Chapter Sixteen

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~ Hermione Granger/ Alannah Snape ~

I silently lead Harry, Ginny, and Ron to the Heads dormitory. I mumble the password and walk in almost the instant after the portrait swings open. It closes after the three other wizards enter the dormitory. I motion for them to sit on the couches near the fireplace, which they do.

I slowly pull my wand out of my beaded bag and remove my temporary Glamour Charm. Both Harry and Ron audibly gasp when the charm comes off. Ginny is just looking at the pair like they're idiots. Which they can be sometimes.

"Holy shit" Harry says under his breath.

"You look like....Harry and Snape at the same time. It's weird" Ron comments.

I shoot him a death glare, which instantly shuts him up. Harry stands up from the couch and walks over to me. I hold my breath, not knowing what he's going to do next. A wide smile appears on his face and he pulls me into a big hug. I hug him back with an equally wide smile on my face.

Harry pulls away from me after a minute and just stares at me. A sad look passes over his face and stays there.

"You look like Mum" Harry says with a sad smile.

"Thanks Harry" I say, returning his sad smile with a happy one.

"But you also look like Snape so it's kinda weird" Harry says with a light chuckle.

"I guess" I say, with a toothless smile.

"Can I put the Glamour Charm back on now?" I ask.

Harry nods so I put the charm back on. The second after the Glamour Charm is on the portrait swings open and there stands Dad and Draco. Dad has a sour look on his face while Draco looks worried. They both take visible sighs of relief when they see that everything is okay.

"Why did you leave the party so suddenly?" Draco asks, sounding genuinely concerned and confused at the same time.

"I...uh....forgot something!" I lie.

I look at my friends for supports and they all nod their heads in fake agreement.

"Mister Malfoy please don't worry me about such..trivial things again" Dad says with a scowl before he turns and walks out of the dormitory.

Draco lets out a sigh before closing the portrait after the annoyed professor. He walks over to me and looks down at me with a concerned look on his face.

"Please don't scare me like that again" Draco says, a slight plea in his voice.

"Okay" I say with a small nod.

Draco smiles and kisses me lightly on the forehead. Both Harry and Ron make fake gagging noises, resulting in both Draco and I glaring at the two boys.

"Malfoy I swear to Merlin if you hurt her I will personally end you" Harry threatens Draco, narrowing his eyes at the taller boy.

"I get it Potter, she is your sister" Draco says with a roll of his eyes.

I immediately slap him in the arm. Harry doesn't need to know that Draco knows everything.

"How do you know that?" Harry asks, looking between Draco and I.

"He eavesdropped on the conversation I had with my Dad at the beginning of term" I explain.

"You've known since then? Why didn't you tell me?" Harry asks, sounding hurt and angry at the same time.

"Because I thought that you would've hated me Harry. I am proof of our mother's infidelity" I say, looking at my half-brother with sad eyes.

"I don't care about that Mione! I'm pissed that you didn't tell me sooner!" Harry exclaims.

"Harry, calm down. Hermione had her reasons but at least she's telling you now" Ginny says, putting a comforting hand on her boyfriends arm.

"She's right mate" Ron says, agreeing with his little sister.

Harry nods in defeat. I smile at him, a smile in which he does not return.

"We should go back to the party" Ginny says.

We all nod and we all leave the Heads dormitory together. As soon as we get in the hallway we can hear the music from the Great Hall. They're playing My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion. It's a good Muggle song that came out a few years ago along with the movie Titanic. Mrs Granger took me to see it after it came out.

Draco grabs my hand and I intertwine our fingers. I can hear Harry and Ron making quiet fake gagging noises but decide to leave them be. For now.

"Grow up you two" Ginny scolds the two boys.

"Seriously guys. Be happy for us" I say.

Harry and Ron simply nod their heads. Harry has his arm wrapped around Ginny's shoulders. They seriously do look cute together.

We arrive at the party, this time no one is paying any attention to us. Everyone is too drunk to care or theyre making sure their drunk friends don't do anything stupid. Like Neville trying to make sure Seamus doesn't pour his entire fire whiskey on Dean's head.

Ron splits off from the four of us to join Neville, Dean, and Seamus. Two of that group are extremely drunk while Neville is making sure they don't cause havoc.

"Let's have fun you guys" Ginny says with a devilish grin on her face.

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