26: Yoongi Out (i'm extremely positively crying)

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Everything is going well. Yoongi introduced you to Bang PD-nim, Pdogg, Slowrabbit, JUNE and a lot more. Basically, all of the people working in BigHit actually including trainees. Some of them are currently on leave to help in the wedding preparations. Even Bang PD is excited for the wedding and bought an inflatable castle for Yoonji.

You opened your eyes expecting to see Yoongi sleeping beside you. You saw a piece of paper right in front of your eyes instead. You took it and held it away from your eyes so you have a better look at it.

Good morning, asshole. I'm going to Daegu. I didn't wake you up because you look so peaceful when you sleep. I'll go alone because I know it might be tiring for Yoonji to travel now so I can't bring you along. I don't want to leave Yoonji with the kids again. Just rest and have fun while I'm away. I'll be home before dinner. I love you.

The note ended with a drawing of a face with hearts as eyes. You smiled and got up. You walked to Yoonji's cot only to find her gone. You screamed in shock. The door opened and Namjoon came running into the room.

"WAE?! GWAENCHANHA?!" He asked.
"Ah! She's downstairs with Hobi."

You immediately ran to the kitchen and found Hobi playing with Yoonji while Jin was cooking. Namjoon arrived soon after you. You sighed in relief. You overreacted. You panicked too early.

"Oh! Eomma is here!" Hobi said bringing Yoonji to you.
"Why are you all here?" You asked them.
"Yoongi told us he's going to invite his relatives to the wedding. We just knew it's our time to shine! We came to play with Yoonji!~ You know Yoongi banned us from this house after we kidnapped you." Jin explained before laughing.
"Where are the others?"
"In the nursery."
"Oh. Great. It's good to kno- Wait. The nursery? You mean the one upstairs?!"
"Yes. Why?" Namjoon asked you.
"What are they doing there...without Yoonji?!"

You turned and saw Jungkook walking to the kitchen. You noticed how colorful his hands are with all the paint on them. What the hell did he do to have paint up to his arms and all over his clothes?!

"What kind of decorating?!"
"Y/N-ah!~" Taehyung came running to you to hug you.
"Oppa, you're crashing Yoonji." You told him as you pushed him away slightly.
"What master-nim?!"
"She's the daughter of the ultra gangster lord! I shall fear her power! Forgive me, your highness! Take me life as punishment!" Taehyung said kneeling down in front of you.
"What's going on?"

You looked behind Taehyung and saw Jimin walking to the kitchen. Wait. Let's describe it better. Jimin taking off his shirt with splattered paint on his way to the kitchen. Fucking shit. Yes. It's drooling time.

"Y/N-ah, taste this!" Jin called you out.
"N-ne?" You said as you tried to take your eyes off Jimin.
"You should throw all those clothes. I don't think you can use them again unless you want to walk around with paint all over your clothes." Hoseok told the maknae line.
"But this is my favorite shirt!" Jungkook complained.
"Shut up, Nochu. You have a hundred white shirts at home and half of them are your favorites. Here, Y/N-ah. Taste this. I think Yoonji will love this soup. My mom used to feed me this when I was younger." Jin said making the other boys laugh.
"Y/N-ah!~ Can I borrow Yoonji?" Jimin asked you.

After still shirtless Jimin and Taehyung left with Yoonji, you helped Jin cook. Namjoon and Hoseok decided to clean the house together while Jungkook decided to raid your pantry.

"Are you pregnant?" Jin suddenly asked you making you almost choke on your breath.
"What?! I'm just asking. I mean...I'm sure Yoongi has been fucking you. I know he would and maybe you're pregnant again and I just-"
"Wait. Just...what the fuck?"
"WHAT?! I'm just asking! Stop acting like you don't do it! I call him at night sometimes because I can't sleep because sharing a room, I mean bed, with Taehyung means hearing him snore like a wild boar. He would always answer the call and mumble some words I don't understand and then he'll say 'fuck you feel so good, Y/N-ah' and I'm like 'hell yeah fuck you, Yoongi. If I met her first, you wouldn't be able to touch even a strand of her hair'. I'm just asking because I was thinking maybe you could name your next baby Jjangu or at least use it as his/her fetal name."

Your jaw dropped. You just stared at him asking yourself how you should react. Like...what?! Luckily, you heard the doorbell ring. You immediately excused yourself and went to the gate. A deliveryman was waiting for you outside.

"I was asked to deliver this to Ms. Y/N." He said showing you a cake box.
"Oh. That's me. I'm Y/N."
"Oh! Here you go then. Thank you." He said bowing.

He left after giving you the cake box. You brought it into the house and to the kitchen to show it to Jin. A small card is attached to it.

From: Yoonji's father

"What's that?" Jin asked you upon seeing the cake.
"A cake."
"From whom?"
You showed him the card as you opened the box. "Want some?"
"I want it all."
You laughed at him. "I'm willing to share but I'm never gonna give it all to you. This is from Yoongi!"

You took a bite of the cake and you fell speechless. It tasted like heaven. You could almost hear the angels sing into your ears. So delicious!~ It deserves to be put in a museum and be labelled as the best-tasting cake in the history.

"Ugh! I'm so tired. Your house is so big. Maybe we should live here instead of the dorm to fill in the empty rooms." Namjoon said as he entered the kitchen again.
"I'm here. I just need a drink!"
"Are you seriously dri- WOAH! IS THAT A CAKE?!"
"No. It's a mushroom. Go clean the house." Jin said pushing the cake away from Hoseok.
"Pffft! Fine! I'll just buy one for myself!"
"I'll buy one for you." Namjoon said ruffling Hobi's hair.

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