35: Keikeu

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You can hate me but you can't kill me. I have a million lives. I'm serious. I almost died around 14 times before. I'm still alive here. You really can't kill me. I'm bulletproof. LOL Time to meet the stupid fucking freaking asshole kidnapper. Check if your theory is right.


"Y/N! Y/N! Look at me! What the hell were you thinking back there?! Do you want to die?!" He shouted at you.
"Are you hurt?"
"Why are you here?"
"I came to get what's mine. Come with me."
"I can't. I have to find my daughter."
"I know where she is."

You stared at him. You don't know if you're just dreaming or what but you want to see Yoonji. You followed him without asking anything. You just want to see her now. He brought you to a house away from many people. It's up a hill overlooking the city. The neighborhood is quiet and it seems like people who live here don't care about other people. The streets are all empty. The gates are all locked.

He let you into the house. As soon as you entered a bedroom, you saw a girl holding your daughter. Yoonji! You rushed to her and held her. She smiled at you and touched your face. You couldn't help but cry. You hugged her tightly and checked if she's hurt anywhere. She looks fine and healthy.

"Kamsahamnida." You heard him say as the girl left.
"Oppa," You called him out.
"How did you find my daughter? How did you even know she's my daughter?"
He smirked and sat beside you on the bed. "I told you I came to get what's mine."

You didn't speak. What does he mean? Yoonji?! You moved away from him and hugged Yoonji tightly making sure he won't be able to take her away from you.

"Don't be scared. I won't hurt you." He said reaching out for you.
"No! You kidnapped Yoonji! Why would I believe you that you won't hurt us?!"
"Because she's my daughter and I would never hurt her."
You glanced at Yoonji. "Your what?! No!"
"Yes. She is my daughter. Do you remember who you last talked to that night before you lost consciousness? Naya."
"No. No. You're telling me you...you are one of those boys?"
"I'm here to take you back. I'm here to get what's mine."
"We're not yours!"
"Then, are you Yoongi's? Yoongi is not Yoonji's father. There's no point of staying with him. Do you want to keep lying to him? Do you want Yoonji to grow up with a stranger?"
"Yoongi made it clear that no matter who Yoonji's father is he'll love Yoonji unconditionally and he is no stranger to Yoonji."
"Oh. Jinjja? That's true love. Unfortunately, I can't let that happen. Yoonji is my daughter too. You'll have to choose. Yoonji or Yoongi?"

It was a fool's decision but you need to make sure Yoonji is safe. He was able to kidnap Yoonji without any evidence left behind. He can surely do more than that! You need to be careful. You need to keep your daughter safe. She's the defenseless one in this situation. He's controlling you through your daughter. You don't know the truth yet but you will. For now, you need to obey him to keep Yoonji safe.

"Call him and tell him you don't want to marry him."
"Do I have to do that?"
"I need to hear you do it. Then, go there and do it face-to-face." He said.
"How can I be sure you won't hurt my daughter or take her away from me again?!"
"I told you she's my daughter. I won't hurt my own daughter. And, I want you to be with us so we could live as a family."

There's no way you're going to be a family. If he is really Yoonji's father, that means he raped you. He disrespected you. You want spit at him, slap him, kill him. But, Yoonji needs you. You have a daughter to protect.

"Let's not get married." You tried to be strong.
"I already told you in the phone call. I don't want to be with you."
"Stop saying that." Seeing him get hurt feels too painful.
"Yoongi, accept it. I only stayed with you because of Yoonji. She needs a father. Now that she's gone, we have no reason to be together. We don't have to get married."
"Yoonji is not the only reason why we'll get married. I promise I'll help you find her. Please. Stay with me."

You took a deep breath and slowly took the ring from him off your finger. You took his hand and put it on his palm. His hands were shaking terribly. He suddenly pulled you close as if he doesn't have any plan of letting you go.

"Y/N, please. Stop this. It's not funny." He said.
"Do I look like I'm kidding? Stop it, Yoongi! Let go of me!"
"Is there any problem? You can tell me. We'll sove it together. We'll find Yoonji and we'll get married."
You used all your energy left to push him away and set yourself free from his arms. "I SAID STOP IT! I TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT TO MARRY YOU! I DON'T LOVE YOU! DON'T YOU GET IT?! IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND?!"

He looked so sad. You feel your heart breaking. This is not right. These are all lies you keep telling him to be with Yoonji. He touched your face and gently wiped your tears away.

"It is hard to accept... because you're lying. I don't believe you. There must be a reason why you're saying this. Tell me."

You looked at him and bit your lip. You wished he knows you're dying inside too. You looked away. You held the back of his neck and pulled him down. He pulled you close after your lips met his. You wished you could stay like this forever but you needed to pull away. If you kiss him longer, you'll miss him more.

"It seems like you don't understand what I'm saying so I'll say it in your language. Neol...saranghaji anha. Annyeong." You whispered and lied
"Annyeongirago naege malhajima."

You pushed him away as he pulled you close. You don't want to feel his warmth. You'll miss it more if you get close to him again. You looked at Yoonji's cot. She is waiting for you. You need to leave now.

Without another word, you left. He was already waiting for you when you came back.

"I thought you won't come back."
"I chose my daughter, remember?"
He nodded smirking.
"You're so cruel. I didn't know you're this evil. If I knew, I wouldn't have eaten any of your cakes."
"Jinjja? I don't feel any regret. Keikeu is back to me."
"I despise you."
"I love you too."

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