Chapter Four

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~ Hermione Granger ~

Nearly a month has passed since I learned that I was the biproduct of Lily Potter and Severus Snape's affair. No one other then Snape and I know who my biological mother is, not even Harry who actually is my half-brother.

The Weasley's invited me over for dinner tonight. I don't know how I'm going to face Harry, knowing that his mother cheated on his father with MY father. And that I can't tell him that we have the same mother because Snape doesn't want me to. Harry probably doesn't want to hear that his mother cheated on his father anyways.

I change into a black tank top, dark blue jean shorts, and black flip flops. I grab my wand and my beaded bag before leaving my bedroom. The letters from Snape are in my bag, just in case something happens to the house while I'm gone. I walk downstairs with a sigh. Hopefully Harry, Ron, and Ginny haven't told anyone that I was adopted. It's not that I think that they would but they might've let it slip in front of Molly or Arthur.

I apparate to the Burrow, not wanting to use the Floo Network. I arrive there in no less then two seconds. Harry, Ron, Ginny, and George are all lounging around outside of the house. Harry smiles at me when I arrive.

George got a flat near Diagon Alley in London so he could be closer to the joke shop. Molly must've invited everyone for a family dinner or something like that.

"Mione!" Harry exclaims.

He engulfs me in giant bear hug. I hug him back with almost as much force.

"Hey Harry" I say with a light laugh as we pull away from each other.

"How are things with..." Ginny trails off.

"Fine" I reply flatly.

"You sure?" She asks with an arched brow.

I simply nod my head.

"How are things with who?" George asks suspiciously.

"It's nothing" I reply quickly.

"Sure it isn't" He says with a roll of his eyes.

"Let's go inside" Ginny suggests rather forcefully.

I nod and follow Ginny inside of the house. George, Harry, and Ron follow shortly behind the two of us. As soon as I walk in the door I can smell the delicious scent of Molly's cooking. I wonder if Lily was good at cooking?

"Mione? You okay?" Harry asks.

I snap out of my stupor and look at my half-brother. I wonder if I look a little bit like him without my Glamour Charm on.

"Yes, I am fine" I reply quickly.

Harry nods but has a skeptic on his face. Ginny leads us into the living room where we all sit down on the couch or chairs. George left the room leaving me with Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

"You sure?" Ron asks.

I nod.

"How's life been? We haven't seen you for what feels like forever" Ginny asks.

"Life has been good, I suppose. I got a letter back from Snape awhile ago" I say.

"Really? What did it say?" Harry asks.

"That he didn't want me telling anyone about the adoption. And that we'll have to talk when the school year starts" I say.

"You're going back?" Harry asks.

Since we are fundamental reasons why the Light side won the war Harry, Ron, and I can get jobs at whatever position in the Ministry that we want. I know that Harry and Ron want to be Aurors so they don't really have to go back to Hogwarts but I don't know what I want to do so I'm going back. Ginny has to go back because it's her actual Seventh Year, unlike the rest of us who have to go for our 'Eighth' Year.

"Of course I am. Are you?" I ask him.

"I want to but I want to do the Auror training" Harry says.

"But that'll be available after you take your NEWT's" I say.

"Fine, I'll go. What about you Ron? One last year at Hogwarts?" Harry asks, turning to face his best friend.

"Sure" Ron says with a simple shrug of his shoulders.

"This school year should be fun" Ginny says with a devilish grin on her face.

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