Chapter Eleven

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~ Hermione Granger ~

A week has passed since classes have started and today is Saturday. Draco is still blackmailing me into pretending to be his girlfriends for reasons unknown to me and apparently him as well. I should just go and tell Harry the truth so Draco can stop blackmailing me.

I slowly open my eyes and remember that I left my window curtains open last night. No wonder it's so freaking bright in here. Sighing, I climb out of bed and walk over to my wardrobe. I open the wardrobe and pull out a white tank top, jean capri-shorts, and a thin grey sweatshirt.

Walking into the bathroom, I don't look in the mirror. I grab my toothbrush and the tooth paste. When I look up into the mirror I scream.

My hair is black and wavy and goes down to my mid-torso. My skin is super pale, almost sickly pale. My features are sharper and my eyes are green with flecks of dark brown. My eyelashes are also a lot longer and a lot darker. They look almost identical to Harry's. I've also grown a few inches taller and my frame is smaller. No wonder why my clothes are basically hanging off of me.

Does this mean that I've finally accepted who I am? I don't know why the charm came off. I guess subconsciously I finally accepted my true identity.

The door to Draco's room bursts open and he runs into the bathroom, almost running me over in the process. He looks at me and his eyes widen. Draco whips out his wand and aims it at me. Defenseless since my wand is in my room, I raise my hands in surrender.

He's wearing all black, like normal. He's wearing a black blouse, black slacks, and black Oxfords.

"Draco it's me! Lower your damn wand!" I exclaim, luckily still sounding like myself.

Draco cocks his head in confusion but slowly lowers his wand.

"Hermione?" He asks slowly.

"Yeah" I reply with a sigh.

"Why do you look like this?" Draco asks, twirling his hand towards me.

"My glamour charm came off" I say.

"You look like Potter and Snape at the same time, it's very weird" Draco comments.

"Thanks Draco, really appreciate it" I reply sarcastically.

"Shouldn't you tell Snape?" Draco asks.

"Yeah" I say with a sigh.

I walk back into my room and grab my wand. I put a glamour charm back on myself so I look like Hermione Granger again instead of Alannah Snape. Draco followed me into my room and is now looking confused. I grab my beaded bag and put my wand in it.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, arching a brow.

"Waiting for you to be ready to go to breakfast" Draco replies.

"Well I'm ready to go" I said.

Draco nods his head and we leave my bedroom. We leave the dormitory and start walking to the Great Hall. We don't hold hands but students still stare at us as we pass them.

We enter the Great Hall and there aren't a lot of students still eating breakfast. Harry and Ginny are at the Gryffindor Table. I part ways with Draco and sit down at the Gryffindor Table.

"Hey Mione" Ginny says with a smile.

I make eye contact with Ginny and confusion crosses over her face.

"What?" I ask.

"Are you okay? You look really pale" She asks, sounding extremely concerned.

Is my Glamour Charm really not that good? I'll have to fix it after breakfast.

"I'm fine Gin, don't worry about me" I reply with a carefree smile.

"You sure?" Harry asks in place of his girlfriend.

"I'm sure Harry, please don't worry about me" I say, smiling at him.

"Hermione I can tell something is wrong. Please tell me" Ginny pleads, giving me puppy dog eyes.

I look at Ginny for a second before I make up my mind. I need to tell someone or the guilt of knowing is going to eat me alive.

"Come with me to the Girls bathroom and I'll tell you there" I said, standing.

Ginny nods and we leave the Great Hall together. I make eye contact with a confused looking Draco. I give him a simple smile before leaving the room.

We walk into the Girls Bathroom, not Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom. I lean against the sinks and Ginny looks at me.

"What's up with you Mione?" Ginny asks, concern lacing her voice.

I pull my wand out of my beaded bag and undo the temporary Glamour Charm. Ginny gasps when it comes off and her eyes widen.

"Holy shit, you look so much like Harry" Ginny remarks.

"That's what I needed to tell you. Harry half-brother" I say with a sigh.

"Half-brother? How?" Ginny asks, cocking her head to the side in confusion.

Ginny is a smart girl but there are times when she's extremely daft. Just like Ron.

"Snape is my dad and Lily Potter is my mother" I say slowly.

Ginny's eye grow as wide as his saucers and her jaw becomes slack.

"Harry's Mom cheated on Harry's Dad with Snape?" Ginny asks redundantly.

"Obviously. I wouldn't be here if she didn't" I reply sarcastically.

"Does Harry know?" She asks, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"No....not yet. I'm planning on telling him soon I just don't know how he'll react" I reply.

"I think he might be a little upset to know that Lily cheated but he'll also be happy to know that you're his sister" Ginny says with a comforting smile.

"Thanks Gin. You can't tell anyone this. Oh Draco and I aren't really dating" I blurt.

"What?" Ginny asks, arching a brow at me.

"Draco is blackmailing me to pretend to be his girlfriend because he heard the conversation I had with my dad" I say.

"That...suprisingly sounds like something that Malfoy would do. How did things go with Snape anyways?" Ginny asks.

"Good. He answered my questions at least. I have to tell him that the glamour charm came off though" I reply.

"He didn't take it off?" She asks, looking confused.

"Nope. Mu-Lily had it set so that it would come off when I accepted my true identity or whatever" I say with a shrug.

"You can call her Mum around me y'know. I know you didn't know her but she's still your Mum" Ginny says.

"Thanks Gin. I really appreciate it" I say with a smile.

I hug my best friend and she hugs me back. After we pull away I put my temporary Glamour Charm back on and make sure I look 100% like Hermione Granger.

Time to face one more day as Hermione Granger instead of Alannah Snape.

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