopeless we hear a whimper followed by some leaves wrestling. 

"Sara look." Harry says pointing off to the right in the deep, wooded area. I see Roxy come out of a clearing in the trees, she's thin and holding her right front paw up as she limps along.

"Roxy! Come here girl!" I squeal, she whines not able to get to us any faster so Harry takes off running towards her. The minute he scoops her into his arms tears of happiness and relief fall from my eyes, she licks his face nonstop as he carries her back to me.

"I think we need to get her to a vet, her paw looks broken." He says softly as I pet her head, she lets out a large yawn and nuzzles into Harry's arms as we walk back to the car. She's grown a lot since we had gotten her, Roxy is from a larger blood line of Rottweilers and even at almost 4 months of age she's a solid 60 lbs. 

Harry shows no signs of discomfort of exhaustion as he carries her during our long walk back, I'm so thankful because I wouldn't of been able to carry her. I'm so thankful because I wouldn't of been able to find her.

Once we get to the car Harry opens the back hatch and places her inside, I give her a few dog treats and some water before kissing her head and closing it. "Thank you so much Harry." I whisper as I hug his torso, both of us not caring that we're muddy from Roxy's fur. Harry wraps his arms around me just as the rain begins to pour again, I look up at him and lose myself in his beautiful green eyes.

Harry's hand cups my face, I rise up on my tip toes and press a soft kiss to his lips before pressing my forehead against his. Harry bites his lip and cradles my face in his large hand as he kisses me passionately, I fist his sweater and pull him impossibly close as our lips mold together.

It's like I forgot what it felt like to be kissed, really kissed. I imagine this his how my lungs would feel without air, this is how I feel without Harry's lips.

 I imagine this his how my lungs would feel without air, this is how I feel without Harry's lips

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