Chapter Seven

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~ Hermione Granger ~

A few minutes later McGonagall enters the Great Hall with all of the First Years following behind her. Some of them look scared but the majority look in absolute awe of the Great Hall and the castle. I remember being in their shoes, eight long years ago. It seems like it was decades ago but in reality it hasn't even been a decade since I learned that magic was real.

"Remember when that was us?" Harry asks quietly.

I slowly nod my head and a small smile appears on my face. That was back when there was no war, no adoption, no anything involving Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Back then life was somewhat peaceful, something the Wizarding World hasn't been for nearly three years.

The sorting ceremony starts with the Sorting Hat singing the song it sings every year. By the end of the sorting ceremony Gryffindor has 13 new students, Slytherin has 12, Ravenclaw has 10, and Hufflepuff has 11.  McGonagall has a quick speech about the third floor and the Forbidden Forest before the feast begins. Almost immediatly after the food appears on the plates, Ron starts eating.

I decide to not say anything and put a little food on my plate. Harry and Ginny pile food onto their plates but not as much as Ron, obviously. If Ron was allowed he would probably eat all of the food on the platters on the whole of the Gryffindor table.

"You okay? You aren't eating a lot" Ron says between bites.

"I'm fine, just not that hungry" I say honestly.

Ron nods and starts eating again. He has not changed one bit since First Year when it comes to food and his diet. Not much has changed about Harry either, other then the fact that he matured a heck of a lot during the war. Hell, everyone who fought in the war matured. Even Malfoy matured, if that's possible.

"When are you supposed to talk to Snape?" Harry asks.

I look up from my food to Harry, my half-brother. I want to tell him so badly but I can't. Snape doesn't want me to and I don't want to piss him off. And I'm pretty sure Harry will be pissed to learn that our mother cheated on his dad with my dad.

"Soon, but I'm not exactly sure when" I reply.

The three of them all look up at the teachers table at the same time. Why do they have to make everything we speak about so obvious?

"Don't look!" I hiss at them.

They all return their gaze to me, looking sorry and embarrassed at the same time.

"He doesn't know that you guys know and he told me not to tell anyone, including you three" I whisper.

"Does he seriously not expect you to tell us? We're your best friends?" Ginny asks, sounding hurt.

And one of you is my brother is something I almost say, instinctively wanting to correct Ginny. Dang, that was a little to close for comfort.

"I don't know Gin, it is Snape after all" I reply.

"Yeah but he's your dad" Ginny replies quietly.

"So?" I ask, arching a brow at her.

"Which means you are somewhat like him" Ron replies in place of his sister.

"Since when have I been like him?" I ask.

Harry, Ginny, and Ron all exchange a look before returning their gaze to me. I give them all a confused look.

"Since forever Mione" Ron says with a laugh.

"Whatever" I say with a huff.


The four of us talk about basically nothing important until the food vanishes from the platters, marking the end of the feast. McGonagall stands up and the whole Great Hall falls silent. It's time for her to announce that Malfoy and I are Head Boy and Head Girl.

"It is time that I announce this years Head Boy and Head Girl. Our Head Girl is Miss Hermione Granger and our Head Boy is Mister Draco Malfoy" McGonagall announces.

The Great Hall sits in stunned silence for a moment before someone starts clapping, everyone else following their lead. It wasn't a Gryffindor or a Slytherin so I would bet that Luna was the first student to start clapping.

I look up once again at the teachers table to see Snape looking at me. He's politely clapping but his eyes are filled with pride. I give him a small smile before turning to face my friends.

"Will you two please come and see me once the feast is finished. Everyone else off to bed!" McGonagall exclaims.

Since Harry and Ginny are House Prefects they jump up and start rounding up the small First Years. I walk up to the teachers table where McGonagall is standing. Malfoy beat me there by a second, whatever it's not like that matters.

"Follow me, I shall show you two to your dormitory" McGonagall says curtly.

Malfoy and I simply nod and follow the older woman out of the Great Hall. We walk down several different corridors. McGonagall stops in front of a large painting of the deceased Professor Dumbledore. The painting is located near the Dungeons, far away from Gryffindor Tower.

"The password is 'Thaw' and you both will be living here for the entire year. You are allowed to stay your house dormitories but not often. And limit telling only four other students about where your dormitory is" McGonagall says.

Professor Dumbeldore looks at Malfoy and I with a michevious glint in his eyes before the portrait swings open. McGonagall leads us inside of the Heads dormitory.

The Common Room has two couches, one emerald green and one crimson red. The wall is painted a cool creamy color and the floor is a dark wood. There is a large fire place in the middle of the wall, probably linked up to the Floo Network. There's a desk in the far corner of the room and celling high bookshelves cover most of the walls. On the opposite side of the wall as the portrait there are two doors. One of them is emerald green and silver and the other is crimson red and gold; the house colors of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

"I'll leave you two to settle in" McGonagall says.

"Good night Professor" I say.

McGonagall nods and leaves the room, closing the portrait behind her. Malfoy almost automatically walks over and opens the Slytherin colored door. I do the same with the Gryffindor colored door.

My new bedroom is probably as big as one of the girls dormitories back in Gryffindor Tower. The floor is a light wood and the walls are also a cool creamy color. The queen-sized bed is put snugly in the corner and has Gryffindor themed bedding. There's a desk in the other corner as a wardrobe close to it. My trunk is on the floor at the end of my bed.

On the opposite wall as my bed is a gold colored door. I walk over to it and open it. It's a large bathroom complete with a shower, tub, toilet, two sinks, two mirrors, and other bathroom necessities. The silver colored door on the other side of the room opens and in walks Malfoy.

We have to share a bathroom?

"Why didn't McGonagall tell us we have to share a bathroom?" Malfoy asks no one in particular with a groan.

"How am I supposed to know?" I retort.

Malfoy looks up at me and glares at me with his signature glare.

"I wasn't asking you, Granger. Isn't your job to know everything anyways?" He asks smugly, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"No, it's not" I reply, glaring right back at him.

"Whatever. Good night Granger" Malfoy says as he walks back into his own room.

"Night Malfoy"

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