Chapter Twelve

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~ Hermione Granger / Alannah Snape ~

A two days have passed since my Glamour Charm came off. It's Monday so that means I have classes today. I need to tell Dad that the Glamour Charm came off but I don't know how. I guess I'll just have to stay after class today or something like that. I also have to tell Harry that I'm his half-sister.

"Mia! Hurry up!" Draco yells from the other side of my door.

I groan. I don't see why he keeps up the act of us being a couple in private. Especially keeping up the nicknames that we came up nearly two weeks ago. Grabbing my messenger bag and putting my wand in a pocket inside of my robes, I leave my bedroom.

I head towards the door but I stop when Draco clears his throat. I spin around and look at him expextantly.

"What is it?" I ask, forcing myself to not roll my eyes at him.

"You're still looking like Alannah" Draco says.

I curse silently to myself before pulling out my wand. I put on my perfected temporary Glamour Charm. I arch a brow at him, waiting to see if it looks perfect.

"Welcome back Hermione" Draco jokes.

I roll my eyes with a huff before putting my wand back in its pocket. We leave the Heads dormitory together and he grabs my hand, like he does every day. Unintentionally, I interlace our fingers together. Which I've done for the past few days.

We keep walking down the hallway and I almost stop when I see Dad walking towards us. He stops a few feet from Draco and I, causing us to stop.

"Miss Granger, Mister Malfoy, please follow me" Dad says flatly

He spins on his heel with a flurry of black fabric and starts walking back to where he was walking from. Draco and I share a confused look before we follow the older wizard. Dad leads us down to the Dungeons and in to the Potions Classroom.

He closes the door behind us and walks over to his desk. Draco and I are both looking at him with expectant looks on our faces.

"Draco I know you were evesdropping on Hermione and I's conversation last week. I assume you are blackmailing her for some reason and are making her pretend to be your girlfriend. As her father I cannot let this continue" Dad says, narrowing his eyes at Draco.

"Fine. Is that all Professor?" Draco asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"For you yes" Dad says.

Draco nods and silently leaves the Potions Classroom. The room falls silent after Draco leaves the room.

"How much does he know?" Dad asks.

"Everything" I say quietly.

"Everything? Is there more?" Dad asks, arching a dark eyebrow at me.

"The Glamour Charm came off on Saturday" I said.

Dad looks at me with wide eyes. I pull my wand out and take my temporary Glamour Charm. His eyes get wider, if possible, and a smile forms on his face when the temporary Glamour Charm is fully off. Severus Snape can actually smile?

"You look so much like your mother....and Potter" Dad says, his smile quickly turning into a scowl.

"We do have the same mother" I quickly point out, sounding like a complete know-it-all.

"I know that Hermione" Dad says, scowling at me.

I look at the clock behind him and it says 6:55. Shit! Classes start in basically half an hour and I haven't had breakfast yet. I put the temporary Glamour Charm back on and put my wand away.

"I have to get to breakfast. I'll see you in class later" I say quickly.

Dad nods and I leave the classroom. As expected, Draco is standing outside of the door waiting for me. I groan but he grabs my hand anyways. We walk away from the Dungeons and towards the Great Hall.

"I told Ginny" I whisper.

"What did you tell her?" Draco whispers back.

"Everything" I reply, not feeling the need to whisper since no one else is near us in the hallway.

"And you haven't told Potter yet?" Draco asks with a small chuckle.

I not so lightly elbow him in the side and glare up at him. He looks down at me with narrowed stormy grey eyes.

"I take that as a no then" Draco replies, rubbing his side where I elbowed him.

"I haven't told him yet. I will eventually" I say with a sigh.

"That means you'll have to deal with me until then" Draco says with a smirk.

"Great" I say sarcastically.

"I'm great to be around so I don't know why you're being sarcastic" Draco says with a huff, sounding like a little kid who didn't get what they wanted.

I roll my eyes but decide to not say anything in response. We arrive at the Great Hall and there's almost nobody in here. I walk over to the Gryffindor table and sit down. Thankfully Harry and Ron are still eating.

"Hey" Ron says, in between bites of toast.

I grab a piece of toast and a goblet of pumpkin juice. I take a quick swig of my pumpkin juice and a small bite of my toast.

"Hey" I said.

"How have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in forever" Ron comments.

It's true, Ron and I don't see each other that often out of classes and meals. It's the same with Harry and Ginny but I talk with those two more then I talk with him.

"I've been good actually. How have you been?" I ask, genuinely interested in how my best friend has been.

"I've been good" Ron say with a genuine smile.

"That's good. Where's Ginny?" I ask the two of them.

"She went to class early with Luna and Neville" Harry says.

Over the year that Harry, Ron, and I were hunting horcruxes Ginny became very close friends with Luna and Neville. They were friends before hand but they became extremely close when the Death Eaters were ruling the school.

"Nice" I say with a slight nod.

I finish my piece of toast and wash it down with the last of my pumpkin juice. It's time to go to class so Harry, Ron, and I leave the Great Hall together. Draco, like usual, was waiting for me outside of the Great Hall. Harry and Ron don't voice their uneasiness with Draco around but it's clear on their faces.

I wish they could grow up and at least be civil towards each other. But that would require a miracle.

Hermione who? {Wattys 2017}Where stories live. Discover now