Chapter Twenty Three

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~ Hermione Granger/Alannah Snape ~

"Mia hurry it up! We don't want to miss the train!" Draco yells from the Common Room area of our dormitory.

I sigh and grab my beaded bag. I'm going to Malfoy Manor for the holidays with Draco and his parents. Even though I'm somewhat scared to return because that's the place where I was tortured by Draco's deranged aunt, Bellatrix Lestrange. They wanted me to come because I'm pregnant with Draco's baby and I am their best friends daughter. Dad told Mr and Mrs Malfoy sometime before Draco sent the letter to Mrs Malfoy telling her that I was pregnant. Somehow Mr Malfoy isn't serving time in Azkaban. But he and Mrs Malfoy are under house arrest for the next year or so, at least until the remaining Death Eaters are rounding up and sent to Azkaban.

I leave my bedroom and meet up with Draco in the Common Room. He takes my hand and leads me out of our dormitory. We walk down the halls of the castle and soon enough we are outside of its walls and outside. The chilly December air hits us in gusts. Of course it had to be windy when I'm not wearing an extremely thick coat.

We walk down to Hogsmeade Station and board the Hogwarts Express. Draco and I part ways there, him going to sit with Blaise and Pansy while I go to sit with Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

I slide open the compartment door where Harry, Ron, and Ginny are sitting. They all smile at me when I enter the compartment. I sit myself down next to Ginny. Harry and Ron are sitting on the other side of the compartment.

"Hey Mione" Harry says.

"Hey Harry" I said.

"So Malfoy isn't sitting with us today I presume" Ginny says.

Even though Draco and I have been together for months now Harry, Ron, and Ginny all still refer to him using his surname. He does the same thing for them. It's very immature and I hope they knock it off by the time the baby is born. Which will be in July, if she or he arrives on time.

"Yeah, he's sitting with Parkinson and Zabini" I said.

"How have you and the baby been?" Ginny asks.

I haven't started to show yet but I am only two months pregnant after all. Ginny asks me about how the baby is literally every time I see her.

"The baby and I are fine" I say, smiling at Ginny.

Ginny nods her head with a smile on her face. I can tell that she can't wait to be an Aunt. Personally I think she'll be great at it.

"Are you still staying at Malfoy Manor for the holidays?" Ron asks, sounding concerned.

"Yeah" I reply.

"Seriously?" Harry asks.

"Yes, seriously. Don't worry about it Harry, they wouldn't dare to harm me there again. I am carrying Draco's child after all" I say, subconsciously putting a hand on my stomach.

"True. Come to the Burrow immediatly if there are problems" Harry says, sounding like he was sternly talking to a child.

"I know Harry" I say, smiling at him.

He nods his head and smiles back at me.

"Who else is going to be there?" Ginny asks.

"It's going to be me, Draco, Draco's parents, and my Dad for most of the holidays. Parkinson and Zabini are coming for their annual Christmas Party. I can see if you guys can be invited?" I say, not knowing if they would want to come or not.

The Malfoy Christmas Party, according to Draco, is a lavish party that his parents have thrown every year since before Draco was born. All of the Pureblood families are invited so the Weasley's should be invited. But the other Pureblood families claim that they are blood traitors since they adamantly don't think Purebloods are the best type of Wizards.

"If we aren't invited that's fine Mione. But please make sure to visit us at least once" Ginny says with pleading eyes.

I nod my head. I have to visit them at least once over the holidays. Doesn't sound too hard to accomplish.

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