Chapter Twenty One

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~ Hermione Granger/Alannah Snape ~

"We should probably tell Snape sooner rather then later" Draco says.

I look at my boyfriend and father of my unborn child. We just got back to our dormitory after I told him that I am pregnant. I need to go to Gryffindor Tower in a little bit and tell Harry, Ginny, and Ron the news.

"Yeah" I say, agreeing with him.

"He's going to have my bloody head" Draco says with a heavy sigh.

"Probably" I reply with a small laugh.

Draco rolls his eyes at me and sighs. How are we supposed to tell Dad without him hating the two of us. He shouldn't hate us because we are giving him a grandchild and who wouldn't want one of those? Especially after he didn't get to take part in my childhood whatsoever.

"When are we going to know the baby's gender?" Draco asks, a happy expression on his face.

"Not for another month or two" I said.

Draco frowns and I laugh.

"I need to see a healer to see how far along I am anyways love" I say, smiling fondly at him.

"I should write my mother" Draco says and jumps up off of his couch.

He goes into his bedroom and comes back out a minute later with a piece of parchment and a ball-point pen in his hand. My ball-point pen that I lent him a few days ago because he couldn't find his inkwell. How he lost it I have no bloody idea.  He sits back down and quickly writes a letter to his mother.

"Does this sound okay?" Draco asks, handing me the letter.

Dear Mother,

I am sorry for not writing a lot this term but I have something very important to tell you. I am currently in a relationship with Hermione Granger. I know what you may think but she is a wonderful girl and is the love of my life. She is also pregnant with my child. I will speak with you more over the holidays. Could Hermione spend them with us?


I hand Draco the letter with a small smile on my face.

"Love of your live eh?" I say, smirking at him.

Draco blushes and looks away from me, obviously embarrassed. I smile and give him a quick peck on the cheek. I stand up and he does the same.

"What are you doing?" I ask, arching a brow at him.

"Following you. So what are we doing?"  Draco asks, arching a brow back at me.

"I'm going to Gryffindor tower" I said.

"I assume that you're telling your friends about the pregnancy so I should come with. It's my baby too" Draco says.

"Fine" I say with a sigh.

Draco grins and intertwines his fingers with mine.


"Malfoy you're dead" Harry says, glaring daggers at Draco.

"Harry! Stop it!" I yell at my half brother.

Draco and I just told Ron, Ginny, and Harry that I am pregnant. Now the only person we have left to tell is Dad and he probably won't be too pleased with Draco and I. And that's putting it lightly.

"I'm sorry Mione but you're too young to have a baby" Harry says, still glaring daggers at Draco.

I grab Harry's wrists and he looks at me, his gaze immediatly softening. 

"I am a legal adult and I'm a year older then you. Just please be here for me and your niece or nephew when they arrive" I say softly, looking at him with a soft expression.

Harry nods. I let go of his wrists and he pulls me into a hug.

"I'm going to be an Auntie" Ginny says in a sing-song voice.

"The very best" I say, smiling at the younger witch.

"Well we're all here to support you and the baby Mione" Ron says, giving me a small smile.

"Thanks Ron" I say with a smile.

Thank Merlin and everything holy that I have the best brother and friends in the entire world.

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