Chapter Nineteen

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~ Draco Malfoy ~

Sitting down at the Slytherin table for breakfast this morning I know something is wrong. Probably because both Pansy and Blaise are looking at me with worried looks on their faces.

"What's got you guys' panties in a twist?" I ask the two of them.

"Just read this mate" Blaise says, handing me the newest edition of The Daily Prophet. The headline picture is of Hermione and I from the night before the Halloween Party, which was over a month ago. The picture is of when Hermione and I were deciding what she was going to wear. How did they get a picture of that? Thank god she has the Glamour Charm on or else we would be screwed.


In light of recent events, we must all ask this question. What is the true identity of our communities favorite war heroine? Lately she has been seen canoodling with ex-Death Eater and pretty boy Draco Malfoy. What does this mean for the brightest witch of her age? Read more on pg.3

Written by Rita Skeeter

I throw the paper down on the table with a snarl on my face. That woman has no place writing about me or Hermione, especially Hermione!

I look around the room to see Hermione scowling down at a piece of paper, probably the newest edition of The Daily Prophet. She looks up and we make eye contact. I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Draco, I'm not trying to sound like an asshole, but why Granger? You could have any girl you want and you chose the Gryffindor Princess" Blaise says, remnants of disgust on his face.

Even though Blaise never vocalized it, he also was a victim of the Blood-Status craze that had Purebloods hating on Muggleborns for centuries. After the war we all know that everyone bleeds the same but old ways die hard, for some people.

"Because I her" I say with a smile.

"Well as long as you're happy and will stop trying to eye fuck her across the room I'm fine with it" Pansy says, slapping me on the back.

My face turns beets red and I turn to face my female best friend.

"I-I don't do that" I splutter.

"You used to mate" Blaise says with a laugh.

"Shut up Zabini" I snap, glaring at the Italian wizard.

Both he and Pansy start laughing to my dismay. I groan and start wishing that breakfast could be done with sooner so I can be with Hermione and not these idiots.

That's when Hermione jumps out of her seat and basically runs out of her seat. In an instant I'm on my feet chasing after her. It seems like I'm not the only one who cares because Potter, Weaselette, and Weasel are also following after her.

She runs into the closest girls bathroom. I follow her inside and so do the Gryffindor's. Hermione rushes into one of the stalls and closes it behind herself.

"Hermione, love? Are you okay?" I ask from outside of the bathroom stall, not caring that her friends are right there.

That's when I hear her throwing up. She's been having morning sickness for the past few days.

"Malfoy what did you do to her?!" Potter asks from behind her.

I spin around to face the raven haired wizard. He may be Hermione's brother but he doesn't have to right to think that I would hurt her in any way.

"I didn't do anything to her, Potter" I snarl at him.

"Then why has she been complaining of morning sickness for the past week and a half? You probably got her pregnant!" Weaselette exclaims.

Hermione's been complaining for that long and hasn't talked to me about it?

"We've had sex once!" I say in retaliation.

"She's my sister Malfoy, I didn't need to hear that" Potter says, scowling at me.

The bathroom stall behind me opens and I feel a smaller hand slip into mine; Hermione.

"Guys please stop fighting" Hermione says softly.

"Hermione are you okay?" Potter asks, genuine worry on his face.

Hermione and Potter have been best friends ever since First Year and that's before they knew that they were half-siblings. They've acted like brother and sister ever since Fourth Year so it must be an easy transition into being actual siblings for them.

"I'm fine. I just need to take a pregnancy test" Hermione says, a grim determination taking hold of her face.

"Malfoy if she is pregnant I'm going to murder you. And we all know that Snape will do worse" Potter says, a disturbing grin on his face.

We all know how Snape can be and he'll probably kill me if he learned that Hermione and I have kissed, let alone had sex. And what will he do when he learns that he's going to be a grandfather when he isn't even forty years old yet? I'm dead, definitely dead.

"We're both legal adults so that's all that matters" Hermione says, a small scowl on her face.

"But you're still at school. And you'll probably have the baby, if you're pregnant, right after we graduate" Weasel points out.

"Whatever Ron. Let's just get to class" Hermione says with a huff.

"You're probably pregnant and all you can think about is your education. You certainly are a strange one" I say, smiling down at my girlfriend.

"And you love me for it" Hermione says with a smile.

"I know I do" I say with a smile.

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