Chapter Eight

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~ Hermione Granger ~

The next morning I wake up when my alarm starts going off at six a.m. I climb out of bed and start getting ready for the day. I change into my robes and get my bag ready for the day. Not knowing if Malfoy was in the bathroom or not, I loudly knocked on the door before I entered. He isn't in here, thank Merlin and everything holy.

Sighing in relief, I start to brush my teeth. I finish doing that and try to brush my hair, which doesn't happen. I use a spell to make the snarls go away and put it up into a simple ponytail. The door to Malfoy's room opens and the blonde boy walks in, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I start to blush when I see that he's only wearing a pair of black sweatpants.

I quickly turn my face so he can't see that I'm blushing. Am I seriously blushing because Malfoy isn't wearing a shirt and just happens to have abs? Get a grip Hermione! I turn to walk into my room when I hear Malfoy grumble something.

"Like what you see Granger?" Malfoy grumbles from behind me.

I spin around to face him and I shoot him the worst death glare I could conjure up. He simply smirks back at me, knowing that he had annoyed me.

"Shut up Malfoy, I'm not going to be late because of you" I sort of lie.

Classes don't start until seven thirty and it's only six thirty, which means I have an hour to eat breakfast and get to class.

"We have an hour until classes start Granger" Malfoy says, slightly narrowing his eyes at me.

"Which means I won't have a lot of time to socialize at breakfast" I say, narrowing my eyes back at him.

"Whatever" Malfoy muttered.

He starts brushing his teeth, marking the end of our pleasant conversation. I spin on my heel and lightly slam my bedroom door. I grab my wand and leave my bedroom. I leave the dorm and make my way to the Great Hall. It's early so there probably won't be a bunch of students up already which means more peace and quiet for me.

Once I reach the Great Hall I see that I was right about not a lot of students being awake, even most of the teachers aren't present at the teachers table. But Harry and Ginny are already sitting at the Gryffindor table eating breakfast. I sit down across from them at the table.

"Mornin' Mione" Ginny says with a bright smile.

She's never this happy getting up early so why is she acting happy?

"What happened? Why are you acting happy in the morning?" I ask, arching a brow at her.

"I'm sorry am I not allowed to enjoy the morning?" Ginny asks, arching a brow right back at me.

"Gin I didn't say that I'm just saying that it isn't like you to enjoy the morning" I reply with a sigh.

"Sorry. I'm just excited for classes to start is all" Ginny says, smiling apologetically at me.

"It's fine" I reply, smiling softly back at her.

I pile some food on to my plate and I start eating. After I'm almost done eating I decide to engage in a little conversation.

"Where's Ron?" I ask Harry.

"Sleeping still" Harry says with a sigh.

"Do you think he'll miss first period?" I ask.

"No, I have an alarm set for seven" Harry says.

I simply nod and continue eating. No less then a minute later the red head of our conversation plops down next to me. He looks extremely tired and has deep bags under his eyes.

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