Chapter Twenty Six

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~ Draco Malfoy ~

I turn in the mirror, admiring my new tuxedo. It's all black, like usual, and has an emerald green tye. Today is the day of the Malfoy Christmas Party. Alannah walks over to me and smiles. She's wearing an emerald green floor length dress. She's wearing natural looking makeup or she isn't wearing any at all. Her baby bump isn't extremely noticeable yet but it will be soon. She's roughly only one month along after all.

"You look beautiful" I said, kissing her on the cheek.

She smiles and a light blush takes hold of her cheeks. Which makes her look even cuter.

"Thanks babe" Alannah replies, a small smile on her face.

She looks extremely anxious. Which is undertstandable since tonight is the night the she is going to be introduced to the world as Alannah Snape, not Hermione Granger.

"Everything's going to go smoothly Alannah" I say, trying to comfort her.

"Please call me Mia. It's the nickname that you picked out and I need some normalcy tonight" She says with a sigh.

"Alright Mia. I've got to go but I'll see you later" I say, kissing her on the forehead.

She nods and I leave our room. I meet up with Mother and Father at the top of the grand staircase. All of the guests are already here and are mingling in the foyer. I see a group of redheads and a black haired man in the corner of the room; the Weasley's and Potter. People from the Daily Prophet and Witch Weekly are closet to the stair, waiting for the next big scoop. Which will be Alannah. They're both wearing black, as usual. Father is wearing an all black suit and Mother is wearing an all black floor length dress.

"You look lovely Draco. Is Alannah ready?" Mother asks.

I nod. She should be ready.

"Alright" Mother says.

She presses her wand next to her next and clears her throat, using an voice enhancing spell. Everyone turns to face the grand stair case.

"Hello friends and honored guests and welcome to Malfoy Manor! We have a very fun night ahead of us but let us go small introductions of sorts. I am Narcissa Malfoy, but most of you knew that already" Mother starts.

The crowd down the stairs starts clapping for a moment before Mother shushes them.

"This young man here is my son, Draco Malfoy. The other, not so young man here is my husband, Lucius Malfoy" Mother jokes.

Father jokingly narrows his eyes at her, causing the guests to start laughing.

"But, we have one more introduction to be made. She used to be known to the Wizarding Community as the brightest witch of her age, the brains of the Golden Trio, and as Hermione Granger. May I introduce to you Miss Alannah Snape!" Mother says, turning around.

Right on que, Alannah walks out from the hallway behind the grand staircase and takes her place next to me. There's a loud murmur amongst the guests. A few reporters take photos of Mother, Father, Alannah, and I. There's the front page for all Wizarding publications for the next few days.


"So you used to be Granger" Blaise says to Alannah.

Blaise, Pansy, Potter, Weasel, Weaselette, Alannah, and I are all sitting at a table in the ballroom. The party started an hour ago and all of the adults are mingling. Mother and Father are even talking to Mr and Mrs Weasley.

"Yes" Alannah replies.

"Alannah I'm so so sorry for how we've all treated you over the years" Pansy apologizes to Alannah.

"Thank you Pansy" Alannah says.

"So you and Draco are dating huh. I'm suprised Snape hasn't murdered him yet" Blaise says with a laugh.

"He wouldn't kill the father of his grandchild" Alannah blurts out.

My eyes widen and so do the eyes of everybody else at our table. Why did Alannah blurt that out? It was probably an accident. Potter, Weasel, and Weaselette already know but Blaise and Pansy don't.

"You're pregnant and Draco didn't tell us?" Blaise asks, turning his head to face me.

"I was going to tell you guys" I mumble, looking at both Blaise and Pansy.

They roll their eyes at me but they both nod their heads.

"How long?" Pansy asks Alannah.

"Around Halloween" Alannah replies.

Pansy and Blaise both slowly nod their heads.

"Have you guys thought of any baby names?" Pansy asks.

Alannah and I shake our heads in sync. We haven't even talked about baby names yet. Maybe we should do that during our spare time over break.

"Really? Then you should name your baby after me" Pansy says cheekily.

"What if it's a boy?" Alannah asks, arching a brow at Pansy.

"Then name it after Blaise" Pansy says with a shrug.

"" Alannah says harshly.

Everyone else laughs. At least everybody is getting along. And we always thought that it would take a miracle to be civil towards one and other. I guess you could say that the miracle here is Alannah.

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