19: Dance

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"Why don't you eat?" Yoongi asked you as you prepared another spoonful of rice for him.
"I'll eat later. I'll feed you first since you're holding Yoonji."
"I'm so jealous. When will someone feed me too?" Jin asked pouting.
"When you're paralyzed. What to be paralyzed now?" Yoongi told him making the boys laugh.
"YAH! Having a beautiful wife still doesn't give you the privilege to talk to me like that! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! MIN YOONGI?!" Jin complained. "HA! Why did you tell us to eat breakfast here anyway? I'm sure you don't want to get disturbed yet you told us to come." He continued making the boys laugh even more.
"I think he wants us to take Yoonji away for a while so they can be alone together." Jimin said.
Yoongi glared at them. "Ani. I have an announcement to make."
"What is it?!" Hoseok asked him.

Announcement? About what?! The silence would be perfect for suspense if Taehyung wasn't chewing too loudly. He sure looks like he's enjoying the food. It doesn't seem like he even care about what Yoongi is about to say.

"We're getting married." Yoongi said taking your hand.
"MWO?!" Taehyung shouted spitting the food he was chewing on Jimin.
"What the hell?!"

Jungkook just laughed at Taehyung as Hobi helped Jimin clean up. You thought he wasn't listening. Jin gently slapped V's lips a few times as punishment.

"Aish. Jimin-ah, come with me. I'll give you something else to wear." Yoongi said getting up and giving you Yoonji carefully so she won't wake up.
"Ah. Ne, hyung! Gomawo-yo!~" Jimin said happily following his hyung upstairs.
"Hmmm. Looks like I should deliver the news myself." Namjoon said making everyone look.
"You know already?" You asked him.
"You don't?"
"Well, he told me we should get married but I didn't know he would actually announce it like this. We haven't talked about anything." You explained.
"I got you. Ok. So, Yoongi and I talked to our manager and Bang PD-nim. Yoongi wants to get married as soon as possible so we're making adjustments. Actually, we already made adjustments." Namjoon said.
"Ne. We'll move the comeback and have it next month. After promotions, they can finish the preparations. We'll help them so they can get married fast. There's no much to prepare anyway since Yoongi already did half of the preparations. Of course we can't leave the ARMY waiting for so long so we'll release Cypher after the wedding while they're having their honeymoon then you'll release yours."
"My mixtape?!" Taehyung asked.
"Ani! Your special album!"
"I have a special album?!"
"ANI! The vocal line's special album!" Jin told him.
"Ah! But I have a song in Cypher too!"
"You were just featured!"

You watched them talk to each other. So... Yoongi had already started planning the wedding? How? He was with Yoonji 24/7.

"Jamkkanman." You said catching their attention.
"What is this Cypher?"
"Oh! A special album with new versions of all the Cyphers we have and a few songs we wrote ourselves." Hobi explained to you.
"And the vocal line has our own special album too!~" Jungkook said proudly.
"WOAH!~ Is that you, Jungkookie?!" Taehyung said making you all look.

Jimin and Yoongi were already walking back to the dining area. Jimin is now wearing a loose white shirt. Matched with the ripped faded blue jeans he was already wearing earlier, that outfit sure looks more like Jungkook. Yoongi took Yoonji from you again. She slowly woke up and stared at nothing in particular as Yoongi held her.

"Go eat." Yoongi told you.
"Namjoon oppa told us about the wedding preparations." You told him.

He stared at you for a moment before looking at the boys. He cleared his throat and the boys immediately stood. Jungkook and Taehyung suddenly started pulling you to the living room while the others crowded around you.

"Wait! Wait! What's happening?!" You asked them s they made you sit on the couch.
Jin sat beside you and smiled. "We're so sorry, Y/N-ah. We have to leave now. We have to practice."
"Mwo? Then, Yoongi should come with you. Let me call him." You said trying to get up.
Namjoon made you sit down again and grinned at you. "No need! He needs to stay here! Don't be mad at us! We're doing this for Yoongi, ok? BYE!"
"Wait! WHAT?!"

They ran out of the house. You followed them out of the house. They immediately got in the van and left without another word. Why were they rushing?! AND WHY DID THEY LEAVE YOONGI WHEN THEY'LL PRACTICE?! DOES THIS MEAN THEY'LL HAVE THE COMEBACK WITHOUT YOONGI?! NO WAY! You went back to the kitchen and found Yoongi cleaning up the place.

"Yoongi! They already left!"
"I know." He calmly said.
"They said they'll practice!"
He sighed and looked at you. "I know."
"They can't just g- Wait. WHERE IS YOONJI?!"
"With them."

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