Chapter Five

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~ Hermione Granger ~

Today is the day that every student is returning to Hogwarts for the rest of the school year. It also means that soon I'll be able to speak with Severus Snape, my biological father. It still seems that it's not possible that he is my father and that Lily Potter is my biological mother. I slept at the Burrow last night and had gone school shopping with them the week beforehand.

"Gin wait up!" I exclaim.

Ginny is basically dragging me on to the Hogwarts Express. She slows slightly, allowing me to get my breath back and to move next to her. We walk on to the train together and walk through it. We haven't been to the Slytherin side of the train in all of our years at Hogwarts and we want to keep it that way so once we see the entry way for that side of the train we spin around and walk in the other direction.

Ginny ends up finding the compartment that Harry and Ron were in. They had entered the train without us, saying that they wanted to save us a compartment or whatever. I slide open the compartment door and walk inside, Ginny right behind me.

Harry looks up at the two of us and smile. Ron does the same. Ginny sits down next to her boyfriend while I sit down next to Ron. Who is not my boyfriend, we decided to just stay friends after the war had ended. The kiss we shared in the Chamber of Secrets just stayed between us and as far as I know Ron hasn't told anyone. Because I haven't told anyone. It's not like it's relevant so what's the point in bringing it up and having Harry and Ginny freak out about it?

"I'm glad the two of you decided to come for the year" Ginny says, looking at her brother and her boyfriend.

"I'm glad that I decided to come" Harry says with a smile on his face.

"Do any of you know who made Head Boy?" I ask.

I made Head Girl this year and it isn't a shocker to anybody. I'm the brightest witch of the age after all so it just makes sense that I'm Head Girl for my last year at Hogwarts. But even though I'm Head Girl I don't know who my male counterpart is. And it isn't Harry, he's a house Prefect though. And so is Ginny.

"No, did they not tell you?" Harry asks.

"Nope" I say with a sigh.


Half an hour in to the train ride there is a knock on the compartments sliding door. We all look up to see the last person we would ever expect to be standing there; Draco bloody Malfoy. For some reason not known to me, I stand up and slightly open the door.

"What is it that you want, Malfoy?" I ask politely, not wanting to get in a fight.

"McGonagall wants to see the two of us" He says flatly, no emotion present in his voice or on his face.

I look back at Harry, Ron, and Ginny who all have apprehensive looks on their faces. Since its Professor McGonagall I have to go but why is Malfoy going as well.

"I'll be back in a few" I say.

I open the compartment door enough so I can slip out into the hallway. I slide the door closed and as soon as it closes Malfoy starts walking down the hallway. I speed walk to catch up with him.

"Do you know why she wants to see the two of us?" I ask.


Great, Malfoy is giving me the silent treatment like a child for doing nothing. It is Malfoy after all, he could be doing much much worse. Maybe he's Head Boy and that's why McGonagall wants to see the two of us? No way is that possible....right?

We reach the Heads Compartment and Malfoy opens the door. We walk in and I close the door behind us. The compartment is as large as a medium sized Muggle living room. There are a few windows along the walls and coaches under them. McGonagall is standing and looking out one of the windows when we enter. There is a desk in the middle of the room, facing basically all of the couches.

She turns around and greets us both with a curt smile.

"Mr Malfoy, Miss Granger, I know you two must be wondering why I want to see the two of you. Correct?" She asks with an analytical gaze.

Malfoy and I nod at the same time.

"It is because you two are Head Boy and Head Girl this year. There are many things to speak about so please, take a seat" McGonagall says, gesturing to the couches.

I look at Malfoy and force my mouth not to open in shock. How is Malfoy Head Boy and not Harry? Deciding to not ask any questions, I do as I am told and sit down on one of the couches. Malfoy sits on the couch next to me.

McGonagall smiles and sits down at the desk in the middle of the room.

"You both know that you have to remain civil in front of other students so here on out no more public fighting and name calling. And you two will be sharing the Heads Dormitory" McGonagall says.

"W-what?" Malfoy and I splutter at the same time.

"You both will be fine. I will show you to your new dormitory once the feast is over" McGonagall says with a dismissive wave of her hand.

What is she expecting by forcing Malfoy and I to share a dorm? For us to get over our vast differences and fall in love or whatever? Well that sure as hell is not happening!

"As for your duties, you will patrol the halls of Hogwarts one night a week. The other nights are covered by staff an the House Prefects. You both also have the power to give and take house points and dish out detentions with reason, of course. Any questions?" She asks, looking at Malfoy and I.

"No, Professor" I say.

"Very well. You may return to your compartments now" McGonagall says.

Malfoy and I stand up at the same time. I leave the compartment first, Malfoy right behind me. We walk down the corridor in complete silence. It's quite refreshing compared to the constant noise the Weasley family brings with them.

"See you later Granger" Malfoy says as we reach my compartment.

I turn to look at him but he's already walking away, walking towards the Slytherin side of the Hogwarts Express. Deciding not to say anything, I slip back into the compartment. Harry, Ginny, and Ron all look up as I enter.

"How'd it go?" Ron asks.

"Fine, Malfoy is Head Boy though. I have to share a dorm with him for the whole year" I say with a groan.

"Seriously? McGonagall knows you and Malfoy's history so why is she allowing that?" Harry asks.

"I don't know. Maybe she thinks we can finally get along?" I say with a shrug.

"Doubtful, it's Malfoy" Ron says with a roll of his eyes.

True, but he did make the effort to be civil towards me today. Hopefully that will continue for the rest of the school year.

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