Chapter Twenty Two

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~ Draco Malfoy ~

"Class dismissed" Snape says, glaring at every student except for Hermione.

Today is the day that Hermione and I are going to tell Snape that she is pregnant. Hopefully I make it until dinner tonight. And if I don't it was Snape who killed me. Hermione and I share a look before she starts to approach Snape's desk. All of the other students have already left the classroom.

We told Potter, Weasel, and Weaselette about the pregnancy last night. They also know that we're telling Snape today. That's why they didn't stay behind with us. I assume I should probably call them by their first names but whatever. Old habits do indeed die hard after all.

Snape looks up from his desk at Hermione and I. He arches a brow but makes a motion with his hand telling us to sit. Which we do.

"I thought I told you two to cease your pretend relationship" Snape says flatly, looking between Hermione and I.

"Our relationship isn't pretend, Dad. Not anymore anyways" Hermione says, nervously scratching her arm.

"Is that all you two had to tell me?" Snape asks, arching a brow at his daughter.

" Uh...I...we're having a baby" Hermione mumbles.

But Snape heard what she said, despite her mumbling. His eyes bulge wide and his mouth is slack jawed. Only for a second though before he returns to his usually emotionless demeanor.

"What?" Snape asks harshly.

"You're going to be a grandfather" Hermione says, looking somewhat scared of what he does next.

"'re only nineteen years old. You don't need a baby right now" Snape says softly.

"So? I'm not giving my baby up for adoption. And you were nineteen when I was born" Hermione says stubbornly, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"I wasn't ready to be a parent and you aren't me or your mother. Do as you wish with the child. I'll be there for them as much as I can" Snape says with a sigh.

Hermione smiles widely. She stands up and walks over to Snape. She gives him a quick hug before walking back to her desk and grabbing her things.

"Coming?" Hermione asks me, a smile still present on her face.

"Hurt her or the baby and I will kill you Draco" Snape whispers so Hermione can't here.

I nod before standing up and gathering my things. Hermione and I leave the Potions Classroom together.

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